Chapter 12 - The Originals

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Author’s note: This is still in Faye povs and i may have skipped a few episodes.


Faye and Klaus were basically dragged out of Mystic Falls. There was a witch that wanted Klaus for some reason. So now they were in the New Orleans, in the French Quarter. Klaus sat at the woman’s table. Faye leaned on his shoulders. “Good afternoon. Time for one more?”

“I have nothing to say to you.” The woman snarled.

Klaus smirked. “Oh, now that’s not very amiable, is it? You don’t even know me.”

The woman looked at him. “I know what you are. Half-vampire, half-beast. You’re the hybrid.”

Faye looked bored. “Everyone knows that.”

Klaus was smiling. “I’m the Original hybrid, actually, but that’s a long story for another time. I’m looking for someone... a witch. Perhaps you might be able to help me find her. Jane-Anne Deveraux.”

The woman visibly reacted to the name. “Sorry. I don’t know.”

Klaus leaned toward her, thus Faye let go of him. “Well, now that’s a fib, isn’t?” He took the woman’s hand on the table, smiling. “Now, you see, I know that you’re a true witch amongst this sea of poseurs, so enough with the fabrications. I’ve quite a temper.”

The woman withdraws her hand. “Witches don’t talk outta school in the Quarter. The vampire won’t allow it. Those are the rules. I don’t break Marcel’s rules.”

“Marcel’s rules? Where do you suppose I might find Marcel?” Klaus asked her.


Klaus and Faye entered a bar where Marcel was performing karaoke on stage. Marcel finished the song. “Thank you.” Then he jumped down from the stage to applause and joined a few companions, who hand him a drink.

“You killed it, man.”
Sensing Klaus, Marcel paused before looking over at him, he saw that he wasn’t alone. Marcel’s companions noticed the sudden tension. “Klaus.”

“Marcel.” Klaus told him, then he introduced Faye. “And this is Faye.”

“Nice to meet you.” Marcel told to her as then he looked at Klaus. “Must be a hundred years since that nasty business with your papa.”

“Has it been that long?” Klaus and Marcel started to approach one another slowly.

Marcel looked at him. “The way I recall it, he ran you outtalk town. Left a trail of dead vampires in his wake.”

“And yet how fortunate you managed to survive. My father, I’m afraid, I recently incinerated to dust.” Klaus’ aggressive tone alerted Marcel’s companions to stand and ready themselves for a confrontation. It turned out there were much more than just a few of them, as half the restaurant got on its feet.

Marcel looked at him. “Well, if I’d known you were coming back in town, if I had a heads-up...”

“What, Marcel? What would you have done?” Klaus and Marcel were nose to nose, the tension thick.

“I feel the testosterone.” Faye muttered.

Marcel paused before answering. “I’d have thrown you a damn parade.” His face broke into a wide grin and he laughed, which Klaus returned and they embraced like long-lost brothers. Marcel draws back and places his hands on either side of Klaus’ neck. “Niklaus Mikaelson. My mentor, my saviour, my sire. Let’s get you a drink.”


In another room a few minutes later, Marcel chuckled and joined Klaus and Faye at a small private table, though they were accompanied by a few of Marcel’s companions. Marcel poured drinks for Klaus, Faye and himself. “It is good to see you.”

Klaus looked at him. “It’s good to be home. Although please tell me the current state of Bourbon Street is not your doing.”

Marcel chuckled. “Something’s gotta draw in the out-of-towners, otherwise we’d all go hungry.”

Klaus peered at one of the guys flanking the doorway of the room. “I see your friends are day walkers.” Faye felt uncomfortable.

Marcel nodded. “Yeah, yeah, I shared the secret of your daylight ring with a few buddies. Just the inner circle, though... the family.”

“Tell me: how did you find a witch willing to make daylight rings?” Klaus asked as then he sensed Faye, he glanced at her. He knew she was uncomfortable.

Marcel smirked. “I got the witches around here wrapped around my finger.”

