Chapter 13 - The Walking Dead

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Author’s note: I skipped another episode and this chapter is back into Marley’s povs.


A lot has happened, Elena lost her humanity and then finally she turned it back on. My daughters went to new Orleans with Klaus and Elijah, there was a witch / vampire problem. Not to mention Faye is pregnant with Klaus's baby. And there is Bonnie, who is seeing Silas, that Kol had warned about. Also Damon, who was busy these days with Elena, even Stefan. That's how Elena got her humanity back on.


Outside of the Grill, Caroline, Marley and Elena were sitting at a table working on their graduation letters. “Stamp, please.” Elena teared off a stamp and handed it to Caroline. “Thank you.”

Elena looked at them. “You don't have to pretend to be nice to me, Caroline, even you Marley. I know this is just a ploy to keep me distracted.” She sighed heavily.

Caroline looked at Elena's stack of graduation letters. “You're done? I'm only on my second batch.”

Elena held up her single letter. “We have family friends in Denver. Other than that, no one cares that I'm graduating and, to be honest, neither do I.”

Marley was done with her graduation letters. “Well, I’m done.”

Caroline looked at Elena. “I know that's how you feel now, but once you get through this hating Katherine phase...”

“Wait, do you know where Katherine is?” Elena asked to her.

“Oh, by the angel.” Marley groaned. “Why I’m here?”

Caroline shook with her head. “No. Why would I know where she is?”

Elena looked at her. “Yeah, but, Caroline, if you did, you would tell me, right?”

Caroline sighed. “Elena, you're obsessing.”

“Omg.” Marley groaned.

Elena grabbed Caroline's hand with ferocity. “Caroline, listen to me, if you know where Katherine is then you have to tell me.”

Caroline pulled her hand out of Elena's. “I don't, Elena. Chill.”


Caroline, Marley and Rebekah were at the bar with Matt behind it. “Is it supposed to rain tonight?”

“Do I look like a meteorologist?” Rebekah asked irritated.

Marley snored. “Heh.”

Caroline gave her an exasperated look before looking over at Elena, who was across the room throwing darts. “Well, someone needs to do something, before she explodes.”

“I got this.” Rebekah took a bottle of liquor and a shot glass and walked over to Elena. “Drink. You're putting everyone on edge.” Elena tossed the shot back, then placed the glass on the table and resumed throwing darts. “So, what's the deal? I'm new to this whole emotional switch situation.”

“It's not complicated. See that dart board? All I can picture is Katherine's face.” Elena throws a dart forcefully and hit the bulls eye.

Rebekah crossed with her arms. “So your emotions are on, they're just dialed to rage.”

Elena sighed. “Look, Rebekah. I get that we had our Thelma and Louise thing back when I had my humanity off, but let me make one thing clear: we're not friends.”

Rebekah shrugged. “Okay.”

Elena walked over to retrieve her darts when Caroline joined them. “What about us? Are we still friends? All those things you said when your humanity was off... is that how you really feel?” Marley followed as well.

“Caroline, I really don't feel like going down memory lane.” Elena walked back to line up her next throw.

“Elena.” Marley scolded her.

Caroline looked at Elena. “Well, what about when you said, and I quote, ‘You're a repulsive, bloodsucking control-freak monster’? Did you really mean those things?”

Elena hesitated over her next throw, then gave it up and looked at Caroline. “If you're waiting for an apology, you're not gonna get one. I can't let myself feel bad, because if I feel bad, then I feel everything, and...we've all seen how well I handle that.” Just as Elena throws another dart, the lights went out throughout the restaurant.

Outside, the wind was so strong it's blowing debris through the air and the sounds of heavy objects falling and breaking were heard nearby. Matt, Caroline, Marley and Rebekah went outside to investigate as the other patrons leave, running for cover. Rebekah was shouting to be heard over the wind. “The power's completely out.”

“I'll call my mom... maybe she knows what's going on.” Caroline shouted back as then she went back inside as a police cruiser drives by with its sirens sounding.


Later Stefan and Damon drove up and park outside the school. The winds were still blowing fiercely. Elena and Marley went out to meet them. They need shout to be heard over the wind. “Where's Caroline?” Stefan asked.

“Inside looking for Bonnie. I think we should split up. Damon and I can look outside while you and Caroline look inside.” Elena suggested.

“Oi, I will come with you two.” Marley exclaimed. “I’m not leaving you alone with my boyfriend.”

“All right, let me know if you find anything.” Stefan head for the school while Elena, Marley and Damon started walking.

“Someone's an eager beaver.” Damon comment to her.

Elena walked in front of Damon to stop him. “Where's Katherine?”

Damon scoffed. “Now I get it. The one brother shoots you down, you ask the other one. Great.”

“You know, don't you?” Elena asked to him.

“Elena back off.” Marley told her.

Damon pointed at the air. “Do you not notice all of the end-of-the-world crap going on right now?”

“Tell me that you don't want her dead.” Elena scoffed. “After everything that she did to you? Stringing you along for hundreds of years?”

“Elena, please just stop.” Marley pleased. “Look at the weather.”

“Elena, we don't need to list all the reasons that I hate Katherine. What we need to do is find Bonnie. Come on.” Damon tried to pass her but she blocked him.

“I don't care about Bonnie. I care about killing Katherine.” Elena comment.

“Oh, by the angel.” Marley sighed.

“They're together, okay? So maybe you should do a little less threatening and a little more looking. Come on.” Damon started walking and Elena and Marley followed.


