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Tyler's p.o.v
After a couple of weeks being with Josh I knew I had to tell me mom the truth.
I was driving home with my mom. I had to tell her how much Josh meant to me and why this happened. I can't live a lie. We went inside and sat down on the couch.
"Mom, I need to tell you something very important."
She nodded her head, she was listening very clearly.
"Mom I um I I I'm dating Josh."
She got up so fast.
"Tyler! you are committing a sin!"
"Mom, he makes me not so depressed, isn't that what you want?"
She looked at me and smacked me.
"I can't believe you are still standing here. Go in your room."
I burst in tears and ran upstairs. My mother had never hit me before. Blurryface was coming back in my head again. I texted Josh
"Josh please answer, Blurryface is coming back and the world is getting Darker and I can't breathe." -Tyler
30 minutes later he still didn't reply to my voicemail.
So I went into the shower and cried. I got out and grabbed a big bottle of anti-depressants and swallowed every pill at once. I heard my phone but could barely get up to reach it.
"Hello" I said quietly
"Tyler, are you okay? What's going on. You sound sick. I'm coming over."
I was scared my mom would hit him.
I started to see blurred lines.
Memories were starting to fade and all I could think about was shaking hands with the dark parts of my thoughts.
I heard a banging and I then I saw shadows.
Josh p.o.v
"Tyler open the door!" I was banging it, kicking it. The door was locked, I couldn't get in. I started crying "Tyler!"
I looked in his room, there was a key on his bookshelf. I grabbed it and opened the door as fast I could. He was on the ground. His eyes were staring at nothing but he was still breathing. I lifted him up and stuck my hand down his mouth, he threw up the pills. He started coughing and then fell back down. I started crying, I thought he was dead but he had just passed out by the trauma. I grabbed him and put him in his bed. His mother was crying.
"This was all my fault. I hit him. I didn't mean to but I hit him." She said
She was crying even harder now and I hugged her.
"Thank you for saving him. Thank you."
"Of course." We were both crying that for awhile and she let me stay the night. She set me up a place on the couch and made me a warm coffee.
"I can't believe I hit him. I feel like the worst mom ever." I just sat there awkwardly and said nothing because yeah she did a pretty awful thing, especially when you know your kid is like Tyler.
"I should have just accepted you and Tyler. I'm sorry. I understand now. I shouldn't have-"
I just hugged her. "It's okay."
She went upstairs and went to bed and I laid down on the couch. I couldn't sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about Tyler. so I tip-toed to his bedroom at 3:45 in the morning and he was awake.
"Josh?" He whispered
"Yes baby. I'm here."
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry." He was crying
"Don't apologize baby, I'm just happy you are here with me. Please never do that again." I looked at his arm. There was no scars. I was glad that he had kept my promise but still overwhelmed about what had happened tonight. I fell asleep on the floor by his bed.
Josh p.o.v.
Tyler's mom had went to work really early and didn't really care that I had fell asleep in his room. I walked downstairs to make Tyler some toast or something. There was a note on the fridge from his mom.
It read
Good morning, I've left you guys $100 to get some dinner tonight and lunch the next day. I'm going on a business trip this weekend, Tyler knows this but I figured he wouldn't be awake for awhile. Do you think you can stay tonight again. I won't be home until later. I will be back on Sunday afternoon. Thank you Josh, this means a lot that you are helping. Love you Tyler! -Kelly
I walked upstairs with toast and some apple juice. It was already 11 o'clock.
"Morning sleepy head." I kissed Tyler's forehead and set the food on his desk. Next to his bed. I went into the living room and started playing Mario kart.
"Good morning" Tyler said with a yawn. He came and sit on my lap and stole the controller and made me crash. It was my high score too.
I laughed because he was so awkward and cute.
"You made me die " and then we both laughed
"Your such a nerd." Said Tyler and I laughed because it was really true.
I grabbed his head and kissed him. It felt like the right moment. I slowly took off his shirt and kissed from his neck to his hip bone. I could feel his heart beat. He took my shirt off and I started to take off his pants. Tyler rolled his body on top of mine and kissed me. He was playing a little rough. It was so hot. I've never seen him like that. He bit my lip and sucked on my neck. We were just laying like that for awhile and then he took off my pants. We cuddled with no cloths and then he said something
"I want to write a song now. I can't let the flow go away." He got up and I just laughed because I thought he was nervous. He ran downstairs in his basement and pulled out a keyboard.
"He's the tear in my heart, I'm alive. He's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire. He's a butcher with a smile, cut me farther than I've ever been."
He looked so cute. Was that song about me? I started tearing up a bit.
"Did you like it? It's obviously not finished but it was like one line. I think I have the whole song in my head already!" He seemed so happy
"Of course I like it!" I kissed him and he was still in his boxers. We were sitting at the piano when it happened.
Tyler's pov
"Josh?" I looked at Josh. He looked so cute. We were laying on the floor next to the piano.
"Yes?" He looked at me. He was biting his lip. He was so cute. oh my.
I rolled on top of him and kissed his soft lips.
"That was amazing."
he smiled at me and I stole his hat.
"Yeah it was." We both started to giggle. Josh got up and put on his cloths. So then I got up and put on my cloths. Josh took out drum sticks and started tapping on the piano. I smiled. "So are you like super good at drums?"
"I guess. I have none. I used to play them at my friends but we aren't friends anymore.. I just. I don't know. I really like to play but my parents just won't. Ugh"
I shushed him, "it's okay baby."
I kissed him and he just melted into my lap. I started to brush through his hair. we just sat like that for a while.
I got up and ran upstairs. I totally forgot that I had a drum set that my dad gave me before he left us.
