Oh no, whos going to catch me?

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Bojans POV

Bojan and Jere descended from the bridge, where they had shared their first date, with a sense of nostalgia in their hearts. As they strolled hand in hand, a gentle breeze brushed against their faces, carrying with it the sweet scent of blooming flowers. The sun cast a warm glow upon them, creating an ambiance of serenity and tranquility.

Entering the park, they found themselves surrounded by a lush green landscape. The rustling leaves whispered secrets of the past, as if welcoming the couple to their private sanctuary. Bojan's heart swelled with a profound sense of love and contentment, knowing that he was sharing this special moment with Jere. The large park sprawled out before them,an expansive oasis of green in the heart of the city. As Bojan and Jere entered through the grand wrought-iron gates, they was greeted by a sight that took my breath away. Towering trees stood tall and proud, reaching towards the sky, their branches adorned with vibrant leaves that danced in the gentle breeze. The park seemed to stretch on endlessly, inviting me to explore its hidden treasures.

Paths meandered through the park, leading to various pockets of beauty. They followed one of these winding trails, the crunch of gravel beneath my feet adding to the symphony of nature. Along the way, they encountered beautifully manicured gardens, bursting with a kaleidoscope of colors. Roses, tulips, and daisies painted the landscape, their sweet fragrance filling the air.

In the heart of the park, a serene lake mirrored the sky above, its surface shimmering with tranquility. Ducks glided gracefully across the water, while children gathered excitedly at the edge, tossing breadcrumbs and watching in awe as the birds flocked towards them. The sound of laughter echoed, blending harmoniously with the sounds of nature.

Nestled among the greenery, they discovered charming picnic areas and inviting benches, inviting visitors to pause, relax, and soak in the peaceful atmosphere. Families gathered for leisurely lunches, friends chatted animatedly, and couples whispered sweet nothings to each other. The park was a sanctuary for connection, offering a space for cherished moments and cherished conversations.

With every step they took, Bojan felt a deep connection blossoming between them. The park seemed to come alive as they walked, their laughter and animated conversations filling the air. Time seemed to stand still as they explored the winding paths, discovering hidden nooks and crannies along the way.

Jere's presence brought a sense of security and warmth, melting away any worries or troubles that Bojan carried in his heart. The way Jere looked at him, with eyes filled with adoration and understanding, made Bojan feel cherished and deeply loved.

The couple found a secluded spot under a towering oak tree, its branches providing a canopy of shade. They sat down, their bodies nestled close together, and Bojan marveled at the simplicity and beauty of the moment. The world around them faded away, leaving just the two of them, their souls entwined.

They both lay on the cold floor and started tracing the clouds to see if they could make any pictures from them. Bojan could see one - When he proposes to Jere. Even if he had to propose in heaven, he would.

"Oh nooo, I need prince to kiss me so I live!" Jere said whilst closing his eyes and pouting his lips out, how could he reject this?

"Oh nooo! You're prince is coming!" Bojan dramatically said and gave a small kiss on his lips.

"Not good enough." He giggled and pouted his lips a bit more.

Bojan then grabbed his face with both hands and gave him the longest and lovable kiss ever. Their lips matched perfectly together.

They were meant to be. Forever.

"Thank you, my prince. One more time?" He said and gave him a bright smile.

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