Do my friends hate me?♥️

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Tw: death, abandonment issues, derealization?, somewhat gore?

"Do my friends hate me?" Asked the little boy to his mother, "oh sweetie" she said turning to look at her boy, her long brown hair draped over her shoulders, but something was off about her. The boy could see, her face was gone. Ripped off. Bitten off. Blood Trickled down her neck, her facial bones sticking out like thorns on a rose. "Why would they hate you?" The boy felt fear as he looked at her, he started to back away, fear took over his body as he began to back up, "what's wrong sweetheart?" She said, her voice became distorted "Why do you fear me honey?" The boy dashed away "The faster you run the faster it will get you" he heard his mother call behind him as continued to run "œęÿūß!" He screamed out to his friend as he saw her at the end of the hall, she turned arms open wide. But her face was gone too. And her jaw. Was unhinging. The boy was too close. He slipped and fell to the ground. She stood over top of him, along with his two other friends. "NO PLEASE!" He shouted crying out but they ignored his pleas. And cut him up, making him into a delicious stew.

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