Chapter Three

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Destroyed City Daytime, Dean and Sarah leaves the hotel and takes a look around; the area is devastated, everything broken or graffitied on or both and then they both suddenly hear something, like glass smashing and they goes to investigate." The first sign of life Dean and Sarah sees is a Girl in an alley with a teddy bear they approach her her slowly and Dean says "Little girl? Little girl? Are you hurt?" Sarah says "You know the not-talking thing is kind of creepy, right?" Blood drips from the Girl's mouth, she shrieks and attacks Dean with a shard of glass. Dean flattens her and looks around, catching sight of a large piece of graffiti: it reads "CROATOAN". and says "Oh Crap."

Suddenly a group of people infected with the same disease as the little girl makes an appearance and set their sits on the both of them, they notice and their eyes go wide without hestitation they both started running and of course the group had started to chase them, onto a street blocked by a chain-link fence thankfully there appeared several soldiers on tanks, shooting the Infected People and a glass window shatters and one of the soldiers flicks a switch on an electronic device. The Contours' "Do You Love Me" plays and the soldier drinks from a glass bottle. Gunfire, two infected People fall and a soldier jumps out of a tank and several Soldiers advance with gunfire and more infected people fall, Dean and Sarah stays under cover and retreats to an alley, more infected People fall.

Dean and Sarah makes it to the safety of an alley and they stay there until nightfall, when they started moving again Hot Zone Enclosure, Dean and Sarah breaks through the fence and they both notice a sign that reads, "CROATOAN VIRUS HOT ZONE NO ENTRY BY ORDER OF ACTING REGIONAL COMMAND AUGUST 1ST, 2014 KANSAS CITY, Dean says to Sarah "August first, 2014." Dean hotwires a conveniently located, conveniently fueled car and they both get in and Sarah sits in the front seat with Dean in the drivers seat and There is no cell service and only static on the radio and Sarah looks over to Dean saying, ""That's never a good sign." 

Then Suddenly from behind them Zachariah could be heard and he's reading from a newspaper saying, "Croatoan pandemic reaches Australia

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Then Suddenly from behind them Zachariah could be heard and he's reading from a newspaper saying, "Croatoan pandemic reaches Australia." That causes the both of them to jump, Dean is the first to speak up saying, "I thought we smelled your stink on this Back to the Future crap." Zachariah says ""President Palin defends bombing of Houston." Certainly a buyer's market in real estate now let's see what's happening in sports oh, that's right —no more sports. Congress revoked the right to group assembly well what's of Congress, that is. Hardly a quorum, if you ask me." Dean asks "How did you find us?" 

Zachariah says "Afraid we had to tap some unorthodox resources of late—human informants, we've been making inspirational visits to the fringier Christian groups and they've given your images told to keep an eye out." That's when they both clock on to what he meant and Sarah speaks up saying, "Wait the Bible freak outside the motel—he, what, dropped a dime on us?" Zachariah says "Onward, Christian soldiers." Dean says "Okay, well, good, great. You have had your jollies, Now send us back, you son of a bitch." Zachariah says "Oh, you'll both get back—all in good time. We want you both to marinate a bit." 

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