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Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading Knockout and hopefully loving Seon-woo and re falling in love with Woo-jin and Geon-woo.

This drama had me whipped or mainly the fact Lee Sang Yi and I are locked in

I couldn't contain myself. I hope I did it justice. Honestly it started as a means for me to get my delulu out but seeing everyone enjoying it and reading your comments I'm so glad I decided to put it out there.

My characters mean the world to me and Seon-woo is no different. Thanks for reading, commenting and even voting. You all are stars.💕

Now an explanation as to why Seon-Woo and Woo-jin's relationship was left till the very end.

If you're curious as to why I left their romance till the end here is my reasoning. Throughout the book they had constant banter and flirting, the reason they didn't openly engage in romantic interaction was because, in simple words, Seon-woo was not ready to take that step.

Seon-woo as a character had been very independent romantic and personality wise. She only ever cared about her family, so when she was thrust into this new world that was out to kill her family and friends. She was so preoccupied with that, pursuing a relationship with Woo-jin wasn't at the top of her agenda.

Simply speaking, Seon-woo was heavily family orientated so when Geon-woo and her mother were in danger.  Nothing else mattered, and sadly that included Woo-jin.

I also made their relationship very intimate. Seon-woo and Woo-jin had a level of intimacy and understanding with each other that didn't require for them to be making out. They got close, numerous times but Woo-jin held back because he knew Seon-woo needed time. They were always there for each other when needed.

Poor girl had so much shit on her plate.

I wanted to build a connection that was deeper than something only physical. (not that it's wrong). Woo-jin was willing to wait by her side and Seon-woo appreciated that. They showed their affection through simple gestures and that progressed to the end of the novel.

It was a slow burn I'd admit. But their love was so pure that's why their first kiss was written in the epilogue when they had both accomplished their dreams with their careers and each other.

But I threw in their first kiss after as compensation for robbing you all book. :)

Their type of love required more time and considering the show (plot wise) took place in a approximately a year with so much happening in between. I wanted it to be real and not overshadow their struggles.

I hope that clarifies why it took so long. And I'm sorry to everyone who wanted them to kiss before hand. I hope you can understand😭🫶

But anyway, thanks again sm for reading please do check out my other works as well.

Fine Line | K. YH (Sweet Home)
Ringside | K. GW (Bloodhounds)
Lítost | B.B ( TFATWS)
Phoenix trilogy | D.G (Titans)

See you in the next one


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