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Day 1

I apologize if this sounds repetitive I'm
not sure how it will turn out😭

BangChan's POV

"Maybe you introduce yourselves to your new servants?" the employee suggested
"Ok" I replied.

"I'm BangChan the leader"
"I'm Lee know"
"I'm hyunjin!"
"And I'm the youngest Jeongin or I.N"

"Ok, now I need to show you what you will be doing every day unless instructed different" "please follow me" the employee instructed them.

No one's POV

"Each one of you will do paperwork, whatever your Members say, and other things that will be told later on".
"You will start tomorrow do as you please for the day, maybe get to know the others". (No more employees now:( )

"I guess we could talk to the people we are working for" Felix suggested "I guess we could" changbin replied. So they walked to the main room to talk to them.

They walked into the room and were greeted "hello!!!" Jeongin said greeting them. "Hi" Han replied awkwardly, they seemed a bit nervous except Seungmin because Seungmin.

"Come sit" Bangchan Said, each sat beside the member they were assigned to. Each one was asked their ages, "I'm 24" "and the rest of us are 23" "what about you guys?" Felix asked. "I'm 26" Bangchan replied "I'm 25" Lee know replied aswell "I'm 23, and Jeongin is 22" hyunjin replied also. Then Talked the rest of the day, and then went to their rooms to sleep.

The Next day.....
A/n: these will be different POVs but the same time if it makes sense

ChangBin's POV

Once I woke up I looked at the schedule I had. Turns out it was mostly paperwork and normal things, I don't know what about but I didn't question it.
I had to run to BangChan's office but ended up bumping into someone. It was one of the new maids, I didn't think they liked me much. "Are you ok?" "Um yeah sorry about that, I have to get these papers to the leader" I replied. "Oh ok, btw I'm Seong-Jin but you can call me star"(Seong-Jin means star) "oh ok, see you around then!" I replied.

I really need to get these papers to Bangchan, I don't want him to be mad at me on the first day. Finally his office, turns out this mansion is a lot bigger than I thought knocking on the door.

"Come in" Bangchan replied "sorry about that sir I bumped into someone on the way over" I replied "No need to apologize" he responded.

"I have all the paper work, if you don't mind me asking what is this all for?" I asked "Surprised you haven't relized, this is a mafia" he replied " What?!!?! I didn't know this is what I was doing" I practically screamed "woah, didn't expect that reaction" he said surprised.

I was still in Shock but I decided to take a brake for a bit...

Felix's POV....

When I woke up I looked at the schedule, I had paperwork and had to cook for hyunjin? I had done the paperwork and was about to take it to hyunjin, but he came into the room I was in instead. "Do you know how to cook?" He asked "yes actually" I replied " could you make something I feel like I'm dying of starvation" hyunjin replied dramatically as always "Well ok what would you want?" I asked. He replied and I made it for him we chatted for a bit, and turns out he's really charming....
Oh no...

589 words....

I feel like it was repetitive but in not sure sorry if it's getting boring I get it. Next will be mostly minsung and Seungin:) hope you enjoyed! Sorry for the short chapters btw

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