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Day 2

Seungmin POV

When I woke up I had a schedule, it was a basic schedule nothing out of the ordinary. Paper work of course and nothing after that, weird.

I did the paperwork heading to Jeongins office, then a was tripped....

It was a maid if I remember her name was Hee-Yeon. I could easily tell she was jealous because I worked with Jeongin.

"Why would Jeongin want to work with you, I mean look at you on the floor looking like an idiot" she said "YOUR THE ONE WHO TRIPPED ME" I yelled "I would NEVER, nah your right I totally would" she replied then kicked me.

"OW what was that for.." I replied "because I can duh" she replied before getting interrupted. Foot steps more like running "Seungmin are you ok???" I looked up in was Jeongin, he sounded concerned. I thought he didn't care for me... "I- Mr. Jeongin i was just trying to help him he fell" she replied trying to sound innocent.

"Like I would believe that!, I saw what you did" he replied helping me up. "Now go... I don't wanna interact with people who hurt my personal staff" he replied trying to not sound angry. I was surprised, why would he respond like that.

"Let's go" he replied, oh? "Where are we going?" I asked. "My office, you can sit in there with me sense you seem like your done with everything" he replied. "I- well ok" I replied in shock.

We got to his office and I sat in a chair next to him we talked and, I guess he isn't half bad.
"I'm bored 😐" I said "well what would you want to do you can do anything" he replied with a smile that was actually really sweet.

"Wanna go shopping?" I asked "sure why not" he replied. We got up and went to the mall, "buy whatever you want" he said "Wait really?!" I said "yeah of course all on me" he replied "OMGGG" I Screamed. He looked shocked but I think he would have expected it.

Han's POV

I was up earlier than everyone else, I wanted to get things done early so I had more time to myself. I did what I was told, to take the papers to Lee Know.

I'm not in a rush so I took my time, I had lots of time to spare. I looked around to make sure I was near, I wasn't..... "Am I lost?"

I'm so confused I swore I was going the right way, did I make a wrong turn? I've decided I need to look around, or turn back.

Turning back would make more sense, yeah I should turn back.
Few minutes later...
Where am I? I'm so lost I haven't seen anyone in a bit, how could I get so lost?

Minho's POV

I'm missing paperwork, didn't that new guy have it? Han Jisung.... He's pretty cute but where is he?

I should go look for him.....

I've been looking for like forever maybe I should ask the other members. Think I saw hyunjin and Felix in the dining room.

"Hey have ether of you seen Han?" I asked "No" they replied in unison. "Why?" Felix asked "I can't find him anywhere I think he got lost" I replied "I guess I'll keep looking" I said walking away.

Maybe he wondered into the garden, I looked he wasn't there. I looked everywhere maybe he is somewhere hiding?

Han's POV

I'm starting to get tired, oh? I wonder what this room is, a theater these people must be really rich.

I should sit to take a break I've been looking forever...
Soon enough he was asleep

Back to Minho's POV

I don't recall looking in the theater...
He's here, sleeping on one of the chairs he had the paperwork I was looking for. He looked adorable asleep... WAIT what the hell am I thinking he's my assistant.

Nobody's POV

"I should take him to his room" he said picking him up bridal style.
He placed him on his bed and left making Sure to be quiet while closing the door. Then getting spooked by one of the members.

"Omg, you have a soft spot!!!" He jumped looking to see who it was.... Hyunjin "I do Not" he replied sounding annoyed "you totally do" hyunjin said

"Hyunjin.... 180° for 20 minutes in the air fryer"
Hyunjin ran away knowing he would actually do it...

746 words:)

Hello!!! I Hope you liked this one I have no idea when next will be out might have a messed up uploading schedule 😅
Well it's late night night😊

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