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The Garden
There is a new girl

Nobodys POV...

Felix woke up and got ready as he always did.

Felix woke up and got ready as he always did

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His outfit because idk

He did his normal work like he did every day. Once he finished hyunjin told him there was a new maid. He wanted him to introduce himself...

Her name was Etain (it means jealousy)

Felix went to to the entrance door, to see a Blond haired female around his height. "Oh, Hello!" Felix Said "Hello" she replied bowing.
"Felix will you show her where she's staying." "Yes"

They were basically polar opposite's, she was rude, annoying, mean, and the absolute worst. Unlike Felix he was nice, never annoying, and the best person in the world. He was the sweetest one but not everyone liked him, especially her...

"This is where you will be staying with 7 other people, someone will show you around" Felix said arriving at the room. "This is... something" she replied looking disgusted. "Sorry it's not the best" "you should be" she replied sternly. "I- uh..." "why are you still here, go!" she said shooing him.

Felix was a bit sensitive to comments like hers, so naturally he had tears pooling up In His eyes. So when he went to tell hyunjin that she was shown the room, hyunjin was concerned.

"Omg Lix are you ok?!" Hyunjin said reacting to the tears "not really, but I'll be ok!" He replied trying to seem ok. "Are you sure? Was it the new girl!" He replied in a fit of rage and concern. "Yeah.. but I'm ok, really!" "Well just tell me if she does something" "I will..." Felix replied with a soft smile.

The next day...

Felix had finished all his tasks early so he went to the garden for a much needed brake.

When he arrived it was empty, there was only bees, butterflies, and other bugs. He sat on a bench near the flowers, watching the bees.

It was silent apart from the bees buzzing, till a door opened. He looked to see...

He didn't pay much attention, he thought she just had to water the plants. Untill she went up to him...

"Hello" he said when she walked up to him, "yeah yeah whatever, now listen" she said. She was mean as always but Felix thought something was off. "Umm, yes?" He replied
"You need to stay away from hyunjin, He's mine!" She said sternly.
"I can't exactly do tha-" he didn't get to finish befor he was cut off. "Your gonna have to, I don't want you anywhere! Near him" Felix stood up because he couldn't respond. "Where do you think your going, we're not done" she said then Felix stopped. She walked up to him "your not going anywhere" she said pushing him to the ground.
Felix started tearing up, he didn't like being yelled at. He didn't know what to do, except sit there in fear without help. "I-I can try..." "good."

The next few days Felix avoided hyunjin as much as possible. Hyunjin noticed quickly that something happened. He decided to call Felix into his office and talk.

Felix walked into his office, "Felix, are you doing alright?" "Yes sir" Felix hadn't used sir in a while. He always called him hyunjin, "Felix I've told you to call me by my name" "I'm aware" he replied trying to keep a straight face. He wanted to tell him everything but he couldn't, he wasn't able.

Hyunjin walked over to the door where Felix was standing. He cupped Felix's face in between his hands, he flinched in response. "Felix what's wrong." He said trying not to go into a fit of rage.

"It's nothing sir, I'm ok" he wasn't, in reality he wanted to cry and tell him everything. "Felix. Tell me" felix started tearing up again. He told him everything, let's say hyunjin was definitely not happy. He wanted to fire her but he wasn't able, he needed more of a reason.

Felix had cried, a lot so naturally he was tired. Hyunjin told him to wait in his room, Felix didn't hesitate to go into Hyunjins room. He had already finished his work anyway.

They had both changed, they decided to watch a movie and cuddle. They both started to forget what happened, hyunjin was still mad but it soon went away when he saw Felix. He was sleeping in the cutest way possible. Hyunjin turned the movie off and they slept...

745 words

HOW WAS IT? This was originally supposed to be different but I changed it. It's not really angst tho😭 cute ending


I would have posted earlier, but I was on vacation for a few days and I could only write late at night.
I hope you liked im gonna go to sleep now byeeeee 😘

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