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Josh's p.o.v
"Josh Josh Josh!!!!" Tyler screams in my ear. I put the pillow on my head to block out his voice. I'm so tired.
I hit Tyler with the pillow to make him shut up. He's cute but annoying.
"Wow. Rude. Josh dun, you are not sick as frick." I spring up and tackle him on the bed.
"I am sick as frick!" He laughs and kisses me. The kiss starts to get deeper and Tyler pulls away.
"Awww why'd you pull away?"
"Because I want food and I want to do something with my life for once."
I laugh. We really normally do nothing accept cuddle, eat food, and watch the walking dead.
"Fine. What do you want to do, my bean boy?" He smiles at me and takes off his shirt.
"Let's go to the beach!!!" I laugh. "Alright. But we are getting Taco Bell on the way there!"
He puts on sunglasses and runs into the bathroom to get his bathing suit
"Yayyyyyyyyy!!" He yells from the bathroom. God he's so cute. I put on my bathing suit, an MCR shirt, and some sunglasses. I walk out of the room. And Tyler jumps on my back.
"Take me down the stairs!"
I run down the stairs with him on my back and put him down.
"Okay. I'm going to get my wallet and keys. You get towels, a beach blanket and some sunblock."
He nods and runs into the closet.
We get all the stuff and start driving.
Tyler p.o.v
I'm so excited. Me and Josh are going to the beach. Well it's actually a lake but we are calling it a beach. We haven't been out of the house lately. But we have been practicing. We thought of forming a band like in the beginning of the year but a bunch of stuff happened so we never got to put our name around. Only our small group of friends new and some kids at school that we don't talk to anymore because we are graduated and schools over woooooo. My mom wanted me to go to college but I told her that id rather play piano. She was very upset but very very happy for me at the same time. My mom loves when I play the piano but she hates when I sing because she says its "scary" when I scream. Oh well. Josh and I are going to start trying to play for people. I don't know how but we will.
Author note- sorry this was kind of a filler to show you that they will start booking concerts soon yay! Okay also this almost has 500 reads, thank you so much ilysm

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