Chapter 14 - Graduation

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Damon groaned uncomfortably, obviously something happened and Marley noticed it. “What was that?”
“Nothing.” Damon replied.

Marley sighed. “Take off your shirt.” She pulled the collar of his shirt down to reveal the wound in his shoulder. He cringed in pain. “Oh by the angel. Damon, why isn’t this healed?”

“Because the bullet was laced with werewolf venom, okay? The hunters are dicks.” Damon sighed.

“There goes our talk.” Marley comment. “But we need Klaus. We need his blood.”

Damon looked at her. “Klaus would rather see me die. Plus, Klaus is a thousand miles away sipping Hurricanes on Bourbon Street.”

“That wound will kill you!” Marley shouted angry.

“I know!” Damon shouted back.

“Oh, by the angel.” Marley groaned. “I will call Faye, see if she can get here with some blood.”

“Oh, portal you mean?” Damon asked to her.

“Yeah, now just hoping she can get away.” Marley replied as then she walked away to call her daughter.


Marley was on the phone with her father Magnus. “We have to do something, dad. Faye can’t come.”

“Oh, Munchkin.” Magnus comment.

“I’m going to lose him, dad.” Marley told him sad.

Magnus sighed. “I know. Call Klaus himself, maybe he can come.” He suggested.

“Okay, i will do that.” Marley comment. “Thanks dad.”

“Your welcome.” Magnus told her.
Then Marley hung up. “Graduation.” She muttered.


The students, all-in caps and gowns, were milling about the football field getting ready for the ceremony. Caroline reached Bonnie and Marley. “Where is everyone?”

Suddenly Matt arrived. “I’m here.”

Marley jumped. “Okay. Do you need to scare me?” Matt just laughed at her.

Caroline looked at Matt. “Where have you been?”

“Oh, you know, making plans for the summer, dodging death by vampire hunter.” Matt replied, being sarcastically.

Bonnie looked around. “Where’s Elena? We can’t do this without her.”

Just then Elena arrived right then with Stefan. “I’m here.” She hugged Bonnie. “Thank you for today.”

Caroline was smiling. “I can’t believe it. We’re actually all here. We are all here together! Bonnie Bennett, are you crying?”

Bonnie had a sad smile. “It’s our last hurrah before you guys go off to college.”

“Before we go off to college.” Caroline corrected.

“Yeah.” Marley comment, smiling.
Elena sighed. “I… kinda sorta missed the deadline. You know, being an emotionless bitch.”

“Ha, you said it.” Marley comment.

“Well, the perks of being a vampire... we can go wherever we wanna go. We can choose our own roommates. We could... we could all get a room!” Caroline exclaimed, she looked at others.

Elena and Stefan chuckled at Caroline’s enthusiasm, while Bonnie smiled with tears in her eyes. “I’m happy we’re all here.”

“Aw... group hug!” Caroline called. Marley smiled.

Stefan looked at them. “Ah, I don’t... I don’t hug…”

“Oh, get over yourself!” Caroline comment. The six of them close in for a jointed hug.

Mayor Hopkins opened the ceremony. “Welcome parents, family, and friends. What a beautiful day for a graduation. Thank you for joining us today on this special day, as we celebrate our graduates. So let’s get started. John Albrecht. David Bance. Sarah Beasley. Um, not to play favorites, but I am especially proud of this next graduate, my lovely daughter: Bonnie Bennett!” Bonnie walked up onto the stage and hugged her father. “Congratulations. I’m so proud of you, sweetie.”

Bonnie smiled. “Thanks, Dad.”

“You’re welcome.” Rudy told her.

“For everything.” Bonnie told him. He seemed to sense something off about Bonnie’s mood, but she smiled and leaves the stage.

“Savannah Davis. Matt Donovan. William Duncan. Caroline Forbes. Congratulations.” Rudy comment.

Caroline smiled. “Thank you.”

“Matt Freeman. Marley Miller. Elena Gilbert. Congratulations.” Rudy told them.

Elena smiled. “Thank you.”

“Yes, thank you.” Marley comment.


Mayor Hopkins finished reading the names. Suddenly a high-pitched noise caused Stefan, Caroline and Elena to clutch at their heads in pain. Even Marley grabbed her head. Aja and the other dead witches approached them. “Remember us, Caroline?” She held her arm out, casting whatever spell was hurting the vampires and Marley for some reason.

Suddenly Klaus showed up, throws a cap like a disk at Aja and it beheaded her. Her headless body fell to the ground and the noise stopped. “There are plenty more of these to go around. Who’s next? I can do this all day.”

“Oh, I would love to that.” Marley smiled.


Back at the Salvatore Boarding House. It’s dark outside. Damon, all healed up, stride across his room bare-chested. He’s starting to put a shirt on when Marley arrived. “Hi.”

“Are you feeling better?” Marley asked to him.

Damon nodded. “Yeah.”

“So it’s all healed up?” Marley asked.

“Fresh as a daisy.” Damon replied.

Marley nodded. “Good.” She wacked him across his chest.


Damon watched the fire burn in the fireplace. Marley entered the room and stride toward him with purpose. “I wanted to apologize…”

Marley sighed. “Good.”

Damon walked towards her. “Listen to me. I apologize that I was to busy with Elena and didn’t look after you.”

“Good.” Marley crossed with her arms.

“God, Marley what do you want me to say?” Damon groaned.

“Uh, maybe that you would see me too. Not only Elena.” Marley replied to him. “I mean, you were really busy with Stefan to get her humanity back. I was on the side line.”

“And I’m sorry about that. Elena was out of control. You could have helped.” Damon countered.

“Yeah and Elena staring at you ever single day.” Marley sighed. “I know she have feelings for you.”

“I don’t, not for her.” Damon stepped forwards. “Love you, Marley.”

“Good to know.” Marley smiled. “I love you too, you idiot.”

“I will make it up to you, every single day.” Damon comment, smiling.

Marley smiled back. “I know you will.”

Then they kissed passionately.


Author’s note: This chapter and book is done. Up to the next book and that is Supernatural College. Thus season 5 of the vampire diaries.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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