Chapter Nine

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Inside Alice's Apartment Daytime, Sam asks " were the one who found the bodies?" Alice's Roommate says "There was blood everywhere...and... other stuff...I think Alice was already dead." Sarah says "But Russell wasn't?" Alice's roommate says " I think he was, mostly, except... he was still sort of...chewing a little." Sam says "Oh, uh-huh." Alice's roommate speaks up and asks, "How do two people even do that--Eat each other to death?" Sam says "That's a really good question. Now, the last few days, did you notice her acting erratically?" Alice's Roommate asks "How do you mean?" Sarah says "He means, did she seem...unusually hostile, aggressive?" Alice's Roommate says "No way, Alice never drank, never even swore. She was a nice girl and I'm talking, like, a nice girl--Like she still had her promise ring, if you know what I mean." Sam says "She was a virgin?" 

Alice's Roommate says "No premarital,  I used to wonder how she did it

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Alice's Roommate says "No premarital,  I used to wonder how she did it. I mean, you know, didn't do it and it was her  her first date in months and she was so excited." Sam says to Sarah  "Apparently, they were both pretty excited."  She nods her head and agrees with him, they head back to the motel and once inside, Sarah took off her high heel and they had both entered with bags of food, Dean notices he was still wearing his suit just not his jacket and speaks up asking, "How'd it go?" Sam says "Um...No EMF, no sulfur." Then Sarah speaks up and she says, "So Ghost possession and demonic possession are both probably out."

Dean says " Hmm. That's where I was puttin' my money." Sarah says "Nope." Dean rubbing his eyes says " Well, then what, then? Oh, guys! At the coroner's-- you didn't see these bodies. I mean, these two started eating a- and they just... kept going. I mean, their stomachs were full. Like - like...Thanksgiving-dinner full. Talk about co-dependent." Sam speaks up saying, "Well...I mean, we got our feelers out. Not much more we can do tonight. Alright I'm just gonna go through some files. You two can go ahead and do whatever you want to do." 

Dean speaks up and says, "Sorry?" Sam speaks up and says, "Dean, it's Valentine's day. Your favorite holiday and now you've got yourself a girlfriend, go and have some fun." Sarah goes over to the fridge and grabs herself a beer, Dean speaks up and says, "Oh, yeah. Well... be that as it may...I don't know. Guess I'm not feeling it this year." Sarah then goes back to the fridge and gives Dean a beer which he thanks her and gives a kiss before they both sit at the table with Sam, going through files whilst that was happening, in an office it was night-time,  Brad looking at some papers "Ouch! No me gusta have you been proofing this thing, Jimbo?" Jim says "Sorry." Brad says " Tell me you are not checking your cellphone again! Man, she's got you on a leash."

Jim looks up from his phone and to his friend Brad saying, " I'm not on a leash, Brad. She just wants to know where I am." Brad says "She just wants to know that you're whipped." Jim says " It's not like that." Brad says "Oh, yeah. It's like..." He then makes a whipping sound, and gesture Jim says "Brad, just give me two minutes." Brad says "No, man. No I'm the project leader on this thing, and I'm not gonna half-ass it just 'cause my wingman has gone mental over some chick he met, like, a week ago." Janice says "Jim." crying, Brad says "Holy crap." Janice asks " Where were you?"

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