Chapter Thirteen

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Inside the Elysian Fields Hotel Lobby nighttime, Sarah, Sam and Dean enter the lobby, soaked and gasping. Lounge music plays Dean is the one to speak up first and says, "Whew. Nice digs, for once. Busy night." Front Desk attendant Chad says "Any port in a storm, I guess. If you could just fill this out, please." Dean says "Yeah." Chad says "Sir, I think... Shaving nick there." He hands Dean  a tissue " Your key." Dean says "Oh thanks and hey , you wouldn't happen to have a coffee shop, would you?" Chad says "Buffet all you can eat, best pie in the tri-state area." Dean says "You don't say so?" Inside the Buffet Hall, Man says "Heaven, right?" Dean scoffs "Trust me, pal... better."Sarah says "We should hit the road, Dean." 

Dean says "In this storm? I-it's--" Sam says "It's biblical yeah exactly, I-it's friggin' Noah's ark out there, and we're eating pie." Dean asks "How many hours of sleep did you both get this week? What? Three? Four? Bobby's got his feelers out, okay? We have talked with every hoodoo man and root woman in 12 states." Sarah says "Yeah, well, me and Sam not giving up." Dean says " Nobody's giving up especially me we're gonna find a way to beat the devil, okay? Soon. I can feel it and we will find Cas, we'll find Adam. But either of you are good to me burned out.

Sam says "Yeah. Yeah, okay." Dean says "Come on, we've actually got the night off for once, so I say let's  try to enjoy it."Inside the Elysian Fields Hotel Hallway, A couple is making out in front of their room and Dean points and smiles, Sam asks "Oh, what are you, 12?" Dean scoffs "I'm young at heart. Wow, We're like Rockefellers. Chocolates! You want yours?" Sarah and Sam in unison says "Knock yourself out." Dean says "Whoa. "Casa Erotica 13" on demand." Sam and Sarah scoffs "What?" Sam says "Isn't this place... in the middle of nowhere?" Dean says "So?" Sarah says "So what's a four-star hotel doing on a no-star highway?" 

 in the middle of nowhere?" Dean says "So?" Sarah says "So what's a four-star hotel doing on a no-star highway?" 

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A woman moans pleasurably on the other side of the wall. We can hear bed thumping, chuckling, then a loud thud which accompanies the brick wall of the room being smashed in from the other side, almost knocking the LCD flat screen television off the wall inside the Honeymoon Suite, The Winchester brothers and Sarah open the door to the room to find it empty. Dean finds a large engagement ring on the floor "Hello?" Sam says "Hello?" Sarah says "Hello? Anyone here?" Inside the Hotel Lobby Nighttime, Dean asks "The, uh, the room next to ours -- t-the couple that are, uh, joined at the lips -- have you seen them?" Chad says "Mr. and Mrs. Logan -- the honeymooners? They checked out why is something the matter?" 

Sarah says "They checked out?" Chad says "Mm-hmm. Mm, just now." Sam says "Really? It sort of seemed like they were, uh... chuckles " the middle of something." Dean says "Yeah, it's kind of weird for honeymooners to, uh, check out without this." He holds up the engagement ring, Chad says "Oh, dear. I'll just put that right in the lost and found, don't worry Is there anything else I can help you with?" Dean says "Uh, no. No, we're good." 

Chad says "Super-fantastic." Sarah says "Creepy." Dean says "Broke the needle, Alright  well, I'll scope out the joint, and you keep an eye on Norman Bates over here. I mean, one night off. Is that too much to ask?" Sam and Sarah both follow  Chad as he leaves the front desk, but loses sight of him near the vending machines and there's two slicing sounds,  Sam reaches for his neck, where a fresh cut has appeared whilst Sarah reaches for her arm and notices a fresh cut on there, Dean exits the elevator, and pulls out an EMF detector. Dean passes a room with its door open and we can see an elephant holding a towel, Dean takes a few steps back to look again, and sees Man wrapping a towel around his torso "This ain't no peep show, man!"

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