Chabashira Sae's demise

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"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, please may you come to the faculty room after lunch break is over." A heart warming voice called out

I should've expected this, but it's still bothersome to deal with. I'll finish off this ice cream, it is quiet deluctable, I might get addicted..

After devouring heaven down my ousophegous, I made a quick call. And on the 2nd ring, they picked up...

"Ayanokouji, what would you need from me?"

"I'm going to converse with my homeroom teacher, if I predictions are correct, I'll need your help on this."

"I think I can assist you just this once."

"Thank you..Chairman Sakayanagi."


I slipped into the faculty room, to be met with someone who was the complete opposite of Chabashira-sensei. A chestnut haired woman with a cheery smile had latched herself onto my arm. Didn't we just meet?!

"Exucse me, who are you?" I politely asked

"Oh silly me, I forgot to introduce myself! I'm hoshinomiya and I'm class 1-B's homeroom teacher. And Ayanokouji, are you a speical student? Sae rarely calls her students to the faculty room.." She inquired, drifting off to her own thoughts now. 

This woman is troublesome. I need a saviour

"Ow what was that for?! You just hit my backside with your clipboard, that's not nice."

"Chie, your harassing my student, I suggest you leave unless you want me to report this to the chairman." My beloved teacher replied, I'm so happy she came.

"Whatever you party pooper, byebye Ayanokouji!" Hoshinomiya-sensei waved as she exited the classroom

What a weird individual

"I'm sorry about that Ayanokouji, please follow me." Chabashira-sensei stated as she scooted on along, leaving me to follow her.

"Would you like some tea Ayanokouji?"

"No it's fine, thank you for the offer tho."

"Alright come here."


"I need your phone."


I followed her into the kitchen, she closed the door and slowly approached me.

"Don't make any unecessary moves, you listen to what I have to say or I'll have you expelled."

"Do you have the authority to do that sensei?"

"Yes I do, so you listen to my orders."

I yawned, aggrivating my "beloved" teacher

"What do you want."

"You help me reach class A or I'll have you expelled."

"I can't be botherd with this, bye!"

I slid open the door and was about to step out before Chabashira-sensei had a hold on my arm.

"What now?"

"I can have you expelled!"

"I don't care."

"Oh you don't? Then I'll accuse you of rape. How does that sound."

"You have no evidence to back up your false claims."

"Are you sure Ayanokouji?" 

Chabashira then took a hold of my hand. It wouldn't be too hard to pull away but eh, I don't really care. She grabbed my hand and slowly made it grope her breast. Wow, this feels....


They should've done this in the white room to boost the childrens morale, maybe then some would've survived alongside me. Speaking of her breast, I decided to squeeze it, I mean..Look at her? Well it elicted a moan from my beloved teacher, but she didn't seem to care.

"Now, your fingerprints are on a very telling location, you have no choice but to listen to me."

"I don't care."


"Ask the chairman." I replied as I pulled out another phone, revealing some very crucial information.

I knew she would take away my phone and attempt this, so I just used another one, that call with the chairman came in handy didn't it.

"Chabashira Sae, what do you have to say for yourself?" the chairman commanded, his voice authorotative and angered.

The colour draining from my teachers face was quiet amusing to say the least.

"P-please forgive me, I'll do anything!" she said as she bowed down infront of me.

Wow, those things are huge, I know what to do.

"Chairman Sakayanagi, I'll deal with this."

"Are you sure Kiyotaka?"

"Yes, just keep that recording safe."

"Of course, bye for now Ayanokouji."


"Now my beloved teacher, where were we?"

She remained silent, now bowing at my feet.

"I will forgive you-"

Her eyes lit up

"if you listen to everthing I say as of now."

Her eyes still lit up, I guess she really wanted this job? Or maybe she'll turn homeless, who knows.

"What do you want Ayanokouji?"

"S-So rough and veiny.."


"Chabashira sensei I would like to question my-    what the fu-"

"Shush Horikita" Ayanokouji groaned, as Chaba-

I can't even get the words out. WHAT IS GOING ON???

I rubbed my eyes, closed the door and opened it again.

"Come join us Horikita, this arm wrestle is really intense.."



MuAHAHA, I deffo wasn't horny. It was an arm wrestle.

Respect your loved ones,you never know when they might go


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