Stressed out

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Josh's p.o.v
I had left furious. I wanted to kill Tyler's father. Seeing Tyler like that was the worst thing I could ever see. I wish I had found Tyler earlier so that I could save him from all of that shit. But I'm going to find his dad and I'm going to get him arrested. I walked to the nearest police officer in the hospital.
"Excuse me sir?" The police officer turned and looked at me.
"What can I do for ya sir?" He said very energetically which is what I really wasn't in the mood for.
"Well my boyfriend came to the hospital because he was shot. And he just woke up. So.. well he told me who the shooter was." The officers full attention went to me. He wasn't so energetic anymore, he was very serious.
"Well can you tell me who it was then, son?" He got out his walkie talkie thing and was waiting for me to answer him.
"It was his father, his name is Chris Joseph." The cop nodded his head and started talking into the walkie talkie.
"Hello. Yes would you please look up Chris Joseph on profile please?"
The person on the walkie talkie said something back but I couldn't quite hear what he said.
"Okay well my partner says that he looked up his profile. He was arrested and he broke out. I'm going to go get his papers so that I could read his charges. I will meet you in your guys' hospital room. I'm going to need to talk to your boyfriend myself. I need to hear the facts. I'll be there in as short as fifteen minutes."
I gave him the hospital room number and walked back to the room.
"Hey Tyler. So i told the police. They are going to come talk to us. Hopefully court won't be a huge hassle. I wish you had cameras in your room so that we had proof." I laughed a little but Tyler didn't look so good.
"I hope it's quick because I'm tired."
I got up and laid in Tyler's hospital bed with him and cuddled him.
"Why are you wearing a jacket? It's warm in here." Tyler looked at me weird and I didn't know why.
"You know I'm always cold babe."
I went along with it because he is always cold but it still didn't seem right. I sighed.
"Can I use your restroom baby?" I hadn't peed in like eight hours.
Tyler sat up quick.
"No!" He said really fast. I sat back down. Why was he acting so suspicious? Something felt wrong. I didn't listen to Tyler and opened the door to the bathroom. Glass was shattered all over the ground. One piece was bloody. I instantly new what this was. It hit me like a truck. He hurt himself again. He was doing so good too. I couldn't help myself from crying.
"Tyler why. No...."
I couldn't finish any sentences. I was crying too much. I was sitting down with my head on his lap. I was crying so hard. He was crying too.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just wanted to feel pain. I needed to feel pain."
He was telling me in between sobs.
I pulled up his sleeve and in huge letters, his arm spelt out GONER. The song he was singing when I first met him. I hated seeing him in so much pain..
"Tyler you can't do this anymore. I can't lose you. I need you. You need me." I was crying even harder.
"I didn't want to kill myself. I want to stay. I just felt the hunger for pain."
When I heard him say that, it made me cry more. He thinks he deserves punishments.
I started to hear a knock on the door.
"One minute!" I yelled
I kissed Tyler. I couldn't lose him I wanted him to feel okay. I pulled his sleeve down and tried my best to stop crying.
"Come in." Two police officers came in.
"Hello is this Tyler Joseph's room?" Tyler let out a quiet "yes" and they sat down in two chairs next to him. I was standing next to Tyler on the other side.
"We just found all of the information on your fathers last charges."
They kept talking about it and they were asking Tyler what exactly happened the night he was shot. I couldn't really focus anymore because my attention was still on his arm. He had yet again let Blurryface in... I couldn't stop thinking about it. I don't want him to feel like that. Tyler is a good person and he deserves so much. He deserves a soul mate, a family, supporting people, friends. He deserves everything because he is special. I wish he could see that. He's an amazing singer, writer, ukulele player, piano player and on and on. He can do anything he sets his mind to and he doesn't see that. I want to save him.
I sat there in silence as Tyler was talking to the police. My eyes were closed. I couldn't stop thinking. I was feeling Blurryface. I felt how Tyler feels. I understood. I hated it.
"Get it out of my head!" I yelled and everyone turned their attention towards me. I hadn't realized that I said that out loud.
"Are you okay son?" One of the men asked
"Yes. I just need to use the restroom."
I walked out of the room. I wanted to use the public one and not the one in Tyler's room because I couldn't stand being in that room again. I got to the bathroom and started to splash cold water in my face. I had so many thoughts. It was killing me. I sat down in the corner of the bathroom with my knees up to my chest. I wasn't sure what I was feeling. I have been depressed but not like this, not like Tyler. I started to cry. I didn't want to lose Tyler. My life was taking a good turn besides Tyler getting shot. Me and Tyler had been together for about 6 months now. Our parents new. well I don't know if Tyler's dad knows obviously. Tyler and I were having a good relationship, a good life together. Then he broke and then I started to feel myself break. We need to keep each other strong. I got up and walked back to the room. The police men were starting to walk out.
"Hello Josh. We just finished speaking with Tyler. May we talk to you about what you saw? It would just be better for the investigation." I could feel myself infuriating
"Are you saying you don't believe him?" I yelled and they were silently looking at me.
"He told you that his dad abused him and his mom. He was in jail. He obviously shot him. Tyler wouldn't lie. Tyler knows who shot him."
The guards were trying to hold me down because I was getting very close to them now.
"We know sir, we just need all the facts if you want to win the case." I nodded, now starting to settle down. I sat down on the bench next to them and explained
"I was in the shower and I came out, Tyler was bleeding and I heard a door slam. "
"So you heard them in the house still? why didn't you go look?" I got up again. Now even more angry.
"I was trying to fucking save my boyfriend. I didn't know if he was going to bleed out. I was holding a towel to his bloody stomach. I carried him downstairs for the ambulance. I didn't have time to go fucking look at who it was."
"Okay sir we understand. Please sit down. We are going to put this information in the records. I need your number so I can keep in contact if you will have a case or not." I nodded and gave him my phone number. Then I went back into the room and we both fell asleep instantly.
It has been a week since Tyler got shot. He's home now and I'm keeping an extra eye on him. He's been very depressed lately. And so have I. Which is bad because I'm supposed to help Tyler but I can't do that when I can't even help myself. I'm just so stressed out right now. Tyler's trial with his dad was in just three days and we have to win. If we don't, I don't think Tyler will ever feel safe.

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