Chapter Seven

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Overpass Daytime, Crowley releases Pendleton, Castiel speaks into the phone "The demon Crowley is making a deal; even as we speak, it's—going—down." Lakeside, Daytime Dean is on the phone Sam and Sarah leans against the car "Going down? Right, okay Huggy Bear, just don't lose him." Sam and Sarah turns to Dean "I won't lose him." Underpass Pendleton turns to walk back to his car and Crowley says "Enjoy the obscene wealth and see you in ten years." Crowley fiddles with a cell phone while he walks, then vanishes. Castiel follows him, vanishing as well. Mansion, Castiel is still on the phone "I followed him. It's not far, but—it's layered in Enochian warding magic. "I can't get in." 

Dean says "That's okay, you did great

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Dean says "That's okay, you did great. We'll take it from here." The Impala drives off and Inside the Mansion Daytime, Crowley pours himself a drink with lemon and watches a black-and-white film involving Nazis, whilst that was happening inside outside of the mansion a young woman  turns around to wait; it's Jo Harvelle and the gate swings open and two men approach the first man says "Evening, pretty lady. Get yourself on in here." Jo says "I just need to make a call." First Man says "You don't need to call anyone, baby." He glances back at his partner "We're the only help you're ever gonna need."

Jo says "You know what? I think I should wait by my car." Jo turns to go, The First Man grabs her shoulder; his eyes go black "We said, get your ass in here." Jo shakes him loose and flattens him. The Second Man is stabbed through the neck with what must be Ruby's knife; Sam is holding it and he stabs the First Man too, Dean says "Nice work, Jo." Jo says "Thanks." Sarah hangs Jo a bag she thanks her and then pulls out wire cutters Jo says "Okay. Shall we?" 

Inside the Mansion Nighttime, Crowley is still watching his film when the electricity cuts out and he leaves the room, Sam asks "It's Crowley, right?" Crowley says "So. The Hardy Boys finally found me, Took you long enough." Sam is holding Ruby's knife and Dean a shotgun neither Jo or Sarah is not in sight Crowley approaches, stopping when he sees his rug is rumpled. He looks underneath; a devil's trap has been drawn on the bottom of the rug "Do you have any idea how much this rug cost?"  Two men grab Sam and Dean from behind, disarming them and pinning their arms Crowley holds up the Colt "This is it, right? This is what it's all about." Crowley aims the gun at Dean , then adjusts his aim and shoots both Men "We need to talk privately."

Crowley leads Sam and Dean into another room and Dean says "What the hell is this?" Crowley says "Do you know how deep I could have buried this thing?" Crowley waves a hand; the door slams shut "There's no reason you or anyone should know this even exists, except that I told you." Sam says "You told us." Crowley says "Rumors, innuendo, sent out on the grapevine." Sam asks "Why? Why tell us anything?"

Crowley aims at Dean again, "I want you to take this thing to Lucifer and empty it into his face." Dean says "Uh-huh, okay, and why exactly would you want the devil dead?" Crowley says "It's called— Crowley puts the gun down "Survival. Well, I forgot you two at best are functioning morons— Dean says "You're functioning...morons..." Crowley says "Lucifer isn't a demon, remember? He's an angel an angel famous for his hatred of humankind. To him, you're just filthy bags of pus, If that's the way he feels about you, what can he think about us?" Sam says "But he created you."

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