My last memory was your face

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Jeres POV

Notes before we start

This chapter is a long one, so I hope you're ready to read a lot!
So get ready!

Jere's eyelids grow heavy as he leans back against the plush cushions of his sofa, holding his phone close to his ear. The soothing sound of Bojan's voice fills the room, wrapping him in a warm embrace. The fatigue that had plagued him throughout the day finally catches up, and Jere's eyes flutter closed. The soft timbre of Bojan's words becomes a lullaby, guiding him into a peaceful slumber. As sleep claims him, the phone slips from his grasp, and Jere drifts away into a world of dreams, his heart filled with the comforting presence of his beloved.

In the depths of Jere's dream, a bittersweet longing is met with the miraculous reunion of his soulmate, Bojan. The ethereal realm they find themselves in is adorned with vibrant hues, reminiscent of their shared memories. Time seems to stand still as they lock eyes, their gazes intertwining in a profound connection that transcends the boundaries of the dream world.

With a gentle, trembling touch, Jere's hand caresses Bojan's cheek, as if confirming the unfathomable reality before him. Overwhelmed with a flood of emotions, tears well in their eyes, reflecting the profound love that has endured the distance and time apart. The weight of their separation melts away, replaced by the warmth of an embrace that mends every broken piece of their hearts.

And then, in a moment of sheer vulnerability, their lips meet in a tender and passionate kiss. It is a kiss that speaks of longing, of loss, and of an unyielding love that has withstood the test of time. It is a kiss that mends the ache of separation and ignites a flame of hope, intertwining their souls in an unbreakable bond.

A sudden pain broke Jere from the perfect dream. Why now?

As Jere slowly opens his eyes, his head throbs with an unsettling heaviness. The room spins around him, and a wave of dizziness washes over his body. A sickly feeling creeps up from the pit of his stomach, intensifying with each passing moment. He clutches the sheets tightly, hoping to steady himself, but the nausea persists. A bitter taste lingers in his mouth, adding to his discomfort.

With great effort, Jere manages to sit up, but the world around him continues to sway. The sharp ache in his temples pulsates, making it difficult to focus. Beads of perspiration form on his forehead, a testament to the fever that courses through his body. A queasiness rises, and he feels an urgent need to vomit. He stumbles towards the bathroom, his steps unsteady, as if he were traversing a treacherous path.

As Jere reaches the bathroom, his body convulses with an overwhelming urge to empty his stomach. He collapses before the toilet bowl, clutching it for support. Waves of nausea wash over him, causing his body to tremble uncontrollably. His mouth waters, and a bitter taste rises in his throat. With a violent heave, he retches, expelling the contents of his unsettled stomach. Sweat beads on his forehead, mingling with tears of discomfort as he empties himself, feeling utterly drained and utterly sick.

As he cautiously took a step back from the toilet and just sat on the freezing ground. His thought spun him around and made him dizzy.

What the fuck was going on?

Jere's body convulses with intense pain as he struggles to stand up. The bathroom spins around him, his stomach churning in protest. He had just thrown up, leaving him weak and disoriented. Every movement sends waves of agony through his body, making it difficult to find his balance.

Desperate to reach his phone, Jere stretches out his arm, his muscles trembling with the effort. But just as he inches closer, his phone starts ringing. The screen lights up with his boyfriend Bojan's name, but Jere can't bring himself to answer. The pain is overwhelming, clouding his thoughts and leaving him unable to focus on anything else.

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