𝐢𝐢. 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐨𝐧

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"This is the 2020 KBFC Rookie of the Year Tournament. The arena should be filled with cheering fans showing their support but due to the covid19 pandemic, it's being held without any spectators. The atmosphere feels gloomy" the commentator announced as the other chipped in eagerly. "Yeah. The tournament normally has a lot of cheering for everyone involved but things are quiet right now".

Seon-woo cheered as she and coach grinned as Geon-woo won another round. His hooks being a pure weapon alongside his precision and dedication. She handed him a towel as they watched from the side as another two boxers got into the ring for the knockout rounds.

She passed him a water bottle, his eyes glued to the ring while coach rubbed his shoulders.

"That Hong Woo-jin is going to be a problem" she scoffed as she watched him knock down another opponent, advancing him forwards. "He's probably going to be in the finals meaning you-" she said as she glanced down at her brother "need to be even more alert. He's cocky, too cocky "she said as he started taunting his opponent, even going as far as to dance. "He's a marine, and that's his motivation. But you are too, he just doesn't know it" she smiled lightly.

"The finals are next. He has a pattern. While your signature is your power and strength, his is agility. But it doesn't mean he's not strong. "She rounded in front of him, her hands on his shoulder as they announced the two boxers to the ring. "Use his cockiness to your advantage, he's easily distracted. You've got this. You can win it" she assured, patting his shoulder, his coach giving him a few more pointers as they lead Geon-woo down to the ring, hyping him up.

Seon-woo gave him one last nod before he hopped into the ring, her heart in her throat as she and coach stood by ringside.

"Kim Geon-woo versus Hong Woo-jin. Let's find out who takes home the trophy"!

"He's going to be fine" coach assured as he saw her uneasy expression while the two boxers broke to their corners.

"I know" she said her eyes glued to her brother. " he's fighting for something bigger than himself. He'll win. I know he will".

Seon-woo held her breath as they circled the ring. The two going back and forth, ducking and swerving until Geon-woo was sent to the ropes, blocking the attack leaving Woo-jin's side open allowing for him to send a hook to his side and deliver an uppercut breaking them apart.

Seon-woo bit back a yell when Woo-jin delivered blow after blow to Geon-woo. Coach yelled when suddenly Geon-woo broke out from the attacks and connected a left hook to his liver. The breath escaped her as Woo-jin stumbled back, deep breaths leaving him as he crashed to his knees. The commentators going crazy. Seon-woo sent her brother a thumbs up as Woo-jin recovered, staggering to his feet with a crazed look in his eyes.

He started taunting Geon-woo, sparking annoyance in her. She could tell her brother felt the same. Seon-woo grinned when he suddenly lurched forward, swerving left and right catching Woojin off guard before he was stunned with a left hook to the same spot, sending him careening to ground.

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