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a/n so much has happened holy shit.

So I broke up with my now ex boyfriend because I've realized I don't like men. My friends are graduating. I am now about to get into a relationship with the nicest and hottest woman I've ever met. I am cannot wait to meet her in real life. These are just all the stories I've written since feelings.

Tw: none it's just graduation


It's an odd idea. I graduate next year. In two months I will be a senior, the graduating year or 25' and while I used to be scared. Afraid of what the future may hold at the beginning of this gods awful year, I now cannot wait. I want to wear my gown. I want to walk down the aisle with my entire family watching. I want to prove to everyone that I deserve this. That I earned this. It's weird how 9 months can change one's mind so drastically, I dreaded graduation. I even dreaded just being a junior. But now I cannot wait. I want to be a graduate, I want to be able to decorate my cap. I want to be able to throw it up and show it off to everyone, I don't even know what I'd make onto my cap but I just know I'd decorate it to the nines. Glitter, rhinestones, everything. I might dedicate it to my patron Apollo or maybe to my own father who passed. I may make Hermitcraft and childhood references. I don't know, but what I do know is I cannot wait for senior year. I cannot wait to leave this high school behind me and start my next chapter. I have something I now want to achieve. Something I want to see happen. I want to see myself graduate, I want to grow older and have a family. I want to be 18, I want to discover myself, maybe even go to college. I cannot wait to graduate.

Tw: none


Happiness is such a weird word. The meaning can change between every person, for one person their happiness is a schedule. Their work, their hours, their money. For others it's material things, such as stuffed animals, clothes, or their house. For me it's the people I spend time with. Kami, Niik, Rea, the demonics Love and Cat. Yet even with just how quickly happiness fills my brain and consumes my thoughts, they are quickly pulled away. The anxiety I refuse to accept exists bubbling up into my throat. The thoughts of them hating me fill me as that happiness begins to fade. I used to wonder how others can feel so much happiness without feeling that feeling. Doubt creeping up your spine as you just want to curl up and cry. But I don't anymore. I understand now how it feels, I understand now what they mean by their happiness. Why does it stay? Why do they deserve it? I understand that my despair was not a punishment, it was something a child and his parents couldn't understand. Something that couldn't be interpreted, couldn't be understood, couldn't be subdued. I now understand that it was me who had to open my arms to it. Understand why it chose to be the way it did even if I couldn't hear its words. I had to tread carefully exploring what it meant by its own sadness and despair. Why didn't they want the happiness that others loved so much? I now understand it all. That happiness is a tool at my own disposal that I can use.

Tw: this is like a metaphor for how it felt in my last relationship. I know he didn't mean for this to be how it was but this is what it felt like.

The boy and the dog.

The boy stood on the top of the hill staring at the giant laurel tree, the sound of a dog barking beside him catching his attention. "What is it?" he asked patiently towards the dog. The dog panting with a smile on his face barked again and left quietly. The boy confused turned back to the tree, "what does that mean" he asked annoyed. "How am I meant to understand it?". The tree ignored him, it didn't speak for this wasn't his place. The boy wanted to love the dog, he wanted to understand it but he couldn't. The dog returned, barking at the boy. "What?" he asked with a confused tone. The dog again smiled while panting and ran off again. "Can't you at least give me a hint?" he called out towards the tree who yet again remained silent. The boy turned away from the tree deciding to explore himself, wanting to learn where this dog would run. Walking down the steep hill he stumbled a few times, the dog watching from afar. As he reached the bottom the dog greeted him happily before running off to play, only to stumble on his own feet whimpering and whining. The boy rushing over aided the dog in getting back up. The dark barked and ran off yet again, the boy took a sharp breath as he attempted to follow. Into the thick woods, moss growing on the north side of the trees. As he ran through the woods he yet again stumbled scraping his hands against the jagged rocks. Tears brimming in his eyes he looked up to yet again see the massive burmese mountain dog staring down at him. Standing up the boy groaned, brushing off the dirt from his clothes and skin. The dog didn't even wait for him to speak before he turned around and ran off yet again. He sighed annoyed as he began chasing the dog again. "Wait for me!" He tried to call out to the dog but it seemed to not have been heard. The dog ran so quickly that he didn't have enough time to even attempt to avoid the tree trunk as he slammed his body into it. The boy stalled for only a second before he cried out and ran to the dog. Yet again aiding the dog and ensuring they were fine.

Tw: SEXUAL THINGS, this is about the person I currently want to date.


You take over my thoughts constantly. Consuming my brain minute by minute. I crave your touch, both romantic and sexual. I crave your body. I want to touch you, hug you, cuddle, kiss you, make out. I want to press our bodies so close until we are only one being. No longer two but one. I want our bodies to meld together, me being you and you being me. I adore you. A way I've never felt before. I feel lost without you, worried for what may happen if I'm not by your side to help you. I want to be your partner, I want to love you, and I do. I do love you, I do love being with you. I love the way you talk, the way you're so expressional. I love your face, your body, what you've shown me. I love it all. I love doing the things that I do with you as long as I know you are watching and enjoying it. You are my happiness. But I also don't want you to feel as though my life depends on you, I don't want you to feel like I'm obsessive. I'm not, I really am not. I am like a puppy for you, wanting to follow you around to ensure you are safe. I'm not obsessive. I just love you. I don't need to breathe through your lungs to survive. I don't need to eat from your own tongue to thrive. I am my own being, I know that. Yet I still want that. I want our minds and bodies to be one, and I think the closest I'm ever going to get is when we meet. The closest I'm ever going to get to us melted together would be us tangled in the bed. Doing unspeakable things. And I don't mind, because I love you. I love you like a fish loves water, I love you like a sunflower loves the sun, I love you like a cat and their sun spots.

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