can't stop dreaming about you

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Jeres POV

It's been around 2 hours since he sent the message to Bojan, and still no reply. What if they've just ruined everything? What if he ruined everything?

Staring down at the bright screen, it felt like it's been biting him and causing more pain then he already is in.

The tick mark on Jere's phone just kept him wondering why Bojan didn't answer. Maybe he was mad? Maybe he was embarrassed. Maybe he didn't want to see him ever again.

The room was surrounded in silence and the irritating thought of the Slovenian singer. Nothing more. His flight was leaving in 6 hours, and he wanted to at least say goodbye to Bojan as this might be the last time they'll ever see each other. This horrible thought made him emotional. Tears trickled down his soft skin and enflamed his heart. He must go check on Bojan.

His body forced him to get up, get dressed in an instant. He had to go check on his B̶O̶Y̶F̶R̶I̶E̶N̶D̶ best friend.

A click occurred when he locked him hotel room, now all he has to do is find Bojan. Couldn't be thay hard. All he had to do was look for a room with the number 163. That was Bojans room number.

Walking down the hollow hallway, he searched and scanned every door, but non of them were the singers. Fate must be against him today.
He just couldn't find his way to his room.

"Where's Mr Käärijä going, huh?" A calming chuckle embraced him and looking up from the ground, he could see Alessandra, from Norway heading his direction.

"Hi Alessandra! Do you know where uhm m. . Bojan room?" He asked politely and received a quick smile leading her to roll her eyes.

"Bojan, Bojan, Bojan, that's all I hear for you, but it's just upstairs, going to find your boyfriend?" She laughed at him and placed her hand on his back. All these 'boyfriend' comments are attaking him at this point. He didn't mind it, he just wished it was real.

"Ah thank you, yes yes! He my best friend!" He glanced at her and rubbed her back, as a thank you. Now, all he had to do was go upstairs and find room 163.

"Go find your mans." She said as walking away briefly, whilst muttering "they're such lovebird's" thinking he couldn't hear her.

He suddenly heard a ping from his phone and released he gotten a text message from his brother, Mikke, shit.


missä vitussa sinä olet, oletko pakkannut vielä? Lentomme 4 tunnissa!

(where the fuck are you, have you even packed yet? Our flights in 4 hours!)


Shit. He hasn't even packed. But he had to find Bojan. He has to say his goodbyes and hug him for the last time.

He stumbled around the hallway and the numbers '163' sparkled in his eyes.


He found the mans room! Took long enough. He gave three gentle knocked and received the noise of a door opening.

"Wh- Jere! Come inside, I've missed you!" Bojan exclaimed with a wide smile which filled the others heart with a warm welcoming.

"Jokerman! I miss you too!" He hugged Bojan and then he was dragged into the hotel where they would have share their lips with each other. So this was real. This wasn't a joke.

"My flight is coming in uh.. 3 hour now, so I wanna say bye, to my favorite person!" Jere said, he saw a blunt look on the Slovenes face, opened mouthed and staring right at his chest.

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