Upstairs, Damon, Marley and Elena entered the school while Damon talked to Stefan on the phone. “If I remember correctly, I think there's an entrance in the basement.”

“Well, where's the basement?” Stefan asked.

Elena spoke loud enough for Stefan to hear through the phone. “Off the boiler room.”

“You hear that?” Damon asked to him.

“All right, I'll meet you there.” Stefan replied to him.

Damon hung up, stopped and turned round to face Elena. “What?”

“You're gonna have to stay here.” Damon replied to her.

“I agree with him.” Marley comment.

Elena scoffed. “Are you kidding me?”

Damon sighed. “We really need to stop Bonnie from doing the spell, and if you get all murderous and screw it up...”

Elena looked at him. “Is that really the reason?”

“Elena you aren’t really my favourite person right now.” Marley scolded. “Just stay here and let me and Damon handle it.”

“As self-righteous as Stefan is, he has a point. Behind your rage, there is a tidal wave of feelings... all of your guilt, all your grief, every emotion you've ever put off, and killing Katherine's gonna let it all in. And if you can't handle it, then we're back to square one.” Damon told her.

“Well, he’s right.” Marley added.

Elena shrugged. “And if I can? What if killing Katherine takes away all that grief and guilt? What if killing Katherine finally lets me feel all the good things that I've lost? Damon, help me. As soon as I get over this hurdle, I'll be me. I'll be able to think clearly, I'll be myself, and everything will go back to normal.”

Damon had looked reluctant through the entire speech, and continued to look so. “She's strong, and crafty, and you'll die.”

Elena sighed, paused for a moment, then suddenly stabbed Damon in the belly with a stake. He groaned in pain and sank to the floor. And She knocked Marley out. “At least I'll die trying.” Then she used her vampire speed to get away as Damon fell to the floor.


Damon sat up, groaning as he tried to pull out the stake. Suddenly someone walked up behind him. It's Alaric. “Need a hand?” He reached down and pulled the stake out.

Damon groaned in pain. “So this is either really good, or really bad.”

Alaric crouched down and laughed. “It's good to see you too, Damon.”

Damon groaned. “I'd say the feeling is mutual, except a lot of people aren't exactly who they say they are around here.”

“You think I'm Silas? Are you kidding me?” Alaric gave Damon a hand and they both stand up.

Just then Marley woke up. “Oh that bitch it gonna get it.” Then she saw Alaric. “Oh, hello.”

Damon sighed. “See, now this puts us in a bit of a pickle, because that is exactly what Silas would say.”

“Why would he be Silas?” Marley asked confused. Damon shrugged.

Alaric thought for a moment, then walked away toward a locker. He pounded his fist on it once and it sprung open. He pulled out a bottle of liquor. “Now, would Silas know about Locker 42?”

Damon started to grin, as did Alaric, and they embraced, laughing. “Ah, hang on. If I can see you...” He pat Alaric's arms and face. “...and I can touch you, that means the little witch did it. She dropped the veil.”

“Well, not completely. It's only down inside the Expression triangle. If I step outside of it, it's back to ghost world.” Alaric explained.

“That’s good to know.” Marley comment.

“Well, where is everybody?” Damon asked. “I figured with the veil down, it'd be like Ghost-a-palooza.”

“Well, not every ghost has a reason to come back to Mystic Falls. Just the ones like me, looking after their idiot best friends.” Alaric told them.

Damon sighed. “I'm more worried about the ones looking out for their enemies.”


“She's been here this whole time - that means Silas is with you.” Matt spoke through the phone.

Damon and Marley walked into the boiler room at the high school with Alaric. “Perfect.”

“Yeah, it gets worse. The veil's down. Kol came by looking for Elena, and he seemed a little pissed.” Matt told him.

“You got any good news for me, Donovan?” Damon comment.

Matt sighed. “We'll handle this, your back.”

Damon hung up and looked at Alaric. “Call Stefan and tell him about Caroline. Tell him to keep an eye on Elena. God knows he'll do a better job than me.”

“Stefan?” Alaric asked confused.

Damon looked at him. “Call Stefan.” Then he walked away.

“He’s right.” Marley comment to Alaric.


Later Bonnie was talking to Damon, Marley and Stefan. “You need to get rid of Silas' body.”

“Well, there's a slight problem, Medusa. Even though you turned him into stone, if he gets one more drop of blood he's back to his old mind tricks.” Damon told them.

“So, lets dump him.” Marley comment.

Stefan nodded. “All right, so let's do what we should've done to Klaus... let's drop his body in the middle of the ocean.”

Just then Elena approached them. “Bonnie?” Bonnie looked round at her. “I don't know what to say.”

“You don't have to say anything.” Bonnie nodded.

Elena sighed. “But I was so horrible to you.”

“You weren't you. I know what that's like. I wasn't me for a long time. We can talk about that later.” Bonnie smiled. “You've got some catching up to do.” She nodded at Jeremy, who came up behind Elena.

“Thank you, Bonnie.” Jeremy thanked her.

Bonnie smiled. “I'll give you guys as much time as I can.” Jeremy hugged her and they parted. “But I have to go put the veil back up.” Then she leaves.

Then Marley looked at Elena. “I know you weren’t yourself as well.” She comment. “But i need some time, please understand it.”

“I understand.” Elena nodded.

Then Stefan spoke up. “I should, ah, make sure Kol's body is somewhere safe until the veil goes back up.”

“Stefan, wait...” Elena was interrupted.

Stefan nodded at her knowingly. “Welcome back.” They smiled at each other before Stefan leave.

“See you later.” Then Marley leaves as well. 

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