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Mornin time...

Hyunjin was very excited, he had a couple things planned.
He left his room after getting ready.....

 He left his room after getting ready

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He went to go look for Felix, Felix was in the kitchen. He was cooking, even when he has days off be still bakes and cooks.

"Felix! What are you making??" "Breakfast."

Felix was dressed in a cute outfit...

Felix was dressed in a cute outfit

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Kinda like this...

When Felix was done they both sat at the dinning table. Hyunjin loved Felix's cooking and baking, he loved all his skills and hobbies.

Once they were done, they went out...

"Where are we going?" "Somewhere well multiple places actually" "oh ok!"


They were heading to the first place, an Art museum. Hyunjin liked to do art a lot so he thought it would be great. Felix also really liked art, hyunjin always showed him his. So an Art museum was a great date...

Art museum...

"We're here" "An Art museum! Ive always wanted to go to one of them!" "Well you finally can"

They walked in and started looking at the art. They both found this one piece very interesting. They sat there for a while admiring the piece. Then after getting up and looking at others, they left...

They walked this time just talking...
They started talking about that one piece they didn't know why is was so interesting. I guess it just was...

Hyunjin wanted to go to a bakery so he asked Felix

"Hey Felix...." "Yes?" "Lets go to that bakery over there" "Ooo ok!"

They went to the bakery...


It was a very nice and simple bakery. It was quite old aswell, it had been there for a while. Hyunjin and Felix were very excited, they saw lots of things they liked.
They had gotten their things and sat down near a window. They talked a lot to each other, they learned a lot about each other.

After a while Felix started staring at the window. Hyunjin started staring at him, he didn't know  why but he did. Hyunjin stopped because Felix looked at him. Then they started talking, mostly about other members and stuff. Then it went back to the painting they kept talkin about it.

It was an interesting painting yes, but why talkabout it so much?

Once they were done Hyunjin called a driver.

They got in, hyunjin had two more things planned but one was at home.


"Is there more?" "Yes, one more before we go back then something then" he replied smiling

They were heading to a well known area, but for a specific reason...

The Fair...

"We're here" "OMG THE FAIR" "ofc I heard you talking about you wanting to go, so I thought it was a great opportunity"

Felix always wanted to go to the Fair yet he was never able to. Untill today, he finally had the chance.

They both got off the car and went to get tickets. Once they got their tickets they started playing games. They didn't go on rides, neither of them were really ride people.

They had played a few games, they sat down to take a break because they had been running around.
Felix saw a candy apple stand and wanted one. So he asked hyunjin "Hey hyunjin, can we get candy apples?" "Sure why not"
Felix practically dragged Hyunjin with him.

They both got one, hyunjin paid and Felix was very happy. Once they finished them they relized they still had tickets. "Hyunjin can we do the ring toss?" "Yeah" hyunjin couldn't stop smiling because of him.

They walked over to the Ring Toss, then Felix pointed the one he wanted out.

A ferret? It didnt matter to hyunjin he was gonna win it for Felix.

After a few shots he still couldnt get one on. He only needed 5 to win it. Felix was cheering him on (A/N dose that make sense?)
After a few more try's he only needed one more ring to win. "Hyunjin you got this!" Felix said cheering for him.

The he got it...
Felix was really happy he was jumping up and down. Hyunjin was also happy not just from winning, but also because he got to see Felix happy. Felix got his prize then hugged hyunjin, whitch he returned. They did a few other games but they didn't win anything else.

Felix was really happy with the ferret already.

"Why did you want the ferret?" Hyunjin asked curiously "it reminds me of you" Felix replied smiling

Hyunjin blushed a bit he was shocked, by why he wanted it. Yet he didn't think he looked like a ferret.
They started to leave but befor they did, They both spotted the fairest wheel. The only ride they wanted to go on.
They got on and then went up, they stopped at the top and admired the view. Hyunjin was admiring a different view, Felix....
He stoped looked even if he looked amazing in the lighting he didn't want him to relize. Then they got off, heading back for one more thing.


Hyunjin and Felix changed into something more comfortable. Then hyunjin dragged Felix to the home theater. Then picked a movie to watch and watched it for atleast half of the movie. Then Hyunjin was back to staring at Felix,  this time his lips....

(A/N Oooo wonder what happens next😏)

But he was caught this time, Felix looked at his lips aswell. Felix always knew he was staring the whole day.

Before they could relize they started moving closer. Then they relized what they were doing they backed up embarrassed. They continued the movie, then back to looking.
They couldn't help themselves, soon enough their lips connected. The kiss wasn't rough, it was more loving. They started moving their lips in unison, then stopped to breath. They ran out of breath because of the kiss. They both turned a pink but didn't move. They continued the kiss, well they continued making out until they were tired.
They left the movie theater and went to hyunjin's room...


SORRY BESTIES had to end it🤭
Im not spell checking so sorry for mistakes. I wonder what they doing... I have no idea when next one is this one took me forever to write.

Also I was at a party while writing half of his 😀

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