Why do I miss you? 💖

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Tw: loss of a dad, grieving

The boy sat on the cold bench in front of a small Dogwood tree, its flowers blooming in the summer air. He sat with tears staining his cheeks, "why do i miss you?" He asks turning behind him to look at the gray concrete slab in the grass, faded text and an indent shows this was someone's personalized grave. Sat in front of the white picket fence house, on the corner of the street. The boy continued to softly cry looking back at the tree, "it's been a decade, yet I still miss you" the boy mumbled out quietly "everyone else says it's good you're dead... I feel like I should be angry at you like they all are." He looks up at the sky, "yet I can't... I feel so lonely without you, and I don't know why..." he envisioned what little he could remember of the hugs of his dad, their laughter filling his mind as silent tears fell down his face. Remembering his dads parties and how everyone loved him. Remembering how much pain he was in leading up to his death. Before long though he stood up sniffling and said his goodbyes, stopping to smell his dads flowers one last time before heading back inside wiping his eyes of the tears with a small smile on his face.

I wanted to show a picture of the tree itself but for some reason Wattpad won't let me lol

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