Forever in my heart

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Jeres POV

As Jere stirred from his slumber, the weight of exhaustion clung to him like a stubborn shadow. The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the room, illuminating the tranquil scene. Beside him lay Bojan, his beloved boyfriend, still lost in the depths of sleep. Jere's tired eyes traced the contours of Bojan's face, captivated by the delicate features that adorned it.

Bojan's eyes, like pools of warm melted chocolate, glistened beneath a fringe of long, delicate lashes. They held a depth that mirrored the vastness of his soul, radiating tenderness and kindness. His light brown hair, tousled from a night of dreams, framed his face in a casual elegance. Each strand seemed to have a life of its own, falling effortlessly over his forehead and brushing against his temples.

As Jere's gaze wandered, he marveled at Bojan's soft skin, so smooth and delicate to the touch. Its porcelain-like texture seemed to hold the secrets of a thousand whispered promises. The gentle rise and fall of Bojan's chest revealed the rhythmic dance of his dreams, a symphony of tranquility playing out within him.

But what truly mesmerized Jere was Bojan's clear skin, unblemished and radiant like a canvas touched only by the finest artist's brush. Not a single imperfection dared to mar its flawless surface, enhancing Bojan's natural beauty and accentuating the ethereal aura that surrounded him.

As the soft tendrils of sleep began to loosen their grip on Bojan, his eyes fluttered open, revealing a glimpse of the world within. Jere's heart skipped a beat as he witnessed the awakening of his lover's soul, a myriad of emotions dancing in those captivating eyes. Like the first rays of dawn, Bojan's presence illuminated Jere's world, infusing it with a warmth that chased away the remnants of weariness.

Together, they embraced the dawn, two souls intertwined, eager to embark on a new day's journey. And as the sun rose, casting its golden hues upon their shared existence, Jere couldn't help but feel an overwhelming gratitude for the beauty that awaited them both.

"Good morning, my love." Jere whispered as a silent smile was gavered on his face.

"Good..morning my love." Bojan muttered under his breathe, pulling closer to Jere.

The silence in the room surrounded them and wrapped them together.

"I make breakfast?" Jere said whilst rubbing the others luscious locks.

"Mhm. Thank you." Bojan replied, half asleep, turning over and letting go of Jere.

It was some what strange that he let go so easily. But oh well, he was tired. It was 8:26 anyway.

With a renewed sense of energy, Jere tiptoed out of the bedroom, determined to surprise Bojan with a traditional Finnish breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, teasing his senses and invigorating his spirit. In the kitchen, he began his culinary symphony, guided by the cherished recipes passed down through generations.

Jere carefully measured out the ingredients, his hands moving with practiced grace. He whisked together a bowl of buttermilk pancakes, the batter silky-smooth and flecked with hints of vanilla. The sizzle of butter in the pan signaled the start of a mouthwatering feast. As the pancakes turned a golden hue, Jere piled them high on a plate, each one a fluffy masterpiece.

Next, he prepared a platter of crisp, smoky bacon, the familiar smell wafting through the kitchen. The crackling sound as it cooked created a symphony of breakfast delights. Jere's attention to detail extended to the arrangement of the table, carefully placing a jar of lingonberry jam, a staple of Finnish cuisine, beside a stack of warm, buttered pancakes.

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