More than a friend

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Tyler's p.o.v
I looked at this kid that I just met. It had been about two hours since I met him and I've already cried in his arms and made weird jokes with him. I've never had a friend and Josh seemed like he could be my friend but maybe he's just trying to be nice. He's also super cute. He has ratted, blue hair and he wears black jeans like me. He seemed like a cool dude. I looked at him and he was staring at me. I started to blush. He was really cute. And I sat their very silent.
"So what kind of music do you like?" Josh asked
"I like rock and alternative. I like pretty much everything besides things like drake and country pretty much. I'm very picky." We both laughed
"I HATE DRAKE." He said and I couldn't help but laugh because he yelled it so loud. "Also I like the exact same music you do."
I smiled, "cool, cool"
"I play drums actually. I hope that one day I can be a drummer or something. I don't know. I just want to travel and I want to get a whole bunch of tattoos."
Josh had plugs and a nose ring. It looked really good on him. I just stared at him and he was trying to talk to me to get me to snap out of it. I stared at him so much, I'm so embarrassed now. The first thing I could think of was to show him my tattoos. I started taking off my jacket and he laughed and yelled "woah there, Johnny boy!"
I laughed and then blushed.
"I have some tattoos. My mom was pissed when I got them because I was only 17. But I'm 18 now so it doesn't matter." I showed him my arm, it was two black rings on my upper arm and a line on my forearm. Also, three very skinny lines on my wrist.
He got up to look at them closer. "Woah dude these are awesome! What do they mean?"
I put my jacket back on because it was kind of cold and sat down.
"Well there's a very deep meaning to these. And we kind of just met."
"Well you did buy me dinner so I think we can do anything we want."
We both laughed really hard.
"Okay fine, I'll tell you but only because your the first person to talk to me in a long time and I feel like I've known you for a long time. I feel like you are a close friend."
He smiled and I smiled back.
"The lines on my arms are my imperfections. The ones on my wrists are to symbolize my cuts and struggles."
I started to cry a little bit but sucked it back in. Josh just stared at me blankly.
Josh came closer to me and pulled up my sleeve to see a long row of cuts going up to the crease in my arm. I pulled away. He started crying and I really didn't expect that. So all I could say was
"are you okay?"
Josh grabbed me and hugged me.
"Promise me you won't ever do that to yourself again."
I didn't know what to do.
"Please promise me. I'll try and help distract you from it. I want to be your best friend. I think we were meant to meet each other. And I want to be your friend so please promise me you won't do it again."
I hugged him back. "I promise."
We got back to the school and it was really dark. I guess we were up there for a while.
"Do you need a ride?" Josh asked me
"Um sure, that would be nice. My moms going to be pissed that I missed the last two classes." He got the keys out of his pocket and started the car. "Hey, do you want to sleepover? My parents are on a business trip and I'm kind of lonely."
I smiled "that would be cool. Could you drive to my house though so I could ask my mom?" He nodded and I walked Up to the house. He was waiting in the car for me. Josh was so nice. I hope he's not just trying to be nice to me.
"Hey mom!" I yelled
"What baby?" My mom said
"I um sort of made a friend today and he wants me to sleepover at his house. Can I please?"
My moms face lit up. "Oh my god you made a friend! Of course, go ahead. But please go to school tomorrow!" I smiled at my mom. "Okay thank you. I love you." I ran upstairs and got some cloths, tooth brush, and other sleepover stuff.
"Bye mom!" I yelled running out the door.
"She said yes!" We high fived and drove to his house.
We went upstairs and sat down in his cool bean bag chairs. They were blue and red, my favorite colors.
"Ouch." I said as I sat down, all of a sudden I had a bad pain in my stomach.
"What's wrong?" Josh rushed to me.
"I'm not sure." I got up and pulled up my shirt, there was a bruise covering my entire stomach.
"Oh my god. Those jocks punch hard."
Josh said nothing, he ran downstairs and came back with an ice pack.
"I'm really okay."
Josh layed me on the bed and put the ice on my stomach. He was laying there with me, holding the ice down, my shirt was off so it felt awkward but good at the same time.
Josh looked at me for the longest time and I looked back. I wasn't sure what to do but I wanted to kiss him.
I grabbed his head and kissed his lips softly. I let go of him quickly.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" Josh cut me off and grabbed my face and kissed me. I grabbed the ice and threw it on one of the bean bags because it was in between us and I wanted to be closer to him. He leaned on me and I let out a squeal because it hurt my stomach. He got up and apologized.
"You didn't have to stop." I said with a smirk.
He laughed. "I didn't want to stop but I was hurting you."
"Screw it."
I grabbed him and layed him down on the bed. I sat on top of him and he kissed up my neck, onto my lips. I started to take of his shirt and he kissed me a bit more. I got up off of him and started unbuckling his jeans. He was smiling at me. I wanted to do something but i wanted to wait. I got under the covers with him. We were both in our boxers. His body heat felt like my home. He felt like my home. He made me feel not so depressed and anxiety filled. It was a good feeling. I felt so close to him already and I had just met him that day. It felt like love.
