Chapter 3 - The Rager

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In school, Marley sat already in class as then she saw Elena and Stefan as they sat down in their desks. Stefan looked at Elena, who was staring at the front of the room, looking like she is about to cry. Marley noticed it as well. Stefan looked at the front as well, noticing the chalkboard with Alaric's handwritten notes on it. He sighed, realizing what she must be saddened by. “It's the first time we've been back in Alaric's classroom...” He was interrupted.

“First period, and I'm ready to bawl my eyes out.” Elena told him.

Marley sighed. “You don’t say.”

Just then, Rebekah entered the classroom with flyers. “Morning, everyone.”

“Morning, Bekah.” A student greeted her back.

“Just like that, I'm no longer feeling sentimental.” Elena muttered.

Rebekah looked at them. “So, I'm throwing a little anti-curfew party at my new house. Starts at fifth period and goes 'til whenever. Spread the word.” She handed out a couple of the flyers and turned to Elena. “You're welcome to join, Elena, if you'd like to bury the hatchet.” She handed Elena a flyer.

Elena took it. “It's a pretty enormous hatchet.”

Rebekah rolled her eyes. “Well, I'm feeling generous of spirit.”

Elena looked at the flyer. “New house, huh? Did your brother finally kick you out?”

“He didn't kick me out, I left.” Rebekah replied to her.

Elena looked at her. “So, you left the only person on earth that actually likes you?”

Rebekah looked at Stefan. “Well, your boyfriend liked me once.” Stefan looked up at her, clearly not happy to be dragged into it. “Actually, a lot more than once.” She smirked. Elena looked furious.

“Quiet, Bekah.” Marley hissed.

Stefan sighed. “Why are you still in town, Rebekah? Don't you have anywhere else to go?”

“Well, history's my favorite class. Actually, where is Mr. Saltzman...?” Rebekah paused dramatically. Elena's rage intensified. She smiled. “Oh, that's right, I killed him.”

Suddenly, Elena lost her temper and throws her pencil at Rebekah's face. Rebekah grabbed it and throws it back at Elena, which impaled her in the shoulder. They glared at each other. Elena removed the pencil from her chest and got up before anyone else in class noticed what just happened. Stefan and Elena walked out into the hallway. Marley followed them.


Marley walked up towards them. Elena was still visibly furious as Stefan gently held her arm and tried to calm her down. “Just breathe, just breathe. You haven't felt this kind of rage before.”

“I hate her.” Elena was fuming. She and Stefan stopped walking and stand face-to-face. “I didn't think I was capable of hate, but I hate her, and I hate that I hate her.”

“You don’t say.” Marley comment. “But Rebekah shouldn’t have said that.”

Just then, Elena looked over Stefan's shoulder. “That's the hunter.”

Stefan turned around. Connor was in the hallway, talking to a woman. “What the hell is he doing here?”
Connor started to walk towards Jeremy, who was at his locker. “Jeremy. No.” Elena began to walk towards Jeremy.

Stefan stopped her. “No, no, no. Hey, hey, let me get this.” He showed her bloody hand to her. “Okay? I got that.”

“I will help her, Stef.” Marley comment as Stefan nodded.

Then, Stefan walked towards Jeremy and Connor. Elena and Marley walked into the restroom.


Moments later, Elena took off her sweater before grabbing some tissues and rinsing her blood-soaked hands and shoulder with water. Marley watched her, sighing. After a moment, a girl named Heather walked into the restroom behind Elena with her hand clamped over her neck. “There you are. Rebekah sent me to see if you were okay.”

Elena throws away the tissues. “I'm fine, Heather.” Elena sighed. Marley looked at Heather, frowning.

I'm not.” She comment.

Elena turned around and looked at her, confused. She saw blood dripping from Heather's neck underneath her hand. Elena started to breathe heavily as she tried to resist the girl's blood. Marley saw this and put a hand on her shoulders. “Elena, calm down.”

Just then, Rebekah entered the restroom. “What's wrong, Elena? Getting hungry?”

“Rebekah don’t.” Marley hissed.

Heather removed her hand from her neck, making the blood easier to see and smell. Elena panicked. “No, get... get away from me.”

Rebekah wipes at the blood from Heather's neck with her finger. “But she's so delicious.” She placed her finger with blood on Elena's mouth.
Elena slapped her hand away. “You shouldn't be here. This is my school. It's my life. And I'm not gonna let you ruin it!”

“Omg!” Marley had enough and used her magic to put Rebekah to sleep and Heather to heal her wound. “Hehe, peace.” Then, she looked at Elena. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah...” Elena sounded unsure.


Stefan, Marley and Caroline were sitting outside at a table while Elena paces back and forth in front of them. Caroline looked at Elena. “It was a valiant first day effort. No one will judge you if you want to go home.”

“I don't want to go home. I want to take the white oak stake and kill her. That's how mad I am. She made me murderous!” Elena shouted.

“Just don’t murder someone.” Marley comment.

“How about we just leave the murdering to Damon?” Stefan asked. He got up and walked towards Elena.

Elena looked at him. “And-and then do what? Ignore her to death?”

Stefan sighed. “Look, she's trying to make herself feel better. She knows that everybody hates her, so she's trying to hate harder. Tell you what, let's just skip the rest of the day. Go have some fun. I feel like this day is severely lacking in fun.”

Elena looked at Caroline. Caroline smiled, and Elena reluctantly nodded in agreement. “Yeah. Okay, fine.” Stefan smiled. “Then, we'll go to her party and show her that she can't intimidate me. I just have to go home and change first.” She waved goodbye to Caroline and Marley and leaves. Stefan turned around and looked at Caroline and Marley.

“Does she seem a little off-balance to you?” Caroline asked.

“I’m not going to some party.” Marley muttered.

Stefan nodded. “Yeah, she's channelling all her emotions into rage. It makes her feel like she has purpose. I used to do that too when I know.”

“The ripper?” Marley asked.

Caroline frowned. “Ripper-you?”

Stefan nodded. “Yeah. She needs to come to terms with it, confront it, let it in, before she can let it go.”

Caroline nodded. “You're good at this, you know that? You saved my vampire life, now you're saving hers.” They started to walk off together. “You should write a book. Go on The View.”

“Hm.” Stefan hummed.

“She means it.” Marley added.

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