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Just for some clarification on the characters since you'll be seeing more of Sleepie and Boy. Sometimes Teen.

Sleepie= now me
Boy= past me or inner child
Teen= during/post abuse me or inner teen/protector(?)

In the most simplest way everyday I feel these three, Sleepie being me and my own thoughts, Boy is my inner child asking to be held or wanting to play on a playground, and Teen doesn't want people near. (In no way am I saying I have multiple personalities that's just the best way I can explain my own feelings)

Also for clarification in this story a "gift" is mentioned. This is regarding some things I've learned about myself. I have an ability which causes me to be something called a Seer or a psychic (whichever you want to call it) and I've had it since I was 2 years old, where I saw my own fathers death. I still remember it because I always remember my visions. I've had multiple about people's death and when I was 10 I saw the death of my uncle who only just passed this last month. (I'm now 16 turning 17). But my father was believe to have this gift too. His was only about death though being his own. He told/warned my mom all the time about how he's seen his own death multiple times. And now I have it and it's been getting stronger as I get older. My mother told me I was just having Deja Vu that i was thinking I'd seen it before. But it was too common to be that and that I would have the visions when sleeping. Only once in my life have I ever seen a vision while awake and it was something that came true a couple of hours later. I was forced to stop talking about my gift for years and started convincing myself that it was all in my head. After sometime it went away but of course it didn't stay gone for long. I was vision free for about two years before it came back and began every night warning me about something that i don't remember. And once it came true it stopped being as frequent. As I get older it's been getting worse and worse and I've started having small fractions of visions while awake. That's what this chapters about :3.

P.s in case you wonder how it feels I throw up every time a vision comes true. It physically feels like I'm being spun a thousand miles a second.

Word count: 864

"Why are you angry Sleepie?" Asked the small boy, "what makes you say that?" Sleepie asked softly, the area  felt hot and uncomfortable but as soon as his eyes landed on the smaller he couldn't help but feel ever so slightly better. "Teen says you're angry and that we should be angry. Why are we angry?" The boy asked. Sleepie looked down ashamed, "I'm angry at our father." He spoke so softly, just above a whisper like if he spoke any louder the outside may explode. "What did daddy do?" The boy asked softly, his bright green eyes glowing in the sunlight above them. "He did nothing." He admitted "but I want to be mad at him, be mad that he's left us here alone, that he left this world without telling us our purpose, without a warning of what we would soon develop." He brought his knees to his chest as the boy listened. "What do you mean? Warning, what will soon develop?" Sleepie wiped his teary eyes as he drew in a shaky breath. "You are too young little one" he reached over and ruffled the boy's hair as he pulled away. "No! Tell me!" He shouted at Sleepie who let out a soft groan. "Come here..." he mumbled, letting his legs sprawl out and opening his arms, the boy immediately jumped into his arms excitedly awaiting for Sleepie's  words. "Dad had a gift, something no one knew of besides mom. Dad didn't know this but he gave me this gift, but he left before he was able to warn us... before he was able to teach us why we have them." The boy nodded, "is that why you're angry?" He shook his head, "not fully. I want to be angry at him because he left me with mom unable to explain to her what it was, she understood to a degree but never fully. If he had better explained it to her maybe she wouldn't have yelled at me and shamed me into keeping my gift a secret. That I would've been able to help more people." The boy nodded, "are you angry at me?" Tears started to fill Sleepie's eyes as he pulled the boy closer. "No, never." He drew in another shaky breath, "no matter what you've done, I could never be mad or angry. You never deserve that. I will be here till the end of time with you. No matter what." The boy nodded as he listened, "I hope you stop being angry soon" he told Sleepie who nodded. "Me too little one... me too..."

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