Full of problems, one of them is your eyes.

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Bojans POV

**Trigger warning, there is homophobia in this chapter, no homophobic language or slurs though**

Bojan's heart swells with pride as he watches his boyfriend on TV during an interview. The screen illuminates with Jere's radiant smile and confident demeanor, and Bojan can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy. Seeing Jere shine in the spotlight, passionately sharing his ideas and accomplishments, fills Bojan with admiration and love. As he listens to Jere's words, which he didnt understand, Bojan's mind wanders, imagining what it would be like to be by his side, supporting him through this journey.

A bittersweet longing fills Bojan's heart as he watches Jere from a distance. He wishes he could hold Jere's hand, whisper words of encouragement, and share in the triumphs and challenges that come with being in the spotlight. Bojan yearns for the closeness and connection they share, the moments of celebration and vulnerability that they are unable to experience together in this moment. Despite the physical separation, Bojan remains steadfast in his love and support for Jere, eagerly awaiting the day they can be reunited and create even more beautiful memories together.

On TV during his interview, his attention was immediately captivated by his striking features. His light blue eyes shimmer with a mesmerizing depth, drawing him in with their gentle yet intense gaze. They reflect a world of emotions, revealing his passion, intelligence, and kindness. It's as if those eyes hold the secrets to his soul, and he find himself lost in their enchanting allure.

Beneath his perfectly styled black bowl cut which he thought looked stupid at first, he's reminded of the loving and carefree spirit that resides within Jere . His hair frames his face with a touch of rebellious charm, contrasting beautifully against his soft, porcelain-like skin. His complexion appears effortlessly smooth and flawless, like a delicate canvas inviting gentle caresses. He can't help but imagine the velvety texture of his skin under his  fingertips, yearning to feel its warmth and tenderness.

But it was the sight of his bright red lips that truly captivates him. They possess a captivating allure that demands attention, inviting the world to listen to his every word. With a natural vibrancy, they seem to speak volumes even before he utters a single sound. Those lips, so full and expressive, hold the power to convey both vulnerability and strength, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those who encounter them.

As he continue to watch Jere on TV, he's reminded of the immense love and admiration he hold for him. His unique combination of features creates a magnetic presence that sets him apart, and hes extremely grateful to be the one who gets to witness his beauty both on and off the screen. He just can't wait for his flight to Finland. Then he can experience his real beauty.

His phone flashed, once, twice and then a third time. He reached out to the phone, which was laying on the wooden table next to him. He quickly unlocked it as he thought it was from Jere. But he was wrong. So wrong.


Bojan, kaj za vraga, zakaj nam sploh nisi povedal, da si v zvezi, sploh s fantom. Pridem in jaz in tvoj oče se bova s ​​tabo resno pogovorila. Kaj za vraga je narobe s tabo?

(Bojan, what the hell, why didn't you even tell us that you were in a relationship, especially with a boy. I will come and me and your father will have a serious talk with you. What the hell is wrong with you)


When he saw the message, he didn't even think it was real. This must be fake? He rubbed his eyes around 100 times, still the same words.

How the fuck did they find out? Who fucking told them? If he found out he'd fucking rip out all their organs one by one.

His first thought was to deny it, but what if Jere and him wanted to get married, what would he say? Oh hey mama, so we've been kinda dating for months now, sorry for not telling you? Fuck no! God no! He'd just be asking for a ticket to heaven earlier than he was planning too.

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