The ocean lookes at me like you, ill be fine

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Jere's heart shattered into a thousand tiny fragments as he discovered the painful truth: his beloved boyfriend, Bojan, had betrayed him by cheating. The weight of betrayal hung heavy on his chest, suffocating him with a profound sadness that seemed to seep into every fiber of his being. The world around him turned gray, mirroring the colorless void within his soul. It felt as though the very essence of their once vibrant relationship had been tainted, leaving Jere consumed by an overwhelming sadness.

With a heavy heart, Jere found himself drawn to the bridge where he and Bojan had shared their first date. As he walked towards it, memories flooded his mind, each image intertwined with the sting of betrayal. The bridge stood tall, its weathered stone pillars a stark contrast to the turmoil boiling within Jere. The gentle breeze whispered through the cracks, carrying a melancholic tune that mirrored his desolation.

The bridge, once a symbol of their love, now became a painful reminder of what they had lost. Jere felt a bitter knot forming in his throat as he gazed upon the place where they had shared laughter, stolen kisses, and dreams of a future together. The wooden planks beneath his feet creaked under the weight of his sorrow, echoing the cracks in his shattered heart.

The river flowed beneath the bridge, its steady current a reflection of the ceaseless passage of time. Jere watched the water, its surface mirroring his own turbulent emotions. Each ripple seemed to whisper his pain, as if the river itself mourned the loss of their love. The once vibrant surroundings appeared muted and lifeless, as if the world shared in Jere's desolation.

Jere stood at the edge of the bridge, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. Tears streamed down his face, tracing the contours of his anguish. In that moment, he felt an indescribable emptiness, a void that seemed impossible to fill. The bridge, once a place of happiness and promise, now served as a painful reminder of the shattered trust and the absence of hope.

The more he looked down at the ocean, he felt the urge to jump down, and make Bojan regret everything. Make him hurt just lile he hurt him.

10 hurtful seconds pasted and then he took the chance.

Maybe one day they'll meet again and be happy one they were before.

He regrets nothing.
Nothing at all.
He only regrets meeting Bojan.
Hes greatful.
He made him do the thing he was longing to do for ages.

The last thing he remembers was the warm ocean engulfing him and taking him do a different universe with no stress or pain.

Time of death.


Cause of death.

Bojan cvjetcicanin.

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