A big party and a big mistake

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Josh p.o.v
I walked into my room as I saw Tyler getting all dressed up for the party. He was wearing a black shirt with a flowery kimono and some black ripped jeans. God he was cute. He was wearing my black doc martens so that meant I had to wear my black converse. I sat down on the bed and watched him as he was looking at himself in the mirror, making sure every thing looked okay.
"Tyler you look beautiful." I said as I got up and hugged him from behind.
"Dammit I look so gay with this flower thing. People are gonna think I'm a gross gay dude"
I turned Tyler around and kissed his nose.
"Okay Tyler first of all: these are people that like us and people that we know so we will be fine. They won't judge you. And second of all you are gay and you look hot as fuck. So please keep it on." I said with a small smile.
"Well then can you wear your floral button up cause you look really sexy in that." I laughed at him and he gave me an anxious smile. I was planning on wearing it anyways.
"Of course." I buttoned up the shirt and put on my black jeans.
"Ready?" I said and he nodded. We got in the car and drove to Gerard's.
Tyler looked very scared to go in so I just held his hand. In my other hand was a keg of beer. We walked in and the music was very loud. There was lots of people but not too much. I put the beer in the cooler and found mark.
"Hey mark!" Me and Tyler yelled as we run and hugged him.
"Hey guys. Have fun!" He said as he walked away with Brendon.
"I'm gonna go find Gerard!" Said Tyler as he ran off into the sea of people. We weren't driving home so I could get high if i wanted. I sat next to a big group of stoners. Frank and Mikey were sitting there so I didn't feel awkward. They started to pass along a pipe. I took a hit and passed it along. There was three things being passed, a pipe, a bong, and a blunt so I guess people were really hoping to be completely stoned. It sounded nice being stoned so I grabbed the bong next and this time took two hits. Then the blunt, I took three. I started feeling very happy and giggly. I grabbed the bong and took six more hits and passed it along. I felt like I was in space. I walked around, feeling people's faces because everyone looked like chewbaca.
"Hey josh do you want a drink?"
Asked Debby as she walked up to me smiling.
"Oh Debby always so pretty. Wow you look like a. You look like a. Pretty puppy." She laughed.
"Are you high? wow Tyler is too. Your eyes are very red. Tyler took thirty two hits. Did you see him?"
I laughed into her shoulder.
"No i didn't see him but I bet he's being cute as fuck."
She grabbed me a drink from the table and handed it to me.
"Just a warning. There is a dissolved drug in there. I have no idea what it is but it fucked me up last time so I'm just warning you if you want it or not."
I grabbed it. I only processed about two of the words she had just said to me.
"Teens will be teens right?" I laughed and gulped it.
I sat down and looked up at the ceiling. Everything started to look like a rainbow Galaxy. Or was it a rainbow Galaxy. It felt amazing. Tyler dragged me by the arm and dragged me to a bedroom.
Tyler p.o.v
Man was I high. The only thing I kept thinking about was Josh. And milkshakes. Man a milkshake sounded so good.
"Someone make me, Tyler Joseph, a milkshake because I need a milkshake."
Gerard grabbed my arm and made me a milkshake.
"Here ya go buddy." He said as he handed it to me. "you are really baked aren't you." I laughed and coughed out some of the milkshake.
"Like a cake." We both sat there and laughed for a second and I grabbed my milkshake and went to look for Josh. But then I started to not feel good so I went into Gerard's bedroom to lay down. I walked in and there it was. I saw him. Josh was in there kissing some random ass guy. I saw his hair at least. I slowly shut the door. Did he not see me? What was going on. Maybe it wasn't Josh. I was probably just really high. I walked away and sat on the couch. Drinking my milkshake quietly.
"Hey there buddy." Gerard said. My face was blank. I was still thinking about Josh. Was that him? Or was I going crazy?
"Hello? Earth to Tyler?"
I handed him my milkshake and went back into the room to see if it was him. And that's when I could really see him. "Oh Tyler babe it feels so good."
He was butt fucking another man. What the fuck. Why was he screaming my name. That definitely was not me on my hands and knees. I didn't even know who it was. I went inside closed the door and smacked him right in the face.
"Tyler?" He questioned. he looked at me and and then back at the man who he still had his dick in.
"Why is there two of you?" He asked me and I just smacked him again. Harder this time. He got up and grabbed me. The man looked embarrassed.
"What the fuck Josh. Do you do this all the time? I thought I meant something to you?" I was crying now. Screaming at him. I ran out and he tried to grab me but I pulled away.
Tears were streaming down my face when I bumped into frank.
"Give me the hardest liquor you have." I said and he poured me four shots. I took each one, crying in pain.
"More." I said as I could feel myself getting dizzy already. He poured me one more shot and I took it with no trouble. I tried to find an empty room. I was hiding from Josh and that alcohol also gave me a pounding migraine. I can't believe I just saw Josh fucking someone else. I found Mikey's bedroom and laid on the bed, crying. A knock came at the door and Brendon walked in.
"Tyler? You okay? I saw you come in here, crying and I thought you needed some comforting."
I nodded my head and started to cry on his chest.
"What happened Hun?"
I was still very dizzy and I couldn't get all my words out.
"Josh. Fucking. Not me."
He looked at me and brought me into a hug.
"Josh cheated on you?"
I nodded my head.
"Wow. What an ass. If it makes you feel any better, my girlfriend just broke up with me."
But that didn't at all make me feel better and I was sort of not listening. He grabbed the bottle of vodka he brought in and took a huge gulp.
"I guess I'll just get drunk with you." He downed the whole bottle in a good 5 minutes and just laid down on the bed.
"Im gonna fuck you now." I said. As I got up. Taking off his shirt.
"Tyler" he said but nothing else came out. He wanted me and I needed him. I wanted to get back at Josh for fucking someone else. I viciously pulled off his pants and boxers. I started to pump. He bucked his hips. I knew he would like this. My tears were gone and I was full of anger. I was going to fuck him good. I put his hard member in my mouth and sucked until he came in my mouth. I swallowed and turned him around. He was on his knees. Just like that boy I saw Josh doing. I ripped off my pants and slowly put the tip in.
He squealed a little.
"I'm gonna fuck you good now." I whispered in his ear seductively. I put my whole dick in and he moaned
"Oh my" he said loudly.
I grabbed his hips and started rocking my body back and forth slowly. We both moaned. This felt so wrong but I didn't care. I started to go faster. And faster.
"H-harder." He told me and I listened. I fucked him until I came all in his ass. I pulled out and grabbed a tissue. I cleaned myself off and kissed him. He pinned me down and started leaving a trail of hickeys down my stomach. I put my cloths back on and stood up. Now feeling dizzy again, I headed for the door but didn't quite make it. I hit the floor and blacked out.
Author note
Sorry I've never written smut before so all the smut I wrote isn't very good. Also it actually wasn't my intention to put smut in this fan doc but a few people requested it so here's my awful smut. I probably won't do it again. But whatevs bye bye

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