Please, dont go

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Bojans POV

As the sun began to cast its faint glow on the horizon, Bojan stirred awake, the soft caress of the early morning light gently coaxing him from his slumber. Blinking away the remnants of dreams, he found himself nestled next to his love, Jere, who lay peacefully beside him, lost in the realm of dreams.

Bojan's heart swelled with affection as he gazed upon Jere's tranquil face, his features softened by the innocence of sleep. Time seemed to stand still in those precious moments, as Bojan marveled at the delicate curve of Jere's cheek, the gentle rise and fall of his chest with each breath.

A sense of gratitude washed over Bojan, knowing that he was blessed to have found this love, this connection that transcended the boundaries of distance. In the quiet stillness of the early morning, he silently vowed to cherish every moment, every stolen glance, and every shared heartbeat. With a gentle touch, Bojan brushed a stray lock of hair from Jere's face, savoring the tenderness of the gesture.

In that fleeting solitude, Bojan's heart overflowed with love, a love that embraced Jere's slumbering form and whispered promises of a future filled with shared mornings and eternal togetherness. And as the world outside began to awaken, Bojan held onto the beauty of that moment, etching it into the depths of his soul.

A pair of eyes stared back at him, they were almost shut, but the vibrant colour broke past the gates of the eye lids.

"Good morning." A sleepy voice approached him.

"Good morning, we have to go soon." Bojan said, stoking his hair and smiling at him.

"You look at me when I sleep?" The other said and let out a little laugh.

"You look handsome when you sleep." Bojan answered, with a smirk growing on his face.

"Creep, you know if u want me to wake up, you can just wake me up." Jere said as he turned over, laying on his back.

Bojan saw this as the perfect moment to go on top of him and show how much he loved him. So he did just that.

He was now on top of Jere and laying down on his chest. Listening to his heart whilst the song embrace of the others arm storked his back. His heart was beating slower and slower every minute.


His heart was like a melody which Bojan could listen to as a song. His heart was in sync with his.


"You know, I just want to kiss you." Bojan said lifting up from the older mans chest, staring right into his light blue eyes.

"You could of just done it." Jere said, pulling Bojan closer, and then connecting their lips.

The kiss washed away all their thoughts that Bojan had to be in the air port in 2 hours. Leaving in 4 hours.

Jeres tongue slid into Bojans mouth and started exploring each and every part of him. His left hand squeezing his ass check and his right hand holding his face. There was a couple moans and whimpers exchanged in the kiss.

Bojan knew they had to stop or else they'd miss his flight. He didn't want to stop though, he wanted to carry on. But he had to. They had to.

Another second went past and Bojan finally pulled away, seeing the disappointment in Jeres face made his body fill with guilt. He didn't want to stop. Never. He wanted Jere do to more than just kiss him. But it wasn't the time. At least not now.

"We should shower. We have to get to the airport. Who's first, me or you?" Bojan asked.

"I don't mind." Jere answered, even more disappointment in his voice.

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