The halls ♥️

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Tw: death, and hallways very long hallways

PSA!! This chapter is incomplete, and will NEVER be completed. This was not based on my own feelings but more was a prompt someone gave me to write. So I wrote it.

The halls had always been so long, no matter how much you ran you could never escape. Not when you were put there. "I have had enough of you!" The woman shouted at the boy "no- No please!" The boy shouted as the woman dragged him by the arm to the door, the door everyone hated "please I'm sorry!" He cried out tears streaming down his pale face. The woman yanked open the door to the hall, "I'll let you out when you learn your lesson!" She shouted slamming the door on him. Instantly the door started to be pulled backwards at fast speeds, he ran after it but was of course not fast enough "No!" He shouted starting to panic, frantically looking around trying to find something to use as a weapon. No where could he find anything, until he ripped open a door with the number 356. The halls always looked like a creepy hotel hallway, occasionally you'd see a shadow figure, or a being covered in blood at the end of the hallways. The boy finally found a poker next to a fireplace, the wood was cold and untouched which told him no one had been in there for a while, he started to slow his breathing as he clutched the new found weapon to his chest. He continued to look around the room for anything at all before he heard someone walk up to the open door, he panicked before dropping to the floor and hiding beneath the bed. He heard the sound of a body being dragged as be shut his eyes, feeling afraid and not wanting to see it.

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