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Bojans POV

As Bojan's face lit up on the FaceTime call, his heart swelled with joy at the sight of his boyfriend, Jere. Jere's distinctive black bowl cut complemented his overall style, giving him an edgy yet endearing appeal. Bojan adored how the hair framed Jere's face, accentuating his striking features. But what truly captivated Bojan were Jere's gorgeous blue eyes, twinkling with warmth and kindness. They were like the vast ocean, drawing Bojan in with their depth and beauty.

Jere's soft skin was a canvas of tenderness, inviting Bojan to caress it with gentle affection. Every touch was a reminder of their connection and the intimacy they shared. Bojan admired Jere's commitment to taking care of himself, evident in the flawless texture of his skin. It was a testament to Jere's dedication to self-care, creating a nurturing environment for their relationship to thrive.

But it wasn't just Jere's physical attributes that made Bojan adore him. Jere's bright smile was infectious, capable of lighting up the darkest of days. It was a smile that radiated happiness and genuine love, leaving Bojan feeling utterly cherished. That smile had the power to melt away any worries or doubts, replacing them with an overwhelming sense of contentment.

As Bojan continued to gaze at Jere through the screen, he couldn't help but reflect on the deeper qualities of Jeres. The ones who made Jere who he was. The special one who he fell in love with.

They were just laughing and telling each other jokes which would of been unfunny to any other person. But to them, they found it funny. It was their little inside joke. That they only understood. These jokes came from silly little nicknames or mocking each others english or actions.

But Bojan just wanted more. He wanted his head to lay on the Finns chest once again. Like the last day they were together. In peace.

He didn't want to be apart from him anymore.

He just wanted him. He needed him.

Yes, he was selfish. But who could blame him? Every one wants Jere, but Jere chose him. Why?

These thought made his face drop to agony all across. And then, the Finns attention was caught by it.

"Bojan! Are you okay?" His face full of concern and worry.

Say yes.
Say yes.
Say yes.

"Oh yeah! I'm just tired." Bojan answered. Finally. The words came out of his mouth.

"Go sleep! We talk tomorrow." Jere said and giving a long smile which he wishes was with him.

"Thank you for understanding. I love you, goodnight, sleep well." Bojan replied and giving a smile back. But wanted to give a kiss back.

"Goodnight Joker man! I love you."

And then a buzz which cut their contacts and made Jeres face disappear from his phone.

As Bojan sat alone in his room in Slovenia, a heavy feeling of longing weighed upon him. The distance between him and his boyfriend, Jere, seemed unbearable. The ache in Bojan's heart was profound, and he couldn't help but feel consumed by sadness. Each passing day only intensified his yearning to hold Jere, to feel the warmth of his embrace, and to look into his eyes without the constraints of a screen.

The physical separation between them felt like a vast void, an insurmountable barrier that prevented Bojan from experiencing the closeness he craved. The absence of Jere's touch left a lingering emptiness in Bojan's soul. The simple act of holding hands or sharing a tender kiss seemed like a distant memory, a bittersweet reminder of what they were missing.

Bojan often found himself lost in daydreams, imagining what it would be like to have Jere by his side. The longing for Jere's presence consumed his thoughts, making it difficult to focus on anything else. The distance felt like an unending abyss, amplifying the ache of their separation and leaving Bojan feeling utterly desolate.

Only if he could just teleport to Finland.

Bojan finds himself unable to sleep, despite his exhaustion, as his thoughts continuously revolve .around his boyfriend, Jere. The weight of sadness hangs heavily over him, casting a somber shadow on his restless nights. Every attempt to find solace in slumber is thwarted by the persistent ache in his heart, as thoughts of Jere invade his mind, reminding him of their painful separation. The absence of Jere's presence amplifies the emptiness within Bojan, leaving him engulfed in a profound sense of melancholy that lingers, haunting his sleepless nights.

He was craving his touch.
He was craving his breathe on his.
He was just craving him, his drug of choice.

He couldn't stop is cravings.

The only way to stop them, was to get drunk.

So he decided to go to a club.

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