Stay down

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Idk what to classify this as lol

I have a disorder that makes it so music has colors, shapes, or stories. Scylla from Epic the musical made me see this beautiful green and purple swirling pattern. Like water color I saw this image of what I turned into this story.

Word count:827

"Stay down" the woman growled out looking down upon the boy with disgust. "You are weak. You will not win" she spat out, her eyes shimmered through the darkness. The cave was far from the sun as the only sound that could be heard were small drips of water echoing and bouncing around the walls. The boy's nose was bleeding as he spat out a tooth, "I'm not" he growled stumbling to his feet. "I am giving you good advice, I am warning you once and not more. Stay. Down" she growled her teeth glimmering within the shadows. They were sharp, pointed. They could slice right through his body in an instance. But he was the hero, and no hero died a normal death. He didn't fear her, he gripped his sword tightly in his fist as he began to spring forward. He landed on his injured left foot, searing pain filled him as he stumbled. The beast's voice cackled as he once more fell to the floor. "Stay down" it echoed through his head as he began to want for it to happen. He wanted to give up. He wanted nothing more than to listen, to just give up. But he couldn't. He had been battling this beast for so long. He couldn't just give up now so with exhausted limbs he hoisted himself back onto his feet. Growling as he began his attack, ignoring the pain in his foot as it slammed against the ground. Ignoring how his sword felt so heavy from his exhaustion. He swung his sword towards the beast's face as she roared. Slicing her neck as she made her get away. She growled "you have chosen wrong hero!" She yelled out as she charged him. He braced himself, before she hit him he rolled out of the way. Slicing up with his sword he graced her heel. A loud screech echoing out of the cave as she quickly spun around sulking back into the shadows. "You pathetic excuse of a human!" She called out as she lunged at the hero again. Their weapons clashing, her long talons versus the hero's sword. The hero filled with adrenaline no longer could feel the pain, he could only feel the anger. The hatred for this beast for what she's done to his home. He wants nothing more than to have his family, his daughter, in his arms. His wife's lovely kisses. Tears began to cloud his vision as he let out a scream, twisting the blade in his hands and slashing out at one of her arms. Landing and slicing clean through her flesh and bone. She screeched and began to retreat. Anger flashed through his eyes as he bolted forward again, faster than the beast could see. Faster than she could react. His blade slashed again colliding with her stomach. Screams and the smell of blood filled the air. The beats writhing on the blood, blood splatter all over the hero. She writhed crying out begging for him to stop. To show her mercy. The hero gave a laugh. "Mercy?" He asked venom dripping from his voice as he stood over the creature. His blade hovering above her heart. "Did you show my village mercy?" He smiled as the blade lifted up higher. "Did you show my wife mercy?" He spoke louder anger filling his soul. The blade above his head. "Did you show my daughter mercy? My child?!" As he screamed he plunged the sword through the creature's chest. His hands, already covered in blood, began to drip. His face wet with both his tears and the blood. The beast writhed and squirmed beneath the sword. Choking and gasping heard as blood filled her lungs. After the beast's struggles subsided he pulled his word from her chest. Staring down at her dark face. He could feel the tears drop from his face and upon the beast's body. With one final shaky breath the hero slashed through the beast's neck. Beheading her, he picked her up by the hair watching as the blood pooled out of her corpse. Coating the once partially dry rocks. His blood from previous coating the ground and mixing within the beasts. Holding her head he began to walk off on shaky legs. Exhaustion overwhelmed him as her warm head swung from his hands. Walking out of the cave and into the hot sun he let out a breath of relief. Seeing his adventuring party on the shore awaiting his arrival. "Prepare a feast!" He cheered out, holding up as high as he could the beast's head. Cheers came from the ship as festivities would be arranged.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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