Winter break

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Tyler's p.o.v
It was December now and Christmas was in two weeks. Me and Josh have been together now for three months. It was Christmas break and I was super excited. Me and Josh set up a huge list of things we want to do during break. Here's the list:
Tyler and Josh's activity list...
1. Cuddle & watch movies
2. Kiss in the snow
3. Drink hot cocoa with jumbo marshmallows
4. Make Josh wear a red beanie so that we can take cute pictures.
5. Wear ugly Christmas sweaters
6. Kiss under mistletoe
7. Have a fun Christmas party
8. Get our semester grades (hopefully good grades but we were both absent a lot)
9. Hang with our tumblr friends
10. Go ice skating even though we suck
11. Cuddle some more
12. Eat at a really nice restaurant
13. Go to a really nice hotel in a different city and do whatever we want for three days inside of it
14. Write some more songs
15. Put some more of our music together.
16. Have Josh play drums to go with my singing and stuff so that we can make an album even though no one knows us.
17. Recite my poetry at a coffee house
18. Cuddle
19. Hang out with our moms together
20. Cuddle and kissing
I would say that me and Josh had very good ideas for our "winter break list".
I taped the paper to Josh's fridge and went into his room and sat on his lap.
"Can we start our list pleaseee"
I said in a very childish voice so that he would be annoyed and say yes.
"Yes baby. What do you want to do?" He asked me
"Um I don't know. Do you want to go out or stay in?"
He shrugged his shoulders "Up to you."
"Let's cuddle and drink hot chocolate with big marshmallows!" I said as I dragged him down stairs.
"What do you want to watch?" Josh yelled as he was getting DVDs from the living room. I stated to make the hot cocoa.
"Perks of being a wallflower! And then we can have a walking dead marathon!" I yelled back, excitedly.
A whole day cuddling and watching movies. This was going to be a great break.
"I started the movie!" Josh yelled from upstairs. He got up there quick wow.
I grabbed the hot chocolate and went upstairs. I also had some strawberries.
Perks of being a wallflower is my favorite movie and book because I relate to Charlie (the main character) so much. Me and Josh cried and made out a few times during the movie. We finished our cocoa and I just laid on his chest. I loved my boyfriends warmth. I got up and grabbed his sweatshirt and put it on. I loved his hoodies
"It smells like you." I said happily and laid back on top of him. He laughed and kissed my cheek. I gave him a few hickeys during the movie and we had like three make out sessions. It was perfect. I loved Josh's house because his mom was always at work so it wasn't awkward for me to kiss Josh for like two hours straight. The movie ended and we put on the walking dead. We watched like two or three episodes but then I started to fall asleep.
Josh's p.o.v
"Tyler?" I said as he was latched onto my chest. I looked at him and his eyes were closed. Of course he fell asleep. He is so freakin cute when he falls asleep. I brushed through his hair for a good thirty minutes and then got up because I needed water. When I started to get up Tyler grabbed me and pulled me back down.
"Woah Tyler."
"Don't move. I'm comfy and your warm. And I just want to cuddle." He said with his eyes still closed but he had a smile on his face.
"Fine." I said with a smile. "How could I say no to that face?"
I laid back down and we cuddled some more. Then I started to fall asleep.
I woke up to Tyler on top of me. He was kissing my neck. He's so weird but cute. He started to take off my shirt and he was kissing my chest. I kept my eyes closed because it was very peaceful but then Tyler brushed over my dick and it felt very good so I opened my eyes and let out a small squeal. I could feel myself getting harder. Just feeling Tyler on top of me turned me on.
"Joshua William Dun, do you have a boner?" He said with a big grin. I laughed and nodded my head. He started pulling off my pants and I was getting impatient. I started to take off his pants to make it faster but he stopped me.
"Woah there. You seem eager." He said biting his lip. God his lip bite was so hot. He could tell I really couldn't wait so he took off my pants quicker and grabbed my hard member. He put it in his mouth and started slow. Then went a little faster. And faster. My hips were bucking up. It felt so good. I started to moan. "Oh-oh my god. Tyler" he finally let go when he realized I was at my climax. He laid next to me and we were both breathing heavily, but I wanted more. I wanted Tyler to feel good. I flipped my body around onto Tyler and he was smiling. I ripped off his pants and started to put my member inside of him. He was biting his lip. I stopped. "Do you want this?" I said smiling at him. "please Josh." he said back, he seemed very eager just like I did. I stuck it in and started to rock my hips back and forth. He was moaning very loud and I was too.
"J-Josh. Don't stop" he yelled
I kept going and then we were both done. I laid back down next to him and he kissed me. We were both out of breath. We looked at each other and I just couldn't stop looking. He grabbed my hand and I grabbed his. We were both in a moment of silence, just falling more and more in love with each other.
"Ring ring ring ring" my phone started ringing. Tyler let go of my hand and grabbed my phone and handed it to me. "It's mark" he said
Mark was a friend we had met a few weeks before winter break. We met him on tumblr. He's really awesome.
"Hello?" I said
"Hey Josh! I'm having a party tonight! It's Gerard's house. But it was my idea. Brendon, Debby and Jenna are going to be there!"
It seemed so fun. I hope Tyler wants to go!
"What time?"
"9 o'clock. You guys can stay the night too if you want but Brendon said no doing the dirty in front of him!" I laughed, it was an inside joke.
"Okay! I'm sure we will be there!"
I hung up and dropped my phone on the bed.
"What did mark want?" Tyler asked, wrapping his arms around me.
"The group is having a party tonight and he wanted to know if we could go."
Tyler jumped up.
"That seems like so much fun!"
He said excitedly.
Author note: sorry there was a bit of smut in there and I'm not very good at it. Also prepare for feels. I JUST REALIZED I HAVE 237 READS WOW THANK YOU :) okay bye bye

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