I set it up and I realized that the symbols were missing. I grabbed Josh's keys and ran out.
"Josh I'll be right back! Don't go upstairs!"
I ran out of the house, started his car and drove to the music store.
"Hey Ron. I need some Symbols for a drumset."
He went in the back of the store and put them in the bag.
"So your playing drums now Tyler?"
I laughed
"No they are for Josh."
He laughed and said in a sarcastic tone
"What are you gonna start a band?"
"Yeah maybe we will."
I payed him and walked out. I drove home, set up the drums and put Taco Bell on the table next to it.
"Joshhhhh. You can come upstairs!"
I ran down in the basement and pulled him up the stairs.
"Look what I got ya!" I said super excitedly.
"Tyler, you. Oh my god. I love you so much."
He grabbed me and kissed me. I was so relieved that he liked it. We were kissing for awhile. It was so nice. I could already tell how far I was falling for Joshua dun.
"I love you too. now play me something!"
Josh got up and started playing a beat. It sounded really good. It sounded like it could go with 'Tear in my Heart'.
I grabbed my keyboard from my room and started playing. It actually sounded really good.
"Tyler we should start a band! We should really really start a band."
He yelled over my singing, still playing the drums. he looked so happy. I smiled at him and nodded my head. "Of course I want to! We've talked about it before!"
We stopped playing and started laying on the couch.
"Tyler giving me these is honestly the best thing ever. Your just the best person ever. How did I get you?"
I shushed him
"I guess your just lucky to have me"
We both giggled
"Josh you make me the happiest person ever." He just smiled at me and I wasn't lying. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. I never wanted to lose him. I realized that I've never been this happy in my entire life. I wanted to be his forever.
"Josh can we watch a movie and cuddle pleaseeeeeeeee?"
"Of course" he said with a smile. We went into my room and layed in my bed. We cuddled for hours and I finally fell asleep in his arms.
Josh pov
"Tyler?" I looked at him. He fell asleep. This always happens. He looked so cute asleep. I got up and out more blankets on him. It was very cold. I looked at my phone. I didn't realize it was Sunday. School was tomorrow. I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay here all day. For some reason Im not feeling myself. I didn't know why. Tyler had just got me drums and we were cuddling. Something felt wrong. I don't know what. I just decided to fall asleep next to him. Tyler seemed very happy which was good. I had a sick feeling in my stomach. Like something was wrong with Tyler so I got up and looked in his cupboards. No blades, no pills. I looked at his arms, clean. I didn't know why I felt so weird. I just got up and decided to shower instead. Maybe that would make me feel a little better. I started to wash my hair when I heard a very loud bang. I got scared so I grabbed a towel and got out. I went into Tyler's room and saw him still laying down. But he didn't look asleep.
"Josh" he said in a faint voice
"Are you okay?" I started walking closer and there was blood all over the blankets. What the hell happened. I started hyperventilating a little bit.
"Tyler! What happened. I"
I took off the blanket. And their was a gunshot in his stomach near his bruise. Then I heard a door slam.
"Oh my god. Oh my god. Who just shot you. Tyler please stay with me. I'm going to kill me however the fuck did this to you."
I was holding a shirt from the ground on his stomach and dialed 911. I could barely talk to the police officer because I was sobbing so much.
"Hello please come help me. My boyfriend just got shot. I don't know what happened please just come help."
Finally the ambulance showed up and I had already carried him down the stairs so that it would be quicker.
"Tyler please don't leave me like this."
I was crying so hard. His mom wasn't even home. I didn't know when to tell her. I didn't even know her phone number. Or work phone. I was freaking out inside the ambulance. We got to the hospital and they hooked him up to a machine. He was still breathing.
"Please don't tell me he's going to die"
I said to the nurse
"Well honey. They need to get the bullet out. You need to leave this room now." They rushed me out but I didn't want to leave.
"He's my boyfriend! He's all I have. I can't loose him." I was screaming at the doctors and they kicked me out of the room.
"If you don't behave yourself we are going to have to kick you out of the hospital." Said a woman with short hair. She was blonde and she had blue eyes. Her name tag said Jenna.
"I'm sorry. He's just the love of my life. I can't loose him."
"I'm Jenna, I'm here to comfort you while you have to wait out here. I know it's awful and I'm very sorry. But I'm going to try and calm you down while he's getting fixed up in there."
I started crying on this nurse. We both didn't say anything. I cried for about two hours on her shoulder and she just let me.
"Joshua dun?" I turned my head. It was the doctor. I stood up and rushed towards him.
"Is he going to be okay?"
"He's very lucky. His rib cage was very bruised and the bullet went into the rib cage. He's breathing. He will be awake in an hour or two. I suggest that he stays here for two more days and then he can go home."
I started crying in relief.
"Thank you for saving him." I hugged him and I'm pretty sure he felt uncomfortable but I hugged him anyways.
"Do you know why his whole stomach was bruised?" The doctor asked me.
"Some boys at school hit him a bunch of times. It was three weeks ago but they were very big guys and he's very tiny."
He nodded "Well then he had luck. Maybe you were his luck charm. You can go in now if you would like."
I thanked him and I thanked Jenna for comforting me for those two hours.
I walked inside and sat next to Tyler.
"Hey babe. You made it. You fought threw. I honestly wouldn't be able to live if you had passed. I love you so much." I knew he couldn't hear me but it felt right to say.
"I'm going to find the asshole that tried to kill you."
I was no longer sad or scared. I was angry and I wanted to get revenge on the man that tried killing him. I would find him. I knew I would.
I grabbed Tyler's hand and fell asleep next to him.

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