"Hello, I'm Tyler Joseph."

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Tyler's p.o.v
"No Tyler. You didn't fuck up it was all me and I'm sorry." Josh pleaded. My guilt was growing and I could feel my stomach doing flips.
"Josh you don't understand. I fucked up too."
He lifted his head and looked at me, with a questioning look.
"What do you mean?"
My anxiety was higher than ever and I felt very bad. We both fucked up.
"Josh. I um. I. I did it with Brendon because I was hurt and angry and I'm sorry. I didn't know you were under the influence of drugs. I should have never done it. I'm so sorry."
We both started crying.
"Tyler. It's my fault. I cheated and you were hurt. So you wanted to get back at me. I understand..." He said quietly. He looked hurt and I felt so god damn guilty.
"No god I'm sorry Josh." I said quietly.
"I shouldn't have taken a crazy drug that I didn't even know the side affects and I shouldn't have smoked. It's my fault. I fucked up. Let's keep an eye on each other next time we go to a party. Please?" He said
I nodded my head and sat in silence.
"Well is there going to be a next time. I understand if you don't want me-"
I cut him off with a small kiss.
"You can't get rid of me that easy."
He smiled at me.
"I love you so much. Can we please start over?" He asked and I nodded.
"Hello, I'm Tyler Joseph."
He laughed at me
"Okay let's not start that far before!" We both laughed and I laid on his warm chest. God I love him so much.

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