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The Beginning

Nobody's POV......

BangChan the leader has relized a slight problem while working around the mansion.

Him and the others have been having more trouble when they have paper word, to figure out their next target. They never have enough time to give the others paperwork.

He and the members have decided to do training and some tests, to find 4 personal servants for each member.

ChangBin's POV

"OMG OMG GUYS" Felix yelled as loud as possible "omg what the hell do you want your so loud" seungmin groaned. "I found someone that said to go to xxxxx to audition for 4 servants for these rich people!!!" Said Felix still yelling."Maybe we should go try out, we kinda need the money don't you think?" I asked
"Might aswell maybe we will get the jobs there are 4 of us" Han suggested.

At the Auditions/Training

Nobody's POV

There wasn't very many people because it wasn't treated like a big event.

When the 4 of them arrived it was a lot bigger than they imagined. "I wonder what type of test we are going to be giving" changbin questioned.

The leader BangChan came up to a mic that was put infront of everyone. "Wow who is that" Changbin asked Felix, Felix responded with "That's the leader Bangchan, you like him dont you?" "I-I NO I DONT" changbin whisper yelled
"Sure😏" felix replied.

"We will begin the testing now, everyone will go with different people and do the tests" The leader said. "I guess we gotta go different ways now, see you all after the testing!" They all said bye and headed to do the tests.

The tests included
Running around
Taking orders
And other thing that I can't think of
(Also the Mafia members were watching them)

After testing

"Hey guys!!!" Everyone said " how do you think you did?" Changbin asked Everyone "I think I did pretty good hbu?" Felix asked "I think I did great" Han replied "I think I did better" Seungmin said. "I don't think I did that good😅" changbin replied to Felix.

"The test results will be in shortly please wait for the time being" someone announced.

30 minutes later....

"Results are in!" The announcer said "these people will be maids for the time being" they said
Then named everyone except the 4 boys.

"Wait do you think we got picked!?!?!?" One of them asked "well ofc we are the only 4 left" Seungmin replied.

"You 4 boys have been picked for the personal servants" a employee said. " The members have seemed to take a liking to you 4, consider yourselfs lucky" they said right after.

Each member was taken to a different room in the mansion. Their rooms, they changed and went to meet the members in the meeting room.

BangChan's POV

When the 4 boys walked in I was surprisingly focused on 1 and only 1. He was buff but so cute it was weird but I'm not complaining.

"Please introduce yourselves" the employee said.
"I am Seo ChangBin age 24 it is nice to meet you all"
"I am Han Jisung age 23 it's nice to meet you all"
"I am Lee Felix age 23 pleaser to meet you all"
"I'm Kim Seungmin age 23"

"Now you 4 will pick the servant you would like to work for you" the worker says.

Bangchan went towards the shortest Changbin.
Lee Know already knew what one he liked Han.
Hyunjin really like Felix so of course that's who he chose.
Seungmin was the only one left so Jeongin had no choice even if he thought he was a bit rude.

607 word....

It's like 4 am rn I'm half asleep 😭 hope you liked it I didn't proof read so sorry for mistakes

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