𝐯𝐢. 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

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Seon-woo winced at the harsh light that seeped through the open curtains. Grumbling, she bit down on her lip, a soft pounding in her head as she lifted the jacket that was sprawled over shoulders and sat up from the couch, rubbing her eyes. She noted the unfamiliar room, a strange contrast not entirely sure when they had arrived or even, where her brother and Woo-jin were in the first place. Glancing at the room she remembered bits and pieces after she awoke for a bit in the car, vaguely aware of Min-beom offering them his house which they spent the night.

Seon-woo yawned unceremoniously, stretching as the jacket fell to her lap, her vision was still blurred with sleep as she stood up, shrugging the jacket on which she later learnt had belonged to Woo-jin and made her way to the kitchen.

"Morning "Geon-woo greeted her as she gave him a small smile.

"Did you sleep well?" Woo-jin asked as she nodded slowly, returning his smile as they ushered her to the pot of ramyeon they had conjured up.

"Why don't you cook when we're at the apartment " she said, raising her brow as she clutched the jacket tighter, the two looking away as she scoffed bemused before they spotted Min-beom in the doorway.

"What's going on" he said, his eye straining, hair ruffled and half his shirt unbuttoned.

"You brought us to your place last night to continue drinking" Geon-woo said as he nodded, sighing as he shut his eyes briefly as Woo-jin motioned him to the table to eat. "Geon-ho? Geon-woo?" Min-beom tried to remember as the boy just smiled, Woo-jin brushing past Seon-woo as he gave her a bright grin, his hand brushing her back in a fleeting featherlike touch as she felt her stomach churn as he went to wake Gang-yong.

''What's the plan again?" Min-beom asked

"Gang- yong is going to bring a computer expert from the police agency. That person will hack Kim's phone, then burn the hard drives in the safe. We'll do it on Friday when Kim Myeong-gil comes to Lil Group to sign the contract "Geon-woo replied as Woo-jin led a stumbling Gang yong into the dining room.

"Who decided that?" Min-beom frowned as Geon-woo looked at him. "You did"

"Right of course it's me, let's eat" he said as they all took a seat. Geon-woo lifting the lid as a stream of steam wafted into the air sending satisfactory noises across the table.

Dishing in, Seon-woo hummed as she gave them a thumbs up, the five of them happily eating as she glanced up when she saw Woo-jin place a piece of kimchi into her bowl. Her recollection of the previous night was a blurry snapshot, she couldn't remember in detail what happened between her and Woo-jin but rather she felt it. Something in the air had shifted that night between them, an intimate understanding between the two. 

His eyes softened and Seon-woo couldn't help the way her lips lifted into a gentle smile, her heart fluttering as Min-beom and Gang-yong complimented them for the food. 

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