Will you hold my hand 💖

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Tw: even tho there is mention of death it's not actually shown and more hinted at, daddy issues, no suicide and no death to MC. Just sad boy hours.

"Will you hold my hand?" Asked the little boy to the faceless man. "Why would you want that?" The faceless man echoed out towards the boy, "because I want to hold a hand" he answered back holding out his small hand. "Even if I wanted to" the faceless man groaned out "I'm dead, i can't hold your hand" the boy looked hurt "what do you mean? Why can't you hold my hand? What even is being dead?" The boy asked. The faceless man looked away in sorrow before turning back, kneeling to be at the child's height he went to give him a hug. But when their bodies met the little boy fell through and stumbled to the floor, the faceless man stood and turned back at the boy it seemed to form some form of a face filled with sorrow. "Why!" The boy cried out "Why can't we hug?! Why won't it let us touch" the boy continued falling to the floor. "I'm sorry my child, but I cannot hold your hand." The boy sat there crying not understanding, as he watched the faceless man fade slowly into the background. The boy tried so hard to keep him there but no matter what the faceless man was gone. No more hugs, no more hand holding, and worst of all.
No more dad.

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