Chapter 7 - My Brother's Keeper

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At the Lockwood Mansion, April was preparing for the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant. She held up two dresses, one red and one blue, for Caroline, Marley, Faye and Elena to pick from. “Blue.” Caroline and Elena comment on the same time.

April raised an eyebrow. “Really? The blue seems a little safe.”

“Safe is good when it comes to the judges.” Elena replied.

“Red.” Faye comment as she sat on a chair, looking bored.

Caroline glanced at Elena. “She's right. Gracie Lockwood had a three-foot slit her year and practically got laughed off the court.”

Elena smiled and laughed. Damon walked into the room. “She got my vote.” Elena looked at him and appeared to stop breathing. Marley noticed this.

Caroline throws a black object at him. It hit him in the chest. “Get out, lurker!”

Damon was sarcastic. “Ouch.” Caroline walked over to him. “Where's Professor Shane?”

“Check the judges' table.” Caroline started to close the door on him, but Damon put his hand up and pushed it back open. Caroline started to walk back towards Elena.

Damon looked at April. “Red one, definitely.”

Caroline had stopped in the middle of the room, midway between Elena and Damon. She had her arms crossed. “We've already agreed that the red one is a little bit too showy.” She glances at Elena.

“It's a pageant. That's the whole point.” Damon comment.

“Damon, its her choice.” Marley comment and walked over to him.

Caroline looked at Damon and placed her hands on her hips. “Did you win Miss Mystic last year? No. I don't think you did.”

“Neither did Elena and she wore blue.” Damon comment.

“Well, that just rude.” Faye comment also.

Caroline sighed. “Nobody cares what you think.”

“I care.” April comment, nervous.

Damon pointed at her. “See? April cares. Red, right, Elena, Marley?”

Caroline glared at Elena. Elena looked at April. “The red is pretty.”

“As I said, its your choice.” Marley added.

Caroline's face fell. Damon smirked. “And my work here is done.”

Damon walked out of the room. Caroline looked back at Elena. “Uh, what happened to thirty seconds ago when you hated the red one? What happened to safe is good?”

Elena looked at her with a glazed look over her eyes. She shook her head and turned back to April. “Whichever one you want to wear, April.” Then, she walked out of the room.

Caroline watched her leave and turned around, confused. “What just happened?”

Then, Faye walked out as well, the drama was to much. Marley stayed by Caroline and April.


Faye walked down and then outside of the Lockwood Mansion, when she saw Klaus. “Hey, I didn’t got a chance to thank you, that you helped me and my mother. So, thank you.”

Klaus looked at her. “Your welcome, love.”

Faye smiled at him. “You look nice, btw.”

Klaus smirked, he put his arms behind his back. “Oh, really? I happen to wear it.”

“Yeah, right? You must have heard it?” Faye laughed.

“Of course love. I have eyes and ears everywhere.” Klaus replied.

Faye frowned a little. “Of course I know.”

Klaus smirked. “It was met to be a quick visit, but seeing you here, I will just stick around for a while longer, if I can?” He asked.

“Of course, you can. I have someone to talk to, without any drama for a few hours.” Faye replied.

“And what drama do you mean?” Klaus asked.

“Elena drama.” Faye replied, flatly.

“I heard it a lot these days.” Klaus told her.

“Yeah.” Faye nodded.

As then, Carol Lockwood was on stage, introducing the pageant. “Welcome to this season's Miss Mystic Falls.” Everyone clapped, Marley walked outside. “We are so excited to showcase our most outstanding community leaders in the making.” Everyone clapped again.

“This isn’t something I would do.” Faye whispered to Klaus.

Klaus nodded. “You quieter, more in the background of a girl?”

“Something like that.” Faye replied. “Though, I like doing other things.”

“Like what?” Klaus asked.

“Outdoors training with family and friends.” Faye replied. “And sometimes a party here and there.”

“And with training, you mean your magic?” Klaus asked, curiously.

“Yes.” Faye nodded. “And mine shadowhunter skills.”

Just then, Caroline was onstage and was about to introduce the contestants. “Hi, everyone, I'm Caroline Forbes. As the reigning Miss Mystic Falls, it is my honor to introduce this year's Miss Mystic Court.” Everyone clapped for the girls. Music started playing for the introduction of the girls. “We begin the procession with Valerie Fell accompanied by Dylan Clark.” There was a round of applause for Valerie as she walked down the stone steps. “Next, we have Amber Wolvertine accompanied by Hector Lindsay.” Another round of applause was given for Amber.

“Pompous.” Faye muttered.

Klaus chuckled. “You really don’t like this.”

“I don’t.” Faye huffed.

Another girl had been introduced and more applause are heard. She took the arm of her escort and they walked off together. “Katherine Wilson accompanied by Eric Hanson.” Caroline spoke up. A round of applause was heard for Katherine. April started to descend the stairs. “And finally, we have a last minute entry, April Young accompanied by Jeremy Gilbert.” April continued to walk down the steps but stopped and looked around for Jeremy. Caroline also looked around for Jeremy but keep a large smile on her face. Just then, Matt walked up to where the escorts were lined up and holds out his arm for April.

“Jeremy is something.” Faye comment.

“He is the new hunter, love.” Klaus told her.

Faye looked at him. “Yeah, I know, but if you do something like this then he is a d*ck.”

