Oh dear..

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Chapter 23

Turns out we didn't see uncle Johnny until three days later. He didn't leave Miss Crealys house once and I even tried to ting him but it went straight to voicemail.

It was now Tuesday and I was sat in the middle of English whilst our teacher droned on about the impotence if Hamlet. When I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I looked down to see a new text just waiting to be opened. I tapped in the screen to open and it was from Johnny. Finally.


Just got back from Francessca's (miss Crealy) and I wanna meet your boyfriend tonight!

- Johnny xx

I chuckled slightly, on first name basis already. I'm not really surprised. But me and Jake slept and stayed on the left side if the house to make sure no offensive bodies could be made out from Miss Crealy, I mean Francessca's, house.

I quickly replied:

Sounds great! You, me and Alex? or Francessa too?

- Jess xxx

The funny thing is that normally I would be skeptical about bringing round friends to meet Uncle Johnny. If you think meeting the parents is hard enough, Johnny is like that but times a billion.

He over reacts, teases, flirts (yes, one time he pretended to be gay.. Yes, he pretended he fancied my boyfriend at the time) it was one weird dinner party. The weird part is that my boyfriend at the time came round with his parents who were born again Christians types. And seeing Johnny try to touch their son on the shoulder was pretty awkward.

I was pulled out of my train of thought when my phone violently buzzed in my lap. I peered down at my phone impatiently.

Yeah, it'll be me, you, Jake, Lily, Alex and Francessca.. Oh! And I'm cooking!

- Johnny xx

I smiled down at the text. Last time he tried to cook, let's just say that he's the reason that we don't have curtains in our kitchen window anymore.

I really wanted tonight to go well now, I wanted Alex to be able to get along with all of my family and feel like he's a part of it too.

Oh dear! Do you remember what happened last time?! Please don't set fire to anything!

- Worried! xx

~BUZZ~BUZZ~BUZZ~ a reply straight away, god he was a quick typer.

No need to be worried! It's pasta, nothing can go wrong with pasta! And you lied to me! Francesca isn't in her late forties, she only twenty four! But you were right about one thing ;)

- Johnny xxx

I stared at the screen confused.

Knowing you there's 101 things that can go wrong with cooking pasta, your probably already writing a book on it as we type! And what was I right about?

- Jessie xx

I couldn't put my finger on it, but it's what he must of said or what I must of said to make him think that I was right about something. Another instant reply in seconds, I really have to buy him a cheapy little phone and see how he copes with that one instead of his precious iPhone.

About the dinosaurs thing, she thinks that they're in hiding from us because they're scared that we're gonna eat them :S.. But, I know this is crazy but she might be the one Jess!

- Johnatham! xxx

I replied back quickly.

Jonatham? Really? Putting the word ham at the end of your name, real mature! And I know that your crazy, I'm not stupid! And I gotta concentrate on class now so I'll see you later!

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