Doesnt this make me a...

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Bojans POV

Bojan entered the club and got greeted by flashing lights and loud chatter. He was surrounded by many people and he still felt lonely.

He slivered his way threw the crowds of people, trying to find hid way to the drinks. That was his purpose on coming to the club.

He just wanted to get a few drinks and go back to his apartment. Alone.

His eyes suddenly glistened while seeing the counters where people were sitting and laughing at.

Aha! There it was!

He hurried over and grabbed a seat before anyone else could. He called over the bartender and asked for a vodka. Nothing to fancy.

His mind was still circuling over the same name, Jere. All he wanted to do was see and feel him again. But it was much harder to actually do that.

As he waited, he felt a cold hand on his shoulder, a hand which nails were painted a light blue color,  and the wrist covered in gold bracelets.

"Hey, a lonely handsome man sitting alone? First time I've seen that." The stranger said, sitting down on the seat next to him.

"Oh, hey, I just wanted to get some drinks, thats it." Bojan stated, trying to say he wasn't interested.

But oh, she was stunning.

She had long, luscious dark black hair with a pair of emerald green eyes. In addition, she had a perfect figure. Tall, fairly fin, long legs.

She reminded him of his boyfriend.

"Well, I'm Olivia." She said, a smile with pearling teeth and her lips, almost perfect.

"I'm Bojan." He said.

Maybe he wanted to meet some people.

The bartender came back with his drink and Bojan just drank it, like he never seen one before. Like a desperate teenage boy.

The glass was almost empty the second be got it.

"Another one please."

"Coming right up."

Bojan could only stare at Olivia. She really was stunning, almost perfect. Mesmerizing.

"So." Olivia said as she went next to his ear. "Wanna come back to my place?" She whispered in a leading tone.

He forgot about everything and he didn't care abiut anyone at this moment. Just her.

"Sure." Bojan said with no hesitation.

His final drink came and he drank it as fast as be could. He just wanted to get the hell out of there, with her.

He could feel his throat itching after the drinks, but he loved the feeling. He probably looked like a crazy homeless person which had a drinking addiction.

The women tugged his hand and leaded him out the club. When they exited the door, he felt a pair of lips quickly peck his. Leaving him, blushing and wanting more.

But what about Jere?

He couldn't cheat on him. He loved him.

But, if he doesn't find out.. Is it really cheating?

They made their way into her apartment and when the door slammed close, they started throwing kisses at each other and leading eachother to the bed room.

This felt surreal. Like a dream. He hasent kissed anyone in ages.

Did Olivia really give him in one day then Jere did in a couple of months?

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