I just need you and i just want you

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Jeres POV

It's already been a whole week since the last time him and Bojan had skin contact. Even though it was only a week, it felt like years. The only person who was in his thoughts was Bojan. No one else. He didn't care about anyone other than Bojan.

God how much he hated this long distance relationship.

All he could do is lay in his head, staring at his plain ceiling. Even his ceiling had the words 'Bojan' incraved in it.

The longing for Bojan's presence weighs heavily on Jere, causing deep emotional pain. Jere yearns for the comforting connection and affection he shares with Bojan, intensifying his sadness.

Every passing moment without Bojan feels like an eternity for Jere, whose heart aches with an indescribable longing. The mere thought of his boyfriend's absence stirs up a whirlpool of emotions within him, drowning him in a sea of melancholy. Jere yearns for Bojan's gentle touch, his warm embrace, and the comforting presence that used to mend all wounds. The emptiness that engulfs him amplifies his sadness, casting a shadow upon his days and nights, as he dreams of a time when they will be reunited once again.

Lying in his bed, Jere finds solace in the soft embrace of the pillows, his thoughts consumed by the absence of his beloved Bojan. The room is dimly lit, mirroring the heaviness that weighs upon his heart. Just as he begins to succumb to the depths of despair, a flicker of hope emerges in the form of a message notification. His heart skips a beat as he reaches for his phone, trembling with anticipation. With trembling hands, Jere unlocks his device, and there it is - a message from Bojan, a lifeline in the sea of longing. In that moment, the room transforms into a sanctuary of love and warmth, as Jere's face lights up with a mixture of relief, joy, and tears of longing finally finding solace.



Can you call baby?


A short message. The short message he's been waiting for.

Without even hesitating, he clicked the call button and a face appeared on his screen. A soft face which he has been wanting to see for ages.

"Hey, my love!" those words could make him just fly up to heaven at this point. A trace of a smile followed right after those words from the man who's face was painted on the phone..

"Hi handsome, you look great." He responded, he just wanted Bojan to be with him right now. To hug him.

"Could say the same about you." Bojan giggled and winked at him.

Even though Jere didn't really know what he meant, he understood that it was something romantic.

"Any plans today?"

"Yeah, thinking about you."

That sentence made Jere experience an emotion he never felt before.

"Aw Joker man! I love you."

"I love you too, have you got any plans?"

"Only a quick interview, oh and you on my heart."

He quickly saw that they both were smiling and bright pink.

"I got a surprise for you, but I can't tell you yet."

"My romantic Joker man, surprise for me? Yes, yes?"

"Only for you."

Only for you. Those words were the only ones he needed to hear. Well maybe also all the I love you's.

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