Klaus chuckled. “Is that so? I’m looking for a witch by the name of Jane-Anne Deveraux. Has some business with me.”

Marcel make eye contact with one of his cohorts. “You’re looking for Jane-Anne? You probably oughta come with me.” He stood and laughed. “Ha-ha, showtime!”


Out on a street at night, a crowd of people began to form; vampires walked along rooftops and jumped on cars, setting off alarms. A large group followed Marcel, Faye and Klaus. “Oh, how’s your family?”

“Those who live hate me more than ever.” Klaus replied.

“When do they not.” Faye muttered.

“Ah, forget ‘em. If your blood relations let you down, you make your own, eh? You taught me that. And what’s mine is yours, as always. Even my nightwalkers, the riff-raff.” Marcel indicated the vampires walking along and jumping from the rooftop, then grabbed a branch off a tree they passed.

“They’re hardly subtle, are they?” Klaus asked.

“You don’t say.” Faye added.

“It’s the Quarter. Ain’t no such thing as subtle, baby.” Marcel whistled with his fingers and the crowd cheers. One vampire brought forward Jane-Anne, whose wrists were bound with rope in front of her. “Jane-Anne Deveraux! Give it up for Jane-Anne! Come on, let’s hear it! Jane-Anne Deveraux, you have been accused of the practice of witchcraft beyond the bounds of the rules set forth, and enforced, by me. How do you plead?” He turned abruptly and walked over to Klaus and Faye. “Was that convincing? I studied law back in the ‘50s. Hold that thought.” Then he returned to Jane-Anne. “Seriously Jane, tick-tock. You know the drill. How do you plead?”

Jane-Anne looked at him. “I didn’t do anything.” The crowd laughed quietly.

Marcel looked at her. “Mm, that’s a lie. You know it, I know it, and you hate that I know it. It drives you witches crazy that I’m aware of your every move. That you can’t do magic in this town without getting caught. So, why don’t we just cut to the chase, huh? You tell me what magic you’re brewing. I mean, tell me. I’ll grant you leniency. Hey, I am, after all, a merciful man.”

Klaus, Faye and the crowd observed in utter silence. Jane-Anne scoffed, a disgusted look on her face. “Rot in hell, monster.”

Shocked murmuring rumbled through the crowd. Marcel smiled. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll give you one more chance...” He started to walk away. Suddenly, he swung the branch he’s been holding so fast that it sliced open Jane-Anne neck. She immediately began to gag. “Or not.”

Jane-Anne fell to the ground and the crowd cheered. Klaus stared at her body, looking displeased. He approached Marcel and grabbed his shoulder to turn him round. Faye followed him. “There goes our lead.”

“What was that?” Klaus asked.

“Hey. Come walk with me. The witches aren’t allowed to do magic here... she broke the rules.” Marcel replied as Faye tensed up.

Klaus glanced at her. “I told you I wanted to talk to her.”

Marcel shrugged. “Hey, I’m sorry. I got caught up in the show. Those witches, they think that they still have power in this town. I have to show them that they don’t. I never waste an opportunity for a show of force, another lesson that I learned from you. And besides, anything that you could’ve gotten outta her, I can find out for you, and I will. I promise.”

Klaus considered him for a few moments. “Well, whatever it was, doesn’t matter anymore, does it?” He smiled and Marcel smiled back.

“Let’s hope not.” Faye comment.

“Good, good. Then let’s eat, ‘cause all that spilled blood makes me hungry, ha-ha!” Marcel walked off.

Klaus and Faye hung back to confront one of Marcel’s men walking by, Klaus was stopping him with a hand on the man’s chest. “Hey, Thierry, isn’t it? Any more Deveraux witches where she came from?”


Sophie was chopping vegetables at the restaurant, clearly upset. She turned around and was startled to see Klaus and Faye were standing there. “You’re Klaus.” She said to him.

“He is famous. But I’m Faye, if you wanted to know.” Faye told him.

