In Love With My Brothers Best Friend

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Chapter One

I stared out of the window of my classroom into the green of the Fields, it was the middle of spring and the grass looked greener than ever. Especially from this view. I was stuck in maths, again and had French following after.

Oh well, c'est la vie.

Mr Green was on super hyper-active mode as well today, so I couldn't get caught averting my eyes from the board or I'll get one of those speeches about how I apparently don’t take my education seriously and how I don’t want to get a good job in the future.

What he really means is that he doesn’t want me working next to him as a school teacher in the near future. But he is super strict to me and my friend Lily, I swear that it’s only me and her that he picks on most of the time.

Like the other day for example…

'Would you like to share that with the whole class or are you having a private conversation that you could of had a lunch-time?' Mr Green said as he threw a death glare in my direction as me and Lily were obviously talking so loud he couldn’t teach anyone else.


'No,' said Lily before I could stop her from doing anything stupid. She was so mouthy to all of the teachers that she spent more time in detention then she did in the actual classroom.

'It is private Jabba, that's why we're whispering,' she opened her mouth too quick for me to put my hand over it. But I did just in time to stop her saying anything else that was going to get us another week’s worth a detention. It was me that everyone thinks is the trouble maker, but it’s not me.

Most of the time.


And now today we were supposed to be separated from each other to cause less ' disruption ' among the class and fellow students. But in my opinion I found our conversations quite amusing and when Mr Green gets involved its all the better, it’s like a miniature entertainment show for the class’ own amusements.

But we decided not to listen to sir, because Lily promised that she would cease call him Jabba, yeah right. And so far he hasn’t said a thing and I'm hoping that it stays that way and that he won't tell me off again for staring out of the window. But out of the corner of my eye I could see a huge blur edging towards me and I wished that it was a figure of my imagination. But I think it may need a walking detention slip instead.

Uh oh, too late.

'And what’s so interesting outside that you can't look at the board Miss Cooper?' he questioned me as I stayed silent for the remainder of the staring contest we had going on. Then just to complicate things even more Lily turned round to me and said

'Don't worry Jess, baldy over there won't bother us for much longer, I'm working on it trust me.' She winked at me and when we turned round to look at the front we saw sir’s greasy god forbidden face in front of us. His eyes fixed on me. I swear that he is a pervert sometimes.

'And what is so interesting now Miss Jessie cooper?' he spat at me, literally he ACTUALLY spat at me.

I could see Lily's turn bright red, not out of embarrassment but anger, she didn't think that I could stand up for myself and that was true at times but not now. I could see that she was about to say something, but not this time. I can show her who can't stand up for themselves.

'Well it’s not our fault that your teaching was getting in the way of our conversation now was it fatso!' I slightly yelled at him.

The room went silent as all eyes fell upon me and I went bright red this time but of actual embarrassment not anger. Sir was speechless and with his mouth hanging wide open just to add some petrol to the fire I took me hand up to his face, closed his mouth and patted on the head three time whilst saying,

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