“You have a mouth on you.” Klaus comment, looking at her.

“I always have and I always will.” Faye smiled.

Everyone applauded and April breathed a sigh of relief. She walked down the remainder of the stairs with a smile and took Matt's arm. Caroline continued to look around, worried, but stopped and smiled. April and Matt walked to the dance floor and face each other. The girls and their escorts bowed to each other and began the dance. Caroline quickly walked down the steps and over to Elena, who was on her phone. Marley was by her. “Hey, what's with the last minute escort change? Where is Jeremy?”

Elena glanced at her. “I'm calling him right now.”

“Good, cause this is not acceptable.” Marley comment.

Just then, Damon walked up to them. Elena sighed. “He's not picking up.”

“Do the math. Emo teen, open bar, it's fine.” Damon told them.

Elena looked at him. “Matt said that Jeremy's been having nightmares about killing vampires and he's been hiding it from me.”

Caroline looked surprised and worried. Marley looked worried. Damon shrugged it off. “Relax, I'm sure he's fine.”

“I don't know. I have a bad feeling.” Elena comment, worried.

“I understand you.” Marley comment, nodding.

“If I'm not worried, you shouldn't be worried. Let it go. I'll go look for him.” Damon comment.

Elena nodded. “Okay.” Damon walked away.

Caroline looked at Elena. “Okay, you go home, me and Marley gonna start asking around here.”

“Maybe Damon's right. Maybe he grabbed a bottle from the bar and snuck off to the woods.” Elena suggested.

“I know Damon is my boyfriend, but he isn’t right about that.” Marley told her.

Caroline agreed with Marley. “No, Damon is never right. Damon is sneaky and manipulative and rude, but he's never right. How can you not see that?”

Elena shrugged. “I don't know, but why do I think that you won't hesitate to tell me?”

“Fine, friend-tervention. I think your so-called "feelings" for Damon are really starting to cloud your judgment and I don't like it.” Caroline replied. Klaus and Faye walked over to them and stood next to Caroline. “And the thought of you two together really makes me want to barf.”

“Easy, love, you're making a scene.” Klaus told her.

“Oh, wow.” Marley added.

Elena glared at her. “Wow, Caroline, thank you for making this very difficult time so much easier.”

Elena walked away. Caroline stood there with a blank look on her face. “How did I become the bad guy?”

“Cause she has feelings for Damon.” Marley replied.

Klaus moved from standing next to her to standing in front of her. “Let's get you a drink. I'll tell you all about being the bad guy.”

“Ugh.” Caroline walked away.

“I’m gonna help finding Jeremy.” Marley walked off.

“See drama.” Faye pointed it out.

“Lets get you a drink, love.” Klaus told her.

“Yeah.” Faye nodded.


Faye and Klaus were walking next to the pond on the Lockwood property. Klaus was carrying two glasses and a bottle of champagne. “Its the drama as I told you, but what i saw today, Elena took Damon’s side on everything.”

Klaus looked at her. “So, being a vampire's changed her?”

“Yeah I guess. But being a vampire only amplifies who you already are. It doesn't turn you into a completely different person.”

“It's very peculiar.” Klaus smirked and looked as if he knows something she doesn't.

Faye looked at him. “What's that look for?”

“It'll all make sense eventually.” Klaus replied.

“Right, just find the damn cure, so the drama is less.” Faye sat down on a stone bench by the pond.

Klaus placed the champagne down next to her and looked at her. “I'm working on it.” He sat next to her and started to open the champagne bottle.

“Would you ever take it?” Faye asked curiously.

Klaus looked at her. “Now, why would I want to cure myself of being the most powerful creature on the planet? Hm?”

“So there's not one single moment in your whole life that you wanted to be human?” Faye asked back.

Klaus looked at her and popped the cork off the champagne bottle. He avoided the question. “How about you?”

“I’m different kind I creature.” Faye replied. “I’m born this way.”


Later, Carol Lockwood and Caroline were standing on the stage. Carol was speaking through the microphone and Caroline was holding an envelope. “And now, the moment you've been waiting for. Caroline, would you do the honors?”

Caroline walked to the mic. Elena stood behind her with the tiara and sash. Marley watched them. Faye and Klaus were close by. “This year's Miss Mystic Falls is....” Caroline opened the envelope. “April Young.”

Everyone in the crowd applauded. April smiled and looked as if she's about to cry. Caroline took the tiara off the cushion Elena was holding and walked over to April. Elena looked out into the crowd and saw Jeremy walking in between the people. “Jeremy.” She whispered.

Caroline placed the tiara on April's head. Jeremy walked off, away from the crowd. Elena handed Carol Lockwood the sash and cushion and quickly walked off the stage. Matt also noticed Jeremy walking away and Elena going after him. Marley looked after them. “By the angel.” She rushed after them.


After all that, Faye and Klaus had stopped walking and were facing each other. “I never answered your question; if I ever thought about being human. Once, I was on a trek in the Andies, and a hummingbird flew up to me. It just hovered there, staring at me, its tiny heart was pattering like a machine gun. And I thought, what a thing, you know, to have to work that hard every day just to stay alive. To be constantly on the verge of death and how satisfying every day must be that it survived. And that was the only time I thought about being human.” Faye smiled.


Authors note: I have over stories on profile, please check them out if you can.

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