Klaus nodded. “I am. And you’re upset. Sophie, isn’t it? I assume this is because of what I just witnessed with your sister on the corner of Royal and St. Ann?”

“Did you enjoy the show?” Sophie asked back.

“No.” Faye replied.

Klaus looked at her. “It was a little melodramatic for my tastes. What did your sister want with me? Why did Marcel kill her?”

Sophie opened her mouth to speak but then noticed a few men arriving at the bar. “I see you brought friends.”

Klaus turned and looked at the men, then back to Sophie. “They’re not with me.”

“They’re with Marcel. That’s all that matters. I know you built this town, but this is his town now. He killed my sister because she broke the rules. So I talk to you in front of them, I’m next.” Sophie turned and leaves.

Klaus and Faye approached the men at the bar and he sank his grip into their shoulders. “Are you two gentlemen following me?”

First man spoke up. “Marcel said we’re your guides.”

“Oh, he did, did he? He did. Well then, let me be exceedingly clear about something: if either of you follow me again, you’ll do so without the benefit of a spine.” Klaus tightened his grip until the bartender approached them.

“Sorry for the wait. If you’re here for the gumbo, I’m about to break your heart. We just ran out.” She told them.

Klaus released the men and placed a 100-dollar bill on the bar. “Your oldest Scotch for my two friends here, love.” She took the bill, smiled and walked away. He resumed his hold on the men. “If Marcel wants to know what I’m up to, he can ask me himself.” Then he let go of them roughly and leaves with Faye.


Klaus and Faye were walking down a street and they turned down an alleyway that lead to a covered courtyard, where people were drinking, dancing and generally having a good time. Klaus spot one of Marcel’s men wearing the Original family’s daylight ring and approached him aggressively. “Where is Marcel?”

“And who the hell is asking?” he asked back.

“Really?” Faye asked in disbelief.

Klaus looked at him, not impressed. “I assume you’re joking.”

“I only answer to Marcel.” He snarled.

“Well then, in that case perhaps you’ll answer to this.” Klaus seized the man by the neck and his eyes vamp-out; his voice rises until he was shouting. “You’re aware the bite of a werewolf can kill a vampire? Well, as you can see, I’m half werewolf, so I’m gonna ask you one more time: where is Marcel!?”

Marcel’s voice rises from behind Klaus and he hurried over to break up the confrontation. “He-hey, I’m right here, I’m right here, e-e-easy now. Diego’s just looking out for me. Nobody harms my guys... those are the rules.”

“I don’t care about your rules, Marcel, and I don’t need chaperones. Why are you having me and Faye being followed?” Klaus asked him.

Marcel lead Klaus and Faye away from the others. “Come here. I get it... a show of force. You’ve made your point. Let it go friend, ah? For me.”

“Fine. Why don’t you show me what you’ve done with the place, while you explain exactly what it is you’ve been up to in my town?” Klaus asked bitterly.

Marcel paused only for a moment before smiling his wide grin. “Follow me.” He lead Klaus and Faye up a flight of stairs and they emerged onto a gallery overlooking the street. “Look at that skyline, huh? That there, that’s progress. More hotels, more tourists, more fresh blood. And the humans? I taught them to look the other way.”

Klaus looked at him. “And what of the witches? In my time, they were a force to be reckoned with, and now they live in fear. How do you know when they’re using magic?”

“Maybe I got a secret weapon, an ace up my sleeve. Something that gives me complete control over all the magic in this town.” Marcel replied to him.

“Hm. Is that a fact?” Klaus asked to him.

Faye sighed. “Right.”

“Might be. Maybe I’m just bluffing.” Marcel put something in his mouth that sizzles slightly.

Klaus looked at him. “You take vervain?”

“Burns like a bitch, but I figure I should limit the number of things I’m vulnerable to. Don’t be mad about that chaperone thing. I’ve told my guys to look out for you, that’s all. That’s what we do here... look out for each other.” Marcel spot a woman walking down the street below. “Mm, m-m-mm. New blood.” 

