Chapter 2 - Memorial

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In the last few days, few things had happened. Elena had been training on how to eat animal blood, but Damon didn’t agree to that, blood from the vain was better. So Stefan and Damon had a falling out. And so Damon went to the Grill and Marley followed him of course.

Now, they were sitting at the bar, drinking alone. Sheriff Forbes came up next to him and pulled out a chair. “That seat's taken.” Damon comment. Liz throws down a newspaper in front of Damon and moved to his other side. Damon took the paper and read the headline. “'Faulty gas line leads to tragic explosion at Young farm.'” He throws the paper down. “Really?”

Marley read it also. “Right, idiots.”

Liz sighed. “Better than 'Town Council blown up. Police have no suspects.' Unless the perpetrator is right next to me.” She looked up at Damon.

Damon took a swig of his drink. “Well, don't look at me. I always take credit for killing people.”

“Hmm.” Marley hummed.

Liz continued to stare at Damon. Damon put down his drink. “Seriously, stop looking at me like that, Liz. If I was going to kill twelve people, I wouldn't blow them up, I'd have a dinner party.”

“The explosion was sparked from inside. This wasn't an accident.” Liz finally said.

“It wasn’t.” Marley told her.

“You say that like it's a bad thing. The Council's dead, Liz. I see that as a win.” Damon added.

“Damon!” Marley scolded him.

Liz looked at them. “I've known some of the Council since I was a kid. They were my friends.”

“Well, your friends tried to kill your daughter.” Damon comment as then he saw a man approaching. “Who's the new guy?”

The man spoke to Liz. “Excuse me, Sheriff. Hi, um, I was wondering if I could speak to you for a minute about the explosion at the Young farm.”

“I'm sorry, Mr..?” Liz trailed off.

“Oh, Connor Jordan.” The man, Connor held his hand out to her. He was wearing a black glove.

Liz took his hand and shook it. “Are you with the insurance investigators?”

“No, no, I'm more of an independent contractor.” Connor looked at Damon and Marley. “Can we speak in private?”

Liz nodded. “Sure.”

“Thanks.” Connor walked away. Liz looks at Damon and Marley and followed Connor.

Damon muttered to himself. “Nice to meet you too, Mr. Busybody Guy.”

“Something is off about him.” Marley comment.


Sometime later, Elena approached Damon and Marley at the bar. “Did you do it?” She began to sit down.

Damon glanced at her. “That seat's taken.”

“Why is everyone asking him that?” Marley muttered into her glass.

Elena frowned. “But there's no one here.”

“Well, I'm just going to pretend like there's someone there, because the alternative is just too damn depressing.” Damon sighed.

Elena moved to his other side and sat down. “Did you set off the explosion that killed the Town Council?”

Damon made a face. “Am I wearing my "I Blew Up The Council" t-shirt, why does everybody keep asking me that?”

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