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Jeongin always thought Seungmin acted exactly like a puppy. Since they met actually, he thought he looked like one as well.

The next day.../Seungin

The next day they were both sitting in the main room. Then they relized, they hadn't seen Felix or Hyunjin. They thought it was weird then relized, they both saw Hyunjin and Felix run into Hyunjins room. It was pretty obvious what they did...

Two days after...

Sense all the others took days off, Seungmin and Jeongin had been doing all the work. They didn't mind, But the members gave them a week off. A week is a lot but they did do everyone's work. The members felt bad about it anyway.

The didn't want to take the week off, but the members insisted on it.

The first two days, they used as mental health days. The next day they planned to go on a walk...

Next day...

"Seungmin you ready?" "Uh, Yeah!"

"Seungmin you ready?" "Uh, Yeah!"

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Seungmin's adorable outfit

Seungmin's adorable outfit

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Jeongin's Outfit:)

Jeongin didnt have anything planned because it was a last minute thing. He did find something befor they left, one of the album pop ups. Seungmin had been talking to him about this one album he wanted.

(A/N- you can choose what one)

It was on their walking rout, so it was perfect.


It was a bit chilly that day, Seungmin forgot a jacket. Jeongin thought ahead...

"Hey are you ok? Your shivering" "huh?, yeah im o-ok"
"Here take my jacket" "n-no im fine, you need it more"
"No you do, take it" he put it around Seungmin, after that he wasn't cold anymore.

There was signs pointing to the pop up so Seungmin already knew
"Innie... can we go to the pop up?" "Yeah, of course" he replied smiling.

Pop up...

Seungmin had already found the section he was looking for. Jeongin went to another section to look for something else.

"Innie!" Jeongin jumped in response of being startled. "You scared me, yes?" "Oh sorry..." "Oh no your ok!" Seungmin only replied with a soft smile. "What did you find?" "The thing I was looking for!" "Only one thing?"
"I can get more!?" "Yeah, of course!"
Seungmin got a few other things then they paid and left.


They continued their walk, they were walking for a bit before Seungmin spotted something.


"INNIE!, LOOK PUPPIES!" "do you want to go look?" "YES PLEASE!"

They went to the puppies, they weren't going to get one because they were in a Mafia. Seungmin was sad about it but he understood.

(A/N tbh I forgot about the mafia thing)

They were aloud to pick the puppies up, Seungmin didn't hesitate to pick one up. "Omgggg, look how cute!" "Their adorable"

Seungmin really wanted one, he knew he couldn't maybe if they stopped the mafia...

Jeongin was ready to go, but Seungmin wasn't. He didn't want to let go of the puppies, or leave them.

Jeongin had to drag him away, "I don't wanna leave them" Seungmin said pouting "We have to go" "nooooo"

They had left the puppies and sense it wasn't too late, They got food.

"Seungmin, Where did you want to eat?" "Maybe over there" he replied pointing to a restaurant.

"Well, ok then"

It was a Dumpling restaurant...

(A/N I have to do research😀)


They ordered their food, it took a bit for them to get the food but they talked. Mostly about the members, and how much they annoy them.

Their food was put infront of them, then they started eating.

The continued talking about work and the members for a bit. They thought they should get drinks, sense they were gonna be there a bit.

(Spicy water;) )

Seungmin didn't drink much but it definitely made him tipsy.
Jeongin drank a bit more than him, it didn't do anything to much.

Little later then paid and left...

Walking pt. Who knows...

Seungmin was stumbling a bit, so Jeongin ha dot help him. He called the driver and they started to head home...

Car... VROOM VROOM.........

Seungmin had fallen asleep without Jeongin noticing. He was leaning in Jeongins shoulder, Jeongin noticed but didn't move. He put his hand on his leg instead...

Home time!...

"Seungmin, wake up" "huh?..." "we're back" "ok"

Seungmin hesitantly got up, and started walking to the door with Jeongin.
He tripped....

Jeongin caught him just in time...

(A/N: like with one hand all romantic and stuff)

"I- umm thanks" Seungmin said still kinda out of it. "No problem, just be careful" he replied smiling softly.

They walked inside, no one was there...

"Where is everyone?" "I don't know"

Jeongin walked Seungmin to his room...

"Thanks" Jeongin sat Seungmin down in the bed making sure he didn't fall. "Make sure to get some sleep ok" "I wi-" Seungmin was cut off by his yawn "sleep now.."
Jeongin left the room and went to his, then he realized he left his jacket. So he went back...
"Seungmin have you seen my ja..." Seungmin was still wearing it while sleeping. It was adorable so he didn't bother....

He left and went to his room to sleep...

860 words...

Also Im switching their heights:p

Ok anyway thx for reading love yall byeeeee

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