A new friend?

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Josh's p.o.v
"Honey! Joshua wake up!" I opened my eyes to see my mom standing in my doorway. "I told you, you start school today, no more homeschooling bull shit. You are going to be a senior and I want to see a real graduation. Get up, I have wor-"
I cut my mom off. "Yes mom, I'll get up right now. I'm sorry, I just forgot to set my alarm."
The truth was, I didn't forget to set my alarm. I hated high school. And when I started homeschooling from the middle of freshman year to the end of junior year, there was no way I wanted to go back. I've been bullied too many times. There's no kids like me at my school. Everyone likes that stupid Drake shit and I'm like Nirvana anyone? But people think I'm an emo weird kid. I had a group of friends but they kind were kind of rude and I was on the basketball team but they kicked me off because my hair was dyed different colors. So fucking stupid. But yeah I'm going back and I'm totally regretting it.
"JOSH. Are you up?!" My mom screamed at me from downstairs.
"Yes, mom almost ready." I grabbed a plain blue shirt and put on my black skinny jeans and my all black converse. I don't brush my hair so I didn't really look in the mirror. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs.
"Do you have your back pack ready?"
"Yes mom, I'm going to be fine. Thank you for the breakfast." I grabbed the banana bread and a water.
"Bye hun!"
"Bye mom."
I got in my car and drove to school
I got out of fourth period and it was lunch. I sat down at this really big tree in the back of the cafeteria. School lunch was only 42 minutes long. I started tapping my hands on my English book to make a beat.
"Move you faggot"
I turned my head to see a whole bunch of football players surrounding a kid sitting down with his head in his lap. He was wearing a bright red beanie. I don't know how I didn't see him when I sat here, he was only a few feet away, sitting by another tree. He had a book by him but I don't think he was reading it. The biggest guy said it again
"I said move. You faggot."
The kid just put his hood on over his beanie. I don't know why he didn't say anything.
"Grab him." The boy said as they all bent down and grabbed him. They pinned him up against the tree and the boy let out a scream. He yelled a weird sentence. He said
The lead football player punched him really hard in the stomach. And the boy just said the same line again. Even louder. He punched him again and he was crying this time but still singing/screaming it.
I ran over to him because I felt bad for him, he looked like me but much more shy and depressed.
"Hey what the hell are you doing to him! What'd he do to you? He was just sitting here quietly."
The lead jock walked up to me and looked at me right in the eyes.
"I remember you from freshman year. You left school because I punched you in the face and I called you a faggot too. Aww little Josh is scared of bullies." They all started laughing. He turned his head to look at his friends and while he turned I kicked him right in the balls. I grabbed the kid, hoping he was okay.
"Run! Just keep running!"
Me and the kid ran all the way to a Taco Bell a block away from the school. "I think we lost them. Are you alright?" The kid just stared at me. Like I was crazy.
"Are you ok-" he stopped me
"I'm fine. why did you help me?"
I sighed. "I'll tell you why if you buy my a burrito inside here." He let out a little laugh and nodded his head.
We walked inside and ordered. I grabbed the food and sat down at a booth, still out of breath from running.
"What's your name?"
The boy took a bite of a potato griller. Which is weird because that's my favorite thing here.
He swallowed. "I'm Tyler Joseph, what's your name?"
"I'm Joshua dun. But I go by Josh."
He took a drink of the baja blast and I did the same.
"So why did you help me again?"
"Because I know those stupid assholes and I know what it feels like to be punched and yelled at. You don't deserve that shit."
Tyler started to cry. I could tell he was an emotional person. I didn't know what to do so I just got up and sat next him. I hugged him and at first I thought it was awkward but he just let his head fall into my neck and he cried.
"Hey, it's okay. Do you want to go for a walk?" He nodded and I threw our trash away.
We walked up a big hill. And he wasn't crying anymore.
"Thank you." Tyler said with a smile
"For what" I said with a wink
We sat down on a big tree stump. "Your hair is super fricking cool" he said
I smiled and giggled. "thank you"
He suddenly wasn't this sad crying boy anymore. He looked really happy and I was glad that he was happy. He looked really cute happy.
We started walking up again. And then Tyler started running. I ran too, I was ahead of him and he was smiling the biggest smile.
He yelled "Are we hiking" and I yelled back "I think so" and he said "this is sick!" And I laughed so hard and screamed back "so sick!"
We got to the top of the hill and sat down in the long grass. I looked at him and he looked at me. There was a heated fire deep inside me and I couldn't quite feel what it was.
"Hey Tyler?" He was looking at the sunset.
"What were you screaming when those guys were on you?"
He took a deep breathe and looked at me. "Its a song I wrote, it's called goner. As you can tell I'm a emotional dude so yeah I write songs and shit."
I looked at him and smiled. That's so cool that he writes music. Maybe we could start a band or something I don't know. I'm lame.
"That's fucking awesome! Will you sing me something?" He started to blush.
"I'll do some poetry that I wrote."
"Get up then! I wanna watch you while you do it" I said
He stood up and cleared his throat.
"there's an infestation in my minds imagination
I hope they choke on smoke
Because I'm smoking them out the basement
This is not rap, this is not hip hop
Just another attempt to make the voices stop
Rapping to prove nothing
Just writing to say something
Cause I wasn't the only one who wasn't rushing to say nothing
This doesn't mean I lost my dream
It's just right now Ive got a really crazy mind to clean
Know what I mean?
No I didn't understand a thing you said
If I didn't know better I'd guess your all already dead
Mindless zombies walking around with a limp and a hunch
Saying stuff like you only live once
Yeah once, you got one time to figure it out
One time to twist
And one time to shout
One time to think and I say we start now
Because death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit"
My face was blank. I started clapping and he sat back down.
"Wow, I knew it would be good but. Wow. That was literally. Wow."
He laughed "Thanks"
"Please sing for me! I bet your amazing."
"Fine you nerd" he got up again and he was smiling, so freakin cute.
He started to sing a song that he said was called "Drown". He wrote it himself. Damn he was good. Apparently he has his own little album. I really want to listen to it.
"Can I borrow your CD? I love it." He smiled. "You really like it?"
I smiled back. "Dude your freaking amazing."
"Awwwww" he said.
"You know what would be cool?"
"Well with your pro-ness of singing and writing, if I put some drums in there. maybe we could start a band?"
His smile reached his ears
"That would be the coolest thing ever!"
We both started laughing. I wasn't serious but saying that felt kind of right.

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