Josh looked at me and said
"It's been one day of meeting you and I think I've already fallen for you Tyler Joseph."
I smiled and started to cry and for the first time, it wasn't a sad cry. It was tears of joy.
I whispered "I love you" in his ear
and fell asleep.
Josh's p.o.v
"Wake up sleepy head." I whispered in Tyler's ear. He started to wake up
"I made some pancakes. Come downstairs when your dressed!" I walked down stairs and and set up a plate for Tyler. He started to walk down stairs. He was wearing a button up short sleeved shirt but it was buttoned wrong. I think he was tired.
"Babe, your buttons are in the wrong places."
I laughed at him and his eyes were half open. I started to button them correctly but got lost in the moment and kissed him. He's so cute when he's sleepy. We kissed for a moment and i finished buttoning them up. We had only known each other for a day and I had this feeling that I've known him my whole life. It just felt right. He sat down and ate his pancakes and we left the house for school. On the car ride their, Tyler had said something that put me off.
He cleared his throat "um, Josh can I ask you a question?" I grabbed his hand and held it. "Of course."
"Are we together? I mean, um, d-do you like me?" I sort of let out a giggle. "Well do you want to be together, Tyler?" He gulped. I wasn't sure if that was what he wanted so I slowly let go of his hand, now feeling awkward. I thought he liked me? Why did he kiss me last night? I was very confused.
"Well I get this weird feeling in my stomach when I'm around you and I sort of forget all of my problems with you. You make me feel happier." Tyler said
I smiled. How could I make him feel so good when he was around me? Knowing that he felt happy made me happy. I didn't know what to say.
"I think I would like to be with you for the rest of my life, if that's okay with you."
I couldn't help but cry a little bit when Tyler said that because I felt the exact same way. I pulled over and just kissed him. "It's okay with me, if it's okay with you." He smiled and I smiled and his smile was the cutest damn thing I have ever seen. His smile made him look like such a happy person.
When we got to the school he got out of the car with his hood on and his head down. So I walked over to him and took his hood off. He looked at me
"A hood is not going to protect you, I will."
I grabbed his hand and we walked into school. People had looked at us weird and I didn't give a shit but Tyler seemed very scared. But he was still holding on to me. I walked him to his first period and we stood outside the door for awhile, just holding hands because class didn't start for another ten minutes. I kissed his cheek and started to walk away but then Tyler grabbed me again.
"Oh no, the jocks. They have class with me. I can't do it Josh, please help me." he started looked really scared so I stayed their until they came.
"What so are you both now a faggot couple?" I let go of Tyler and walked straight up into his face.
"Yes actually we are, but I don't like the word faggot, could you please call us something a little more classy please?"
Tyler started laughing. I guess it was pretty funny
"Why are you laughing, bitch? I'll hit you in the face this time." Tyler immediately stopped laughing.
"Touch him and I will fuck you up." I said, knowing that he would try hitting me. He went to hit Tyler and I grabbed his fist, he elbowed me in the face and I fell. He kicked Tyler in the stomach and I got up so fast and punched him right in the nose, then on the stomach repeatedly until he fell to the ground. I didn't know I had that type of power. He punched me back in the face and I fell on the ground with him. He was on top of me, punching me in the face over an over again. Tyler was hitting him in the back, trying to get him off of me.
"Hey! What's going on here!"
The principal ran over to us. He grabbed the jock and pulled him off.
My face was very bloody. My nose was bloody, my mouth, everything hurt but Tyler looked better than me and that's what I was trying to do, save him. The jock looked even worse than me. I guess I fucked him up pretty bad. His face was bloody and his stomach was bruised a bit.
"You boys are coming with me."
The principal made us explain what happened and we had told him the truth. I had told him that my parents were out of town so he called Tyler's mom. He was terrified, he would have to tell her why the jock threw the punch and that was because we are gay and his mom is very religious. I had learned that the jocks name was George. George got expelled from the school and I was so happy because that asshole deserved it. Tyler and I both got suspended for a week. It was okay with me. more time to spend with Tyler, hopefully. The principal said that we could go clean ourselves up so we went to the bathroom. Tyler's stomach was so bruised. It wasn't even purple, it was like literally black. My poor baby. Tyler started to clean my face off, my nose had finally stopped bleeding and Tyler cleaned up the dry blood. My lip was very puffy from being hit so many times and I had a black eye.
"Thank you, for saving me. Again. I wish you didn't get so hurt. I hate seeing you in pain." I grabbed his hands. "It's my duty to make sure that you are always safe. I love you"
He hugged me. "I love you too"
We walked back to the principals office and Tyler's mom ran up to us.
"Oh my god! Let me see!" Tyler pulled up his shirt and she saw his bruised skin. She started to cry. Then she walked up to me.
"You took the beating for him?"
I nodded my head
"Thank you, thank you so much. You are welcome to my house anytime."
She grabbed me and hugged me.
I drove home and started to fall asleep, who knew fighting was so much work.

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