Im glad you're okay

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Bojans POV

Bojan and Mikkie stood side by side in Jeres' dimly lit apartment, their hearts pounding with a mixture of anxiety and fear. Time seemed to stretch endlessly as they anxiously awaited the arrival of the ambulance, their minds racing with worry. Each second felt like an eternity, as if the universe itself was taunting them, prolonging their agony.

Bojan's hands trembled as he tightly clutched Jeres' frail fingers, desperately hoping for a sign of life. The weight of the situation pressed heavily upon his chest, making it difficult to breathe. A suffocating silence filled the room, broken only by the sound of their anxious whispers, pleading for the ambulance to arrive, to bring salvation to their beloved Jere.

Mikkie paced back and forth, his footsteps echoing in the empty space, a reflection of the turmoil within his soul. His mind was a whirlwind of anguish and regret, replaying every missed opportunity to convince Jere to take their medication. Guilt gnawed at his heart, tormenting him with the knowledge that this could have been prevented. Tears welled up in Mikkie's eyes, blurring his vision, as he clung desperately to the hope that help would arrive in time.

The room felt heavy with a sense of impending doom, a suffocating cloud that seemed to hang over their heads. The weight of their love for Jere, their shared memories and dreams, bore down on them, threatening to crush their spirits. Fear mingled with an overwhelming sense of powerlessness, as they grappled with the realization that their beloved Jere's life hung in the balance.

With every passing minute, the tension grew, their nerves stretched to their breaking point. Bojan's heart ached with a mixture of despair and determination, his love for Jere fueling an unyielding resolve to see him through this ordeal. Mikkie, his face etched with worry lines, clung to the last shreds of hope, his love for his brother giving him strength to endure the unbearable wait.

And then, like a beacon of light cutting through the darkness, the wailing siren pierced the silence. The sound was a symphony of relief, a lifeline that at once dispelled their anguish and rekindled their hope. Tears of gratitude streamed down their faces as the ambulance finally arrived, its arrival heralding a new chapter in Jere's battle for survival.

In that moment, the weight that had burdened their souls began to lift, replaced by a glimmer of optimism. The ambulance doors swung open, revealing a team of dedicated medical professionals, ready to fight for Jere's life. Bojan and Mikkie clung to each other, finding solace in their shared strength and determination. Hand in hand, they stepped forward, ready to face whatever lay ahead, their love for Jere unwavering and resolute.

"Only one of you can come in the ambulance." One of the paramedics said, while picking Jere up without any sharp actions.

"Bojan, you go, I go in call." Mikke said while looking into his eyes, and giving him a tight hug. It gave hin flashbacks of how much he missed his and Jeres hugs.

"Thankyou, Mikke." Bojan muttered out. He didn't even realize there were tears forming in his eyes. His beloved boyfriend, in pain.

What if they weren't on call that night, would he of remembered to take his medication?

Oh God. This was all his fault.

Guilt washed over Bojan like a tidal wave, threatening to drown him in a sea of regret. Every pang of pain that etched itself onto Jere's face felt like a piercing arrow straight into his heart. Bojan's mind replayed the moments leading up to this agonizing ordeal, each one a reminder of his perceived failure to protect the one he loved. The weight of responsibility bore down on his shoulders, pressing him into a state of self-blame that felt unbearable.

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