Chapter 9: Dream's resolve

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Bad and Sapnap were both freaking out. They had been freaking out ever since they had returned to the village they had been on edge. Dream hadn't regained consciousness yet, and he had gained a fever on top of it.

The only thing that was helping was the strange glow that emitted around Lord Momochi's hands. Neither boy knew what it was , but they were certain it was some kind of strange jutsu.

It had been three days since the incident. Bad and Sapnap hadn't slept, they stayed up all night with each other worrying their heads off about Dream. Due to the both of them staying awake, they noticed Lord Momochi never left Dream's side. He permitted the two to come in and check on Dream, but always ordered them to shower, eat, drink, and rest.

On the fourth night Dream finally woke up. Bad and Sapnap were excited and burst through the door.

"DREAM!" Sapnap screeched rushing to the bed and engulfing Dream in a tight hug. Dream groaned out of pain.

"Sap, please, I'm still sore. My whole body feels sore all over what the hell happened." Bad frowned but was clearly holding back tears, "Language you muffin head!"

"How long have I been out for? I feel like sh-crap." Bad sighed, "Dream you really shouldn't worry about that right now. Let one of us go get sensei. He's been the one taking care of you night and day, ever since you got hurt." Dream raised an eyebrow, "What, No way. No way in hell was the infamous Lord Momochi looking after some random kid day and night."

"Dream believe me, Momochi sensei has been dotting over you like some nurse. He hasn't left your side. He's been taking care of you, changing your bandages, putting cold clothes over your forehead, hell he's even been using some strange jutsu where his hands glow green and hovering them over you."

"It's called medical ninjutsu." The three boys turned towards the door and saw Lord Momochi knocking gently at the door. Dream noticed he had a blind fold on. He was going to ask about it-until he realized he wasn't wearing his mask. Dream looked around franticly and realized there was a new looking mask on the table at his bed side.

"You might want to hold off on putting on your new mask. your head injury might still bother you, I'd wait for a few days until trying it on."

Dream nodded and a question popped into his head, "How can you see with that blind fold on? Are you using some special optical jutsu?"

Lord Momochi chuckled, "No, the only known optical jutsu that can see through things are the sharingan and the byakugan, and as I am not a member of either then Uchiha or the Hyūga clans I doubt very much I'm using either. What I'm using is a special sensory jutsu of mine. Nothing to worry about, I can make out everything except for details. Your identity is quite safe Dream."

Dream nodded, "Wait, have you been wearing that thing, this whole time? How have you been taking care of me then?" "Hmm well, this jutsu mixed with my medical training allowed me to help you as if I wasn't blindfolded in the first place."

"Sensei is Dream going to be OK. Please tell us he's going to make it!" Sapnap begged concern evident on his face and in his voice.

"Yes Sapnap. Dream is going to be OK. I promise, the worst of it is over. The injury lead to an underlining illness to come to the surface, but I managed to rid him of it. However I'd like to examine you two as well, in order to insure that your both OK. Your quite the fighter Dream, I'm rather proud of you."

Dream bit his bottom lip. "Y-you really care don't you. Even though I treated you so poorly, and refused to call you Sensei, you still went out of your way and helped me. Why?"

Lord Momochi smiled. A strange smile that seemed as if it was just as foreign to its very self as it was to the three genin. It was small and wobbly, almost as if it was unsure on rather or not it should even exist. 

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