Klaus recognized her from earlier at the bar. “Bartender, walking alone at night. She’s either brave or dumb.”
“Let’s see: brave, I let her live; dumb, she’s dessert.” Marcel chuckled.

“Men.” Faye muttered, knowing very well that they had heard her.

Then men smiled. Marcel hopped the gallery’s wrought-iron railing down onto the sidewalk below. Above on the gallery, Klaus greeted his brother without turning right away. “Evening, Elijah.”

Faye did turn around and saw her sister as well. “Jesus, you two scared me.”

“Sorry, sis.” River told her.

“Niklaus.” Elijah greeted his brother.

Klaus sighed. “What an entirely unwelcome surprise.”

“And what an entirely unsurprising welcome. Come with us, you two.” Elijah told them.

“Why?” Faye asked, frowning.

“I’m not going anywhere. Not till I find out who’s conspiring against me.” Klaus replied.

“I believe I just found that out for you.” Elijah told him.

Klaus turned to look at Elijah.


Some time later, Elijah and River were leading Klaus and Faye into the cemetery. “What are we doing here?”

“You wanna know what the witches have in store for you? Follow us.” Elijah replied to him.

They entered one of the mausoleums as then they Sophie standing there. “Sophie Deveraux.” Klaus scoffed. “What is this?”

“And why dragged you me here too?” Faye added.

Elijah ignored her and looked at Sophie. “He’s all yours. Proceed.”

Sophie looked at Klaus. “You know you’re famous in this town? Witches tell bedtime stories about the powerful vampire Klaus. We know Marcel was nothing but an orphan street rat, until you made him what he is. And now he’s out of control. He does what he wants, he kills who he wants. I’m gonna stop him, and you’re gonna help me.”

Klaus smiled, amused. “This is why you brought me here?”

“Hear her out.” Elijah told him.

Klaus was impatient. “I don’t need to hear her out. I assure you, love, there is not a thing on this earth that will matter enough for me to waste even thirty more seconds of my time. Elijah, what madness is this?”

“Marcel may be able to keep up from practicing real magic in this town, but as keepers of the balance we still know when nature has cooked up something new.” Sophie looked at Faye. “For example, I have a special gift... of sensing when a girl is pregnant.”

All amusement leaves Klaus’ face. “What? What are you saying?”

“Niklaus... the girl is carrying your child.” Elijah replied to him seriously.

Klaus looked in disbelief. “No. It’s impossible. Vampires cannot procreate.”

“But werewolves can. Magic made you a vampire, but you were born a werewolf. You’re the Original hybrid, the first of your kind, and this pregnancy is one of nature’s loopholes.” Sophie told him.

Klaus fight for control over his facial expression before he turned to Faye and shouted at her. “You’ve been with someone else, admit it!”

“No, you dimwit!” Faye shouted back.

Sophie looked at them. “My sister gave her life to perform the spell she needed to confirm this pregnancy. Because of Jane-Anne’s sacrifice, the lives of this girl and her baby are now controlled by us.” By their surprised expressions, this was news to Elijah, River and Faye. “If you don’t help us take down Marcel, so help me, Faye won’t live long enough to see her first maternity dress.”

“Wait, what?” Faye exclaimed.

“Enough of this. If you want Marcel dead, he’s dead. I’ll do it myself.” Elijah told them.

Sophie shook with her head. “No. We can’t, not yet. We have a clear plan that we need to follow, and there are rules.”

Klaus, who had turned away, turned slowly to face Sophie, his anger barely restrained and his voice frighteningly quiet. “How dare you command me...” He was shouting. “...threaten me, with what you wrongfully perceive to be my weaknesses. I won’t hear any more lies.” He moved to leave.
“Niklaus. Listen.” Elijah told him.
Klaus turned toward Faye, from whose abdomen he can hear a rapid heartbeat. Klaus listened in wonderment for a few long moments, meets Faye’s eyes, then closed himself off once more. He turned back to Elijah. Then he stormed out of the mausoleum.


Author’s note: The rest will you read in the spin off from this series!

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