Your hockey jersey has your calming sense

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Bojans POV

It felt illegal that he just hunger up the phone from his true love. They only talked for around two minutes. They didn't even get to greet each other properly before Bojans flight was called out. Perfect timing, huh? Definitely not! All he wanted to do was talk to Jere and hug him again but he knows that he can't. They're across the continent.

How on earth did Bojan open up his heart to some type of Finish rapper?


I miss you, wish I was with you.❤️


This is exactly why he loves him. The red heart was luring Bojan closer to his phone, and ended up hugging it. It reminded him of the touch of the man he missed more than the world - Jere.

A small tear trickled down his tear, reminding him about the day when the result were revealed, and 'Käärijä' lost. He remembered how his tears looked like crystals and staining his top. He didn't mind though. Everything about him was perfect. Especially them eyes. Gosh, his eyes were tempting and seducing him. His eyes reminded him on the time he and the other Joker Out boys went to that lake on Slovenia, the lake sparkled in the suns rays and he swore for a second a portal , away from reality, opened up. Maybe the portal was Jere's eyes?

"Bojan. For Gods sake, stop staring at the message and crying like a idiot, you're going to embarrass us"
Kris poked Bojan on the shoulder dragging him to board the plane.

"Oh, yeah sorry" He answered in a sincere voice.

"Don't worry, we've all been in love once." Nace pointed out and the others bursted out laughing.

What even was so funny? Just because he loves him doesn't mean anything. They're just jealous that he found his future and his everything.

"At this point it should be a 6 person band, he's all over the guy." Jan added the comment and slapped Bojans thigh.

"You should've seen him at that party with him. He couldn't take his hands away from his chest!" Jure said right after.

"You lot are cunts" Bojan hissed and gave the most gruesome look ever. It seemed to work because all of them just started to apologies and start snickering about whatever.

But when Jure mentioned the party, his mind went foggy. He remembered it vividly.


They were holding hands and budging threw the crowds of dancing people, who were enjoying themselves.

"Wanna get a drink?" a similar voice which belonged to the man which was already racing to the counter.

"I'll pay." the same voice added after a few seconds.

"Oh now we are talking, get me a beer." he chucked after but the others face was still and serious.

"1 beer and 1 piña colada" smacking the money on the table whilst the man with a intimidating tattoo picked it up.

"Here you go" the same man with the tattoo responded turning around and walking away to serve the other customers.

"Drink up, long night ahead." Jere said with his broken English,  but Bojan found it cute. Extremely cute.

"First i get dragged into a party, now a hot, Finnish man is buying me a drink. Dream come true huh?" He felt like he could scream that for the whole world to heat. He didn't care he called his best friend hot. It was just